Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 802 Let me give you some living expenses first!

Chapter 802 Let me give you some living expenses first!

Ji Feiyun bit the chicken paw, "Fourth brother, how is your salt-braised chicken business?"

She secretly observed that although the house was small, it was very clean. There were no smelly socks or underwear, only water glasses and toothbrushes, and there were no women's things in the closet or on the balcony.The fourth layer was still stable, not as loose as she had imagined.

The fourth didn't know what he was thinking. "It's good. It's more profitable than work." Although the craftsmanship is not as good as that of Nan Yongpeng, at least he didn't work less in those few years, and he can barely be regarded as a professional.He said: "I don't have time to set up a stall, wholesale to the mall where I used to work part-time, and then sell a few in the vegetable market, and run as much as possible during this time.

Four people worked hard, and a table of food was prepared in no time.Ji Feilong opened three bottles of beer and gave his sister Coke.

Ji Feiyun likes to drink.A puff of gas rose to his forehead, not to mention how cool it was.

Brother and sister are chatting while eating.Ji Feiming became the object of people's attention. "Second brother, where will you live after graduation?"

"I rented a house near the school."

Ji Feilong said: "Second, if you don't move in with me during the summer vacation, this way of cooking will not delay your review time. From now on, I will cook three meals for you every day."

"No, I took two make-up lessons. It's more convenient there."

Ji Feiyun was surprised: "Second brother, are you still living in such precious time? Don't you have living expenses? I can give you some first."

"No, two friends and I opened a training institution. I originally planned to take the students after the exam, but I didn't expect so many people to train during the summer vacation. My friends are very busy, so I can only hold on for a while."

Is it an English training institution?Ji Feiyun was taken aback.He didn't expect that the second son also had business acumen.He considers himself the most serious of the family.

It is very popular to go abroad now, but most of them are not good at English, and they have to pass the language test when going abroad, so the training fee is very expensive, followed by outstanding graduates of Beijing Normal University, it is not very popular to be a trainer.

"Second brother, are there many applicants?"

"Well. It's cheaper to apply for courses. One-on-one is much more expensive." He has won many prizes in English competitions.He is not afraid of not having a source of students, but he has no time to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

Ji Feiyun was happy for him. "Second brother, English is so hot now. It is estimated that there will be no students in the next ten years. If you have the opportunity, you can expand the training courses. If you are really busy, you can recruit teachers."

Ji Feiming's son is open-minded.If he has enough ambition, he can make this industry bigger and stronger, and he will definitely make a lot of money.

Before, I worried that if he read too much, his brain would become complacent.After all, many college students these days are sharpening their minds and gaining insight into the system.They want an iron rice bowl, a decent and stable job, and not everyone has the courage to give up their assignment.

That's why the Ji family tasted the sweetness of doing business.Ji Shuxing and Gao Lanxiang want happiness.If other parents hear that college students who break the pot and sell iron give up their assignments, believe it or not, hang a hemp rope for you to see.

Ji Feiming looked indifferent, "We'll wait until the end of the year."

Ji Feiyun was very curious: "By the way, what is your major for the postgraduate entrance examination?"

"Computer information application."

Ji Feiyun was stunned, thinking that he would continue to specialize in English, but he said that he had nothing to do with computers.

She really thought that Ji Feiming's child would choose a major.English has been popular for 20 years, and the computer world will be more popular in the future.But how likely is he to switch majors midway through the exam?
It's not that Ji Feiming is half-hearted, but that computer is a profession that has only appeared in recent years.In high school, he didn't even know what a computer looked like.After entering Beijing Normal University, he ran to listen to a few classes with curiosity about new things, but he lost control.

In the past four years, in addition to learning professional English, he has also studied computer courses and will stick to each course.

Although it is an elective course, with love and diligence, he learned it more thoroughly than the major.He still got the consent of the tutor of the computer department before he took the courage to apply for the exam.

(End of this chapter)

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