Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 809 I want to eat something good!

Chapter 809 I want to eat something good!

"I want to eat good food!" Ji Feiyun was unhappy, pulled his face in public, his temper was very irritable, "Second brother, I don't have many chances to come to City Y in this life, so I just eat expensive ones, expensive ones!"

What can Father Zhang say?Finding a home outside is okay.It's nice to talk to each other.But his wife insisted on coming to the Emperor Hotel, but she also had to put on a swollen face and pretend to be rich.Her words made the Ji family feel ashamed, and they offered to break up and leave their daughter.

It is now ready.I can't even pay for my meals.

"Okay, you can order whatever you want." Ji Feiming had a splitting headache.He knew Ji Feiyun well, and his sister was very angry.

She knows her sister has the power to destroy Heaven, so she fights back with fire.If you don't stop it, the Xie family will not be able to step down.Come on, my sister can poke a hole in the sky.

Come on, both sides are not happy.Also, this is not a way to tolerate and withdraw.He can still afford a meal.

"Thank you, Second Brother. I know Second Brother loves me the most." Ji Feiyun smiled and said to the waiter, "Sister, order!"

The waiter sees it, but her purpose is to serve the guests and give the best service to the guests.She said politely: "Little friend, where is your hometown?"

"GD Province".

"Where do you usually live?" She can only recommend dishes if she knows what dishes her guests like.

"G City".

Oh, from G City, no wonder you dress so low key.It is said that the richer the Cantonese, the more low-key they are, especially those who wear slippers.

She has entertained many Da Ji Feishuang from Guangdong.She knows how to eat, but she really doesn't pay much attention to her appearance like other provinces.

Make sure the guest has money, and the waiter will recommend it mercilessly.Ten courses for seven people.

Zhang's mother tried her best to keep smiling, but her hands on her lap trembled slightly. This is her half-year salary.

It really is from the countryside.The stingy Barra counts.Well, as long as you can break up the two, you can spend money to avert the disaster!
But what if she didn't bring that much money?
She secretly winked at Father Zhang and hurriedly raised money, but she couldn't lose face in front of the Ji family.

Father Zhang had no choice but to find a reason to smoke, got up and walked out of the private room.

He called the driver and told him to go home and get some money.

Cooked cabbage grows quickly.Looking at the cabbage heart in the crystal clear white porcelain cup, Zhang's mother was so distressed that the hand holding the spoon couldn't help shaking.Today, thanks to the Ji family, she has spent most of her life and had the honor to taste Chinese food.

The soup was really delicious, but Zhang's mother's heart and liver were stabbed to pieces.

Seeing her husband come back from outside, she calmed down a bit, and wanted to find something to make up for it: "Fei Ming, your parents are farming in their hometown, so you must have worked hard at school, right?"

"Yes, my parents suffered a lot."

"Farming is too difficult. I heard that it seems to be picking manure, fertilizing, and playing with pigweed?"

"These are all things I did when I was a kid."

Zhang Guina was surprised.Some snacks hurt and said, "I didn't expect you to eat so much when you were a child."

"Guina, look at Feiming. What he suffers is reason. It doesn't mean that you can only reach out for clothes and open your mouth for food. If you really want to have a fate with Feiming, you have to help him when he returns to his hometown. he."

Zhang Guina interjected, "Mom, what year is it now? Fei Ming's family has long since stopped farming."

Zhang's mother felt that her daughter was covering for him, "Your parents don't farm the land at home, how can you feed you and read to you?"

Ji Feiming explained: "My father formed a construction team two years ago, and my mother opened a building materials store."

Contracting and selling building materials is really lucrative these days.No wonder they are willing to buy Moutai and silk scarves.This is national policy.Otherwise, they have to pick up the dung and plant it.How they can make a difference.

Ji Feiyun tasted two mouthfuls of boiled cabbage and kept the spoon beside him.His tone was very disgusting, "Yongpeng, this is not as good as yours."

Nan Yongpeng was expressionless. "18 yuan a cup, don't waste it."

(End of this chapter)

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