Chapter 87 Are You Tired?

Ji Feiyun's mouth became more and more critical.Nan Yongpeng felt that he would be thrown to death by her sooner or later.It's not wise to keep her around.

Seeing that he had worked hard, Ji Feiyun ran over and rubbed his waist: "Yongpeng, are you tired? I'll make you a horse tonight!"

What about killing chickens?What chicken to kill?

Nan Yongpeng was so tired that he lost his mind.

Under her order, the cucumbers were chopped, mashed with garlic water, cut gluten, chopped pepper, added vinegar, soy sauce, some white sugar and so on.

After stirring evenly, Ji Feiyun picked up the chopsticks and tried it twice, nodded repeatedly and said, "Wow, Yongpeng, you are really a chef!"

Nan Yongpeng: "..." Every time she doesn't blow like this, his ears get calloused.

Ji Feiyun put a piece in his mouth, "Really, Yongpeng, you were born to do this. In the future, I will rely on you to make a fortune." The Liangpi he made is delicious!
No, why should she rely on him to get rich?

Hot and sour and cold, with fresh cucumbers in the mouth, the taste of cold skin is really different.

"What did you two eat?" Ji Feilong just came back.Seeing the non-stop eating, they ran over step by step, "Nan Yongpeng, what are you eating?"

He kept eating, "It's delicious and appetizing."

It was hot and he had no appetite.Who knows, he was greedy again by Nan Yongpeng.

They walked back and forth just to clear a table for dinner.

After the meal, everyone was full of praise.

Ji Feilong touched his mouth after eating, "Shall we sell this tomorrow?"

"What we did before was learned by others." Ji Feiyun covered his mouth and smiled, "We do this at home, and they can't learn it even if they want to."

However, making Liangpi is really hard, especially on a hot day.We take turns discussing.The key is that the Qianshuikou basin is too small and needs to be replaced with a larger one to improve efficiency.

Jiang Junyong has long legs and fast feet.He runs to the grocery store.He doesn't have Liangpi that Gong made specially for Liangpi, but he is a flexible guy.He brought back a man's aluminum dome, the size of a bamboo net.A piece of cold skin is enough.

The first night was started by the brothers.Finally, it was Nan Yongpeng's turn to sit on the high stool and lead the country.

When Nan Yongpeng returned to the room after taking a shower, she frowned.Why did she run to his bed again?

Ji Feiyun volunteered and said, "Yongpeng, I'll make you a horse to kill a chicken."

It's hard to get her respect.Nan Yongpeng is looking forward to seeing what kind of moth she wants to play again.

According to the instructions, he lay upright on the bed, but Ji Feiyun stepped on him.

Nan Yongpeng: "..."

Fortunately, the six-year-old was not heavy and her little feet were soft.She seemed to step on it at random, but her body was not uncomfortable.Nan Yongpeng closed his eyes and let her fool around.

don't say it.When she stepped on it, her body was indescribably comfortable.

But he suddenly realized a very serious question, "Have you washed your feet yet?"

"Hahaha..." The chicken thief Jiang Yun jumped off the bed, sliding faster than a rabbit.

Nan Yongpeng: "!"

This one is well understood.Liangpi is not bad, one day is enough.

Waking up in the morning, the brothers and sisters of the Ji family went to read books early, while Nan Yongpeng and Ji Feiyun went to open a shop with the prepared Liangpi.

People in Northwest China eat spicy food, while people in Lingnan eat spicy food, which is just the opposite, so the seasoning needs to be changed.

Nan Yongpeng's cold skin is always a bit spicy, while Ji Feiyun adds more peppers to the table.Guests can join in according to their taste.

Poor appetite in summer.It's cold, sour, and spicy.This is just an appetizer.With the joint promotion of several brothers and sisters, the sales in the morning went very smoothly.Not only did the guests not divert them, but they even grabbed a lot of them back.The nose of Wu Sanhuan next door almost crooked.

The other businessmen shook their heads over and over again, but they really couldn't do it!
There are no regional restrictions on food.Liangpi has been popular for a few days, and there are many new customers.It really stands out.

During this time, many people changed the way they asked, but they didn't announce it.They responded enthusiastically.The key is not to say it.

(End of this chapter)

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