Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 917 I love my motherland!

Chapter 917 I love my motherland!

Su Jiarun returned to the city on La Ri and came to have dinner in the evening.

Seeing his frown, Ji Feiyun couldn't help asking: "Brother Cao, who are you angry with?" In the past, rubbing rice was like a hungry ghost, unable to even move chopsticks.

Su Jiarun stopped and said after a half-day meeting, "I won't be graduating anytime soon. My family wants me to go abroad. Are you saying I'm leaving?"

Nan Yongpeng didn't intervene, "You decide for yourself."

After a year, Su Jiarun was very angry: "Xiao Feiyun, what did you say?"

"Brother Cao, what are you doing abroad?"


"You haven't learned it at home. Can you go abroad for further study?" Liar.

Su Jiarun: "..."

He smiled, "It's not for studying well, but just wanting to go abroad and gain a higher level of gold before returning."

Ji Feiyun thought that he would come back and settle down after going abroad.

"Of course." Su Jiarun's bold words: "I love my country!"

Don't deal with people who are hollow.Just like his half bucket of water, he wasted his whole life abroad, just with a diploma.

Ji Feiyun couldn't help thinking of a joke he heard in his previous life when he was at a tourist attraction.He said that a young man in DIDU sold a courtyard house and earned enough money to go abroad to pan for gold, wash dishes and deliver food.He worked a lot and worked hard to make money.After 30 years of hard work, he finally saved millions, packed his bags, and returned to his hometown.Back at DIDU, he found that the money in his pocket could not afford to buy a two-bedroom apartment, and the courtyard house he sold was worth 1 million yuan.

It is an indisputable fact that jokes come back to laughter.Many are foreign.The moon was rounder, and they wanted to go west.However, many years later, the homeland is no longer something they want to return.

"Brother Cao, it is better for you to go abroad to make money. The opportunity to make money is right in front of you, but you want to go abroad. Isn't this contradictory?"

However, everyone has their own wishes.It is inconvenient for Ji Feiyun to say more.What if Su Jiarun didn't get what he wanted in the future and instead blamed himself for not letting him go abroad?As a friend, she does her duty.

Ji Feiyun said again: "But this is your own business after all. You should think about it yourself."

Su Jiarun hesitated.In fact, he didn't really want to go abroad, and Lin Min didn't agree.During the Chinese New Year, he was still arguing with him, but his family and relatives wanted him to go abroad, including many friends around him who yearned for the West.

He was in a dilemma, eating very unhappy.

After school started, everyone was very busy, especially Su Jiarun and Wang Zhiping.Several people in the team are facing graduation and are busy preparing their graduation thesis.All the pressure fell on Nan Yongpeng.

Nan Yongpeng is nervous about his studies.He also has to worry about cafeterias and restaurants.The third phase of the hometown commercial street is under construction, and the clothing city is a big project.He has to face various problems every day, and he is busy almost until late at night.

Ji Feiyun had no choice but to take care of himself.He cooked the food and heated it in a pot.Sometimes when he gets really sleepy, he goes to bed first, but the living room light is always on for him.

This kind of busyness lasted until the "May [-]st". Su Jiarun and others completed their graduation defense, and the work arrangements for graduates were basically implemented.The students were busy attending the last crazy party, then packed their bags and ran to the east, west, north, south of the motherland.

Under tremendous pressure from their families, Wang Zhiping and others chose to give up their assigned jobs and officially became employees of Yunyuan Group.

Su Jiarun struggled for several months and finally made a decision.He solemnly announced in front of everyone: "I have decided not to go abroad."

After drinking a lot at the party, Lin Qingshan immediately announced: "I have decided to resign from the Provincial Design Institute."

The Provincial Design Institute is a good unit, and everyone is surprised.Moreover, Li He is very capable, and this will happen sooner or later.

Lin Qingshan shook his head with a wry smile. "The unit is a good unit, that is, it needs to be qualified. The drawings I just participated in the design do not even have the right to sign. So far, it is still a painless bottom."

The edges and corners, which were sharp before, are now smoothed.If he stays any longer, he will be abandoned sooner or later.

Although the future of the Garment City project is uncertain, seeing the energetic faces of Su Jiarun and Wang Zhiping and their infinite vision for the future, he believes that as long as he works hard, he will have a bright future.

"Come on, let's toast." Ji Feiyun stood up and raised his glass high. "Welcome Brother Li to join us!"

Everyone drank all at once, but Nan Yongpeng's eyes sank.

(End of this chapter)

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