Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 924 She has a good temperament!

Chapter 924 She has a good temperament!
Early the next morning, Ji Feiyun took Nan Yongpeng to see the third-phase pedestrian street.The third stage is larger than the first two stages.Not far away is the embankment.The decoration is completed around October in the lunar calendar.About 60% of the shops and houses have been rented out, and it is estimated that the rest will not be difficult to rent out in a few years.

On the other side of the river is an endless sugarcane forest, and the sugarcane forest is also contracted to others.The unsold fresh sugarcane is sent to the food factory to make brown sugar, and then sent to the mall for sale.

After returning from the shopping street, the two went to the food factory.

Last year, Nan Yongpeng put a lot of pressure on Tian Weikuan.It is estimated that there are strategies of Tian Shuchang and Tian Weimin behind it.His personal progress has finally caught up with the development of the factory, which reflects the good management of the food factory and the attitude of the factory manager.

Liang Yanchao came back earlier than usual because he had to talk about wine.When he was 25 years old, he returned home and brought back Ji Feiming and the fourth child.

A familiar figure appeared together.

Ji Feiyun was stunned, "Sister Guina."

After several years of talking, Ji Feiming was finally willing to take his partner home for the New Year.Looking at the beautiful and exquisite Zhang Guina, Ji Shuxing and Gao Lanxiang, they were all stunned.The water in the imperial capital is used to feed people.This girl has a good temperament.

Zhang Guina looked shy, but her demeanor was still elegant.She gave the prepared gift to the two people with both hands, "Hello, uncle and aunt."

Alas, no wonder my son has no respect for the locals.The emperor's etiquette is thoughtful.

Gao Lanxiang warmly welcomed her into the house and killed chickens and ducks.

Zhang Guina came to the south for the first time.It turns out that there is no snow in winter in the south, and there are green vegetables everywhere.In the distance, cattle and sheep are grazing by the river, and there are fresh chickens and ducks in the backyard.

When they were 23 years old, the three of them came to G City. Ji Feiming accompanied her to stroll around G City for a day and bought a lot of fashionable clothes.

But she was curious about everything, and even proposed to go to the countryside where Ji Feiming grew up to see the land he cultivated and the house he lived in.

Ji Feiming relied entirely on her, "I'll take you tomorrow and the day after tomorrow."

In the evening, Nan Yongpeng was cooking.While eating, Zhang Guina couldn't help but think of the meal at the Imperial Hotel, and couldn't help feeling guilty.No wonder Ji Feiyun doesn't even like boiled cabbage.Nan Yongpeng's cooking skills are indeed extraordinary.

Gao Lanxiang was very enthusiastic and kept cooking for Zhang Guina. "Come on, come on, look at how thin you are, girls have to get fat to look good."

The rice bowls are piled up so high, Zhang Guina doesn't know how to use chopsticks, and doesn't like others to pick vegetables.She uses serving chopsticks when she goes out.For a while, she didn't know what to do, so she had to ask Ji Feiming for help.

"Mom, let Fang Yi do it by himself." Ji Feiming put most of her dishes in a bowl and "eat".

Xie Fangyi had no choice but to grit his teeth.

After dinner, she helps wash the dishes.Gao Lanxiang knew that people in the city were squeamish, so she didn't dare to let her do the dishes.But Zhang Guina insisted on helping, and finally had to ask her to help.

Gao Lanxiang cleaned up the stove and observed her from time to time.

Hey guys, I accidentally broke two of the five dishes I washed.

The broken bowl was like paddling in Gao Lanxiang's heart.The girl in this city is called Jiao.She seems spoiled by her parents.She can't even wash a bowl and is very picky about everything.

If Ji Feiming's son married her into the household, he would not marry a daughter-in-law to run the family, but bring an ancestor back.

Thinking of this, the joy in her heart was like being splashed with cold water, but she didn't show it on her face.

In the four-story house, Ji Feiming lives on the first floor, but if they are not married, it is not good for them to be together.It's hard to explain if there's anything wrong with them.

(End of this chapter)

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