Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 986 She did it on purpose!

Ji Feiyun was very surprised: "You just said that your family is in a good situation. Why don't you let your son study?"

"Nonsense, why can't my Huo family afford a child? Because he doesn't want to study and join the army in advance."

Ji Feiyun looked at her like an idiot, "I don't study much. Don't lie to me. To join the army, you must graduate from junior high school and be at least 16 years old. How did your son join the army after graduating from elementary school?"

The old lady nodded and said, "Yes, not all cats and dogs can join the army now. I think you'd better find a reason to mess around."

"Nonsense, my son was able to join the army because..." The back door arranged by the old man!

But the old man has always kept a low profile and never let his family show off outside under his banner.Xu Liping dared not pull out the tiger's beard.

This dead girl, she did it on purpose!
"Yongpeng is a genius. He completed high school courses in the fifth grade of elementary school. He did not join the army through the back door, but because he was No. 1 in both the literary and physical examinations. According to his ability, he was specially hired."

Finished high school in fifth grade?Xu Liping really didn't know, he never said anything about his son, and he didn't know that the old man was prejudiced against her.

The only thing she knew was that the old man took this relationship away and sent his son to the military camp early to exercise.

"Don't you know?" Ji Feiyun sneered, "What do you know? You don't know anything! If you don't have him in your heart, don't hurt him anymore."

The busy neighbor heard something a little strange, "Feiyun, is Nan Yongpeng really her son?"

Ji Feiyun truthfully admitted: "Yes."

Xu Liping was proven right, and she was furious. "Now you know, she's full of nonsense and has moral problems."

However, people looked at her with strange eyes.

That look, as if she was a vicious stepmother who abused her children.

"Aunt Xu!" Ji Feiyun's mouth was full of bright ridicule: "You gave birth to Yongpeng, and he was abandoned by you when he was five years old. Grandpa Huo brought him up with his own hands. During the six years after he disappeared, Grandpa Huo and Uncle Huo has been trying to find him. What have you done?
Forget about raising a son.Even raising a dog has feelings, but you are so cruel that you don't care.

Do you know what he has been through these six years?A matter of life and death!
Now he is very promising.He has a canteen, a restaurant and a clothing wholesale city under his name.He makes more money every day than you make in a year.You regret it again and want to recognize your son.How can there be such a cheap good thing in the world.

If you don't raise him up, how can he raise you up?As a doctor, do you really not understand such a simple truth?Usually, you don't water and fertilize.When harvest time comes, you want to pick peaches.What daydream are you doing! "

As soon as the word was uttered, it suddenly flashed.

As a family member of a teacher, his ideology is much higher than that of ordinary people.Suddenly someone jumped out and criticized: "I said comrade, your unit also has high income. How can you dress brightly and leave your child to the elderly? Now your child has a bright future, and you are eager to get it back, but You didn't take advantage of it."

"You know what?" My husband was on duty outside.I work in a special hospital and often turn day and night upside down.It was the old man who worried that me and the child would be forced to adopt it.How did it become that I was abandoned? Xu Liping was so angry that she wanted to slap Ji Feiyun twice. "If you talk nonsense again, believe it or not, I will sue you!" "

Ji Feiyun hid behind the old lady again, "Grandma, I'm so scared."

"What do you want?" Seeing that Xu Liping was vicious and wanted to eat people, the man burst out with a sense of justice, pointing at Xu Liping and shouting: "Do you want to beat people in our yard? Move one and try!"

"Even kids want to fight, no wonder he doesn't want his own son."

Xu Liping jumped into the Yellow River and couldn't clean up.

She never expected that such a young and vicious Ji Feiyun would ruin her reputation.

She never wanted her son to support her, nor was she greedy for his son's money.She just wants to repair the relationship between mother and son.

Apparently her son didn't want her.How could she abandon her?
The child is her own, how can she hurt her son?For so many years, not only outsiders have misunderstood her, but even the Huo family have viewed her this way.She wants to ask what she did wrong that year!
When will this scapegoat be remembered!
She is the daughter-in-law of the Huo family's parents. Who in the Huo family takes her seriously?Now even the wild girls in the country dare to ride on her head.

Xu Liping was going crazy.Her face was flushed with anger, her neck was thick and red, and her whole body was shaking.

She couldn't say a word.Besides, these people have all been brainwashed by Ji Feiyun, what she said is useless.

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