Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 993 What are you doing here?

He didn't know what obsession Ji Feiyun had for this old man, which made his behavior extremely weird, but the old man's dignity was there.Xu Liping dared to get angry, but she could only knock out her teeth and swallow the blood, forcing a smile on her stiff face.

Seeing her son's cold face, Xu Liping was about to die, but she took the initiative to say, "Yongpeng, what are you doing here?"

Huo Tingting was surprised when she saw Nan Yongpeng: "Mom, who is he? He looks so much like his father!"

After hearing Huo Tingting's words, the old man's face turned black again, and he looked at Xu Liping with sharp eyes.

Tingting was over 9 years old when the eldest son disappeared.How could she not even have the memory of her brother?

Why did you forget your brother so completely?Except that your younger siblings don't live together and don't see each other several times a year. This is not a failure of Xu Liping's education.

He didn't know what hatred there was between mother and child.There is no trace of her son's life in her family.Even the son's room has been converted into the daughter's study.

Xu Liping's attitude towards her son and daughter are completely two extremes.Instead of caring for her son, she spoiled her daughter and didn't know how to raise her.

Xu Liping was scolded by her father-in-law's eyes and said, "Tingting, this is your brother. Call him brother."

"My brother?" Huo Tingting was stunned, remembering for a long time that she did have a brother who had been missing for a long time.Why did she suddenly come back?

She looked at Nan Yongpeng who was expressionless, subconsciously resisting.In her impression, her brother didn't like him.

I remember one time she ran up to him with a huge jar of chocolates my mom bought and wanted to give him one.But he looked at her coldly, which made her legs go weak, and she fell to the ground, crying with pain.

Why did she call him such a brother?

Huo Tingting glanced at him a few times, then looked away triumphantly: "Do I have brothers? Why can't I remember?"

The old man said angrily, "Is this the good girl you taught?"

Embarrassed, Xu Liping scolded her daughter in a low voice: "Tingting, what's wrong with your child?"

"At first, I didn't know him. Suddenly, I jumped out and said it was my brother. Who knows if it's true or not? Besides, I don't want him because I have so many brothers and sisters."

Ji Feiyun did not expect that Nan Yongpeng also had a younger sister, and it was this younger sister

How should I put it, Xu Liping's life is indeed not good, but she can be the daughter-in-law of the Huo family.Her appearance is naturally impeccable, and Huo Changzheng is even more handsome.Nanyong Pengjing chose the best of both worlds.

But Huo Tingting looked strange.Not that she picked on the couple's faults, but it's far worse than Nam Young Peng.

Her face is a bit like Xu Liping, but with high cheekbones, rough features, and unrefined looks, especially her really looks like Li Dazui.

As the saying goes, a man's mouth eats all directions, a woman's mouth eats her crotch, and her face is ruined by this mouth.

Moreover, both Xu Liping and Huo Changzheng have very good skin, especially Xu Liping's skin is very fair, while Huo Tingting's skin is very dark, her face is very rough, but she is wearing a very delicate pink dress, her style of painting is really Very abrupt.

It's hard to say.Wearing a dragon robe is not like a prince.

This skirt is available in Wholesale City.This is a big foreign brand.The wholesale price alone is 118 yuan, and the market sells for more than 200 yuan.

Although Ji Feiyun liked it, he was really reluctant to buy it, thinking it was not worth it.

However, such an expensive skirt is worn by Huo Tingting.Ji Feiyun was very curious about how high Xu Liping's salary was?After all, Huo Tingting has a pearl necklace on her neck, and the shoes on her feet are not cheap.

Hundreds of dollars can't be done.

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