Reborn 1980 group favorite little hot wife

Chapter 997 We have done our best!

As soon as Nan Yongpeng came in, the trembling doctor came later. "The elderly are getting older, their physical functions are declining, and they have high blood pressure and high blood lipids. They should maintain a cheerful mood, control their temper, and lose their temper less. If there are other times, there will be a real risk of stroke and cerebral thrombosis."

Nan Yongpeng said, "Where is your dean?"

His aura was so terrifying that the doctor thought he was looking for trouble.He immediately felt that he was an enemy, and explained with tingling scalp: "Yesterday, things happened suddenly, but we have tried our best."

Nan Yongpeng looked at him intently.

The doctor can't stand the stare of death and can only tell the truth.

Nan Yongpeng walked out of the ward.

Instead of holding the nursing home accountable, he made a request to prohibit Xu Liping and Huo Tingting from entering the nursing home.

The dean was troubled by this.Without saying a word, he agreed to Nan Yongpeng's request: "Don't worry, I will explain myself and never let Ms. Xu's mother and daughter harass the elderly."

The deception was almost the same, Ji Feiyun withdrew his hand.

Mr. Huo breathed a sigh of relief and woke up soon.

When he opened his eyes and saw Nam Yongpeng sitting on the edge of the bed, he thought he was dreaming.He stretched out his trembling hand and held his grandson's hand: "Why are you here?"

Nan Yongpeng is not a sensational person, he doesn't know how to respond to the old man's outpouring of true feelings.After thinking for a while, he said, "Would you like some water?"

After being in a coma for so long, the thirsty old man Huo nodded.

Nan Yongpeng helped him sit up and poured water.

The water was a little hot, and there was a cool splashing sound when he brought it up.

The water poured by my grandson is so sweet that I feel alive.Master Huo breathed a sigh of relief.It's a good thing not to go with the Lord of Hell.

Just now, Ji Feiyun took advantage of Nan Yongpeng's absence to deceive Xiao Zhou, and learned how Xu Liping's mother and daughter scared Grandpa Huo into a petrified state.

I don't know what grandpa Huo thinks.In short, if she had been there at the time, she would have let the mother and daughter go sideways.

What kind of people are they?Nan Yongpeng was specially hired because of his ability.But Xu Liping didn't believe it, and wanted to let the world know that Grandpa Huo made a special back door.

And her crotch-eating baby girl didn't even earn a technical secondary school score, and dared to threaten Grandpa Huo through the back door to go to the middle school attached to the university.

She doesn't pee and look in the mirror.Even if Grandpa Huo dared to let her go through the back door, how could her IQ stand firm in the middle school attached to a Chinese university where there are many top students.

Grandpa Huo can't relax either.As for this garbage gas, he almost had a cerebral thrombosis?
Seeing that he recovered, Ji Feiyun began to brainwash him: "Grandpa, how many grandchildren do you have?"

I don't know why she asked this question, but Mr. Huo still replied: "Bring grandchildren, there are sixteen in total."

"Are they all good?"

"Nan Yongpeng is the most promising member of the Huo family, but almost everyone else is not bad. Some have come out to work, some are studying, and their grades are all excellent, except..." The eldest brother has only one son and one daughter. Extremes, and IQs are also polarized.

"Grandpa, Longsheng's nine sons are different. Your sixteen grandsons only gave birth to one rotten bamboo shoot. You are already a real winner in life."

Alas, the girl's words are so sweet that Mr. Huo is not angry anymore.

Obviously, Huo Tingting is three years older than this girl, and she doesn't even know half her life.It's like people have to die and goods have to be discarded.

"Grandpa, at this age, you should be more open-minded. You usually play Tai Chi to exercise your body. When you are free, play two games of chess with Grandpa Duan. Isn't it delicious?" Ji Feiyun looked sad. "You have fifteen wonderful grandkids. Why are you staring at that crappy photo? The odds are 16 to 1, why aren't you satisfied?"

Mr. Huo, "..."

"The bamboo shoots that have grown for more than ten years have crooked roots. If you want to help it, you can't help it. It's best to let her grow by herself. In addition, Sister Tingting has Aunt Xu's discipline. As a grandfather, your hands It's too long, you can't figure out how to complain behind your back." Ji Feiyun tapped his head lightly and said to Nan Yongpeng: "Grandpa, Yongpeng knew you were sick, so he drove all the way here. I don't know how much he cares You. You also said that the Huo family owed him. If the house is flooded, it's better to put the money on Yongpeng. "

Nan Yongpeng, "..."

Mr. Huo, "..."

In short, the old man is not only not angry, but also feels that he and his grandson are much closer.

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