Chapter 117 Shameless Madman
Suddenly, I felt that it was a wrong decision to go back to Fu's house with him!

Really nerve-racking.

"look at me!"

Fu Yunting didn't know what was causing the wind, and suddenly he squeezed An Muxue's chin with his big hand, forcing him to look at her.

The pinched jaw hurt, An Muxue wanted to struggle, but the man's strength was too great, there was no room for him to relax.

"You can forget everything, and you can forget me, but you can't forget that this body of yours belongs to me."

The words were so cold that An Muxue felt that the man in front of him had gone crazy.

And he was talking crazy, saying something that he didn't understand at all.

"Mr. Fu." And she was not a vegetarian at this time, "If you touch me like this again, I will be rude to you."

"Really?" Fu Yunting liked this woman challenging his bottom line, just like before.

The atmosphere was already here, and Fu Yunting didn't restrain his emotions, he just lowered his head and kissed her lips.

The stormy attack made An Muxue's mind go blank.

Not long after, a sharp pain came, and the man actually bit her lip.

The smell of blood permeated the entire mouth, An Muxue was completely angry, and punched directly, Fu Yunting had quick eyes and quick hands, and leaned back to avoid the attack.

Gu Kun, who was driving, had already seen all this from the rearview mirror. At this moment, he didn't know whether he should stop the car to help or continue driving, his eyes were a little uncertain.

Just when he couldn't make up his mind, Fu Yunting suddenly ordered, "Speed ​​up!"

After giving an order, Gu Kun didn't dare to ask any more questions. He kicked the accelerator and the car flew 180 yards on the road in an instant!
The powerful impact made An Muxue unsteady and fell heavily on the car door.

He quickly raised his hand to wipe the blood on his mouth, kicked his feet, and jumped up to attack Fu Yunting again.

Fu Yunting's expression also turned cold, and when she thought of covering Mo Chen's mouth with that hand just now, she felt angry.

How could her jade hands touch the lips of other men? After the matter was settled, he must sew Mo Chen's mouth shut to relieve the hatred in his heart.

An Muxue's fist was about to come in front of her, Fu Yunting grabbed her wrist and pulled it to the side. An Muxue's figure was unstable, so she threw herself into his arms and planted her firmly into his chest .

Fuck, it's as hard as hitting a city wall.

But Fu Yunting's chest was shocked by her bump, and he looked down at her, the woman's soft body completely fit him.

He couldn't help but feel his heart tighten, what the hell, he can still think of this at this time!

In order to show his ruthlessness, Fu Yunting tore the woman from his arms, kicked the car door open, and leaned half of the woman out of the car.

An Muxue held both sides of the window tightly with both hands, the white lines on the road rubbed against the tires quickly, and cars whizzed by from time to time.

The strong suction force poured into the car, making her body unstable, and Fu Yunting wanted to push her out of the car. Is this to put her to death?

Seeing that the woman had no intention of begging for mercy, but still had such firm eyes, Fu Yunting was even more annoyed, and his hands tightened a bit.

Squeeze a few words through the teeth, "Please, I will let you go."

In the end, he let go of his body.

Depend on!
An Muxue also ran away completely. Putting her into such a dangerous situation was just to make her subdue him?

Either my brain is convulsed, or it is caught by the gate, or a big iron gate.

But she is also a person who prefers softness to toughness. In this situation, she would rather die than surrender!
I'm going to die, okay, let's go together.

An Muxue's hand grabbing the frame of the car suddenly exerted force, and her feet turned over. Fu Yunting let go and stepped back. She took the opportunity to rush into the car, hugged Fu Yunting's waist tightly, and let the strong suction pull the two of them out.

Fu Yunting suddenly lost his mind at this moment, he didn't expect that this woman would take the initiative to hug him once at this moment.

He enjoyed the moment, but also noticed that both of them were in danger.

"Slow down."

When the sound sounded, Gu Kun quickly slowed down, and the wind gradually decreased. An Muxue didn't let go until there was no danger.

Suddenly, Fu Yunting's big face approached her again, and An Muxue's nerves that had just relaxed tensed again.

He stared straight at her face, and kept getting closer, didn't he want to do it again?

An Muxue couldn't figure it out, just when she was about to greet her again, Fu Yunting turned over and sat on the other side of her.

Then he raised the corners of his lips and turned to look at her, "Is it fun?"

Fun you big head!

An Muxue cursed fiercely in her heart, tried her best to sit on the other side, and ignored him.

Fu Yunting didn't say much anymore, he crossed his legs and got on the co-driver, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

There was no sound for a long time, An Muxue turned her head to look at him, her beautiful side face made her heart tremble, and she immediately thought of the thrilling scene just now, and turned her head back quickly.

This is a lunatic, an out-and-out lunatic!
After arriving at Fu's house and proving his innocence, he had to leave him, and if he stayed by his side, he would kill him sooner or later.

An Muxue secretly made up her mind, and suddenly a plan came to her mind, if at this moment, she kicked the man off the car...

Before she could finish thinking, Gu Kun's voice suddenly came, "Master, you're home."

Only then did Fu Yunting open his eyes. When the car stopped, he looked back at her, "Are you going to go by yourself, or should I carry you down?"

Pooh!Shameless lunatic!

The more An Muxue thought about it, the angrier she became.Damn, such a good opportunity in the car wasted like this.

Entering the gate of Fu's house, one can see a man in a suit and leather shoes lying on a recliner at the door, basking in the sun comfortably, and there is a servant beside him, serving him at any time with a cup of coffee.

Has the Fu family raised a giant baby? Why hasn't she heard of it?

After approaching, An Muxue's jaw was almost dropped by the man in front of her. Isn't this the beggar she met on the flyover? What's the matter?

Ye Chuang also found them, and when he saw Fu Yunting brought An Muxue back, he jumped up from the recliner, and politely extended his hand to An Muxue, "Miss An, we meet again so soon."

An Muxue looked up at the sky that had just darkened, with a helpless expression, "Yeah, I saw you twice in just one day, and you're like a cross-dresser, a beggar and a president at one time, it's really surprising Woolen cloth."

Although she said that, An Muxue didn't intend to shake hands, Ye Chuang kept her hands in the air, looking a little embarrassed.

Fu Yunting didn't show much expression, "Okay, don't talk nonsense here, I'll arrange for you to stay first, when will you prove your innocence, and when can you leave?"

An Muxue gave him a cold look. It sounded like she was giving in, but she had no choice at all.

(End of this chapter)

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