Chapter 132 Please Help Me

When the two heard this, they were also taken aback for a moment.

Ye Chuang squeezed his chin in surprise, looked at Fu Yunting and said, "Amazing, I didn't expect you to eat everything."

"This also shows that I am very specific. No matter what time and space I am in, there is only one person I like."

"Okay, okay, don't gossip so much, go, I don't want to stay here anymore."

An Muxue was anxious to leave this place, but just as she was about to escape, Fu Yunting suddenly grabbed her, "You can't leave, I need your help with something."

An Muxue's heart trembled, and an ominous premonition came to her heart, "Brother, you don't really want me to marry you when you were young, do you?"

Fu Yunting's expression changed slightly, and he quickly explained, "That's not the case, I just want you to help me save Yunchu."

"Huh?" An Muxue frowned, not understanding what he was talking about.

Fu Yunting continued, "Now my father has just left, and in a few days, my mother will also leave. These are unchangeable facts, but what I am most worried about is Yunchu's safety."

"What did you say?" An Muxue was shocked. Right after Fu Aotian's funeral, Liu Chunlan fell ill, and now I learned from him that Liu Chunlan will pass away soon. The blow of losing her parents in such a short period of time , how did he survive?

Fu Yunting's eyes were heavy, "Everything is fixed. I can't change history. The only thing I can do is to stop what happened back then."

"What's the matter?" An Muxue asked hastily.

Fu Yunting clenched his fists, his eyes were filled with murderous aura.

Ye Chuang hurriedly continued, "On the third day after Ms. Liu passed away, Fu Yunchu was overly sad. He went out to relax but was taken away by the Mo family, and he lost his innocence."

"What!" An Muxue exclaimed subconsciously, then quickly covered her mouth and looked around.

Fortunately no one found them.

"How is this possible?" An Muxue couldn't accept such a thing, and looked at the two of them in shock.

"This is history." Ye Chuang continued, "So the only person who can save Yunchu now is you, and Fu Yunting also liked you ten years ago. You gained his trust and stayed by Yunchu's side. There will be no suspicion."

"Then why don't you guys..." An Mu didn't finish speaking.

Fu Yunting took over the words, "We can't meet ourselves ten years ago. This will disrupt history and lead to time and space confusion. At that time, everything in our other time and space will change. The only thing we can do is to guarantee this time and space. For our own safety, we cannot easily try to disrupt time and space."

An Muxue seemed to understand.

After thinking quickly, he looked at them and said, "Then have you seen me from ten years ago?"

The two nodded heavily, and then An Muxue felt relieved, "Then how am I doing? I lost my memory, what was I doing at this time ten years ago?"

"You have a good time with me." Ye Chuang took the words with pride on his face.

An Muxue's expression froze, Fu Yunting's face turned dark, "You don't have to worry on our side, as long as you help me save Yunchu, I can promise you anything."

"Including not stalking me anymore." An Muxue hurriedly stepped forward to state her conditions, but Fu Yunting's expression changed in exchange for such conditions.

Ye Chuang on the side also froze for a moment, and quickly continued, "We'll talk about this later, the matter of Yunchu is the most important right now, so..."

An Muxue waved her hand, "Okay, okay, I understand."

Originally, she wanted to escape from here, but when she thought of Fu Yunchu, she felt very uncomfortable.

And the other one is Fu Yunchu who is in the air is very kind to her, just like her own sister, how can she make people suffer such a big grievance.

"You guys go back, I don't want to go, I will stay and protect Yunchu, except for this matter, I will try my best not to do things that violate history, so you can rest assured."

"Thank you."

This is the first time Fu Yunting said the word "thank you" to her.

And An Muxue also noticed that when Fu Yunting said these two words, there was no light in his eyes, as if something was missing.

"After everything has been explained clearly, don't waste any more time here. We have more important things to deal with."

Ye Chuang took the words, patted Fu Yunting on the shoulder, turned and left.

Fu Yunting seemed to have something to say, but seeing An Muxue in front of him, he swallowed the words.

In the end, he just nodded slightly, turned and left.

Looking at the backs of the two going away, An Muxue's heart felt oppressed, as if a stone was pressing there, making her breathless.

After an unknown amount of time, a light suddenly shone on her body, "Miss An, is that you?"

When Gu Kun's voice came, An Muxue quickly turned around and greeted him, "It's me, one of my own, don't get excited."

The patrolling security guards of rich people are no joke. They will shoot when they see an inexplicable shadow. This is something she has experienced personally.

Gu Kun smiled calmly, and walked towards her with a flashlight, "Why is Ms. An here, and it's a blind spot for monitoring. If something happens, we don't know. It's very dangerous in the middle of the night."

"I just felt so bored in my heart that I wanted to go out for a walk, but I came here before I knew it." An Muxue explained and walked back exclusively.

Gu Kun followed her footsteps and said as he walked, "Miss An, thank you for telling me about my future just now, do you mind if I ask you more?"

Hearing this question, An Muxi's heart suddenly sank.

Fu Yunchu is Gu Kun's future wife, and the Fu Yunchu in history was ruined by others on the third day after Liu Chunlan's death.

Did Gu Kun know about this, and how did he accept it?
Now Gu Kun wants to ask her another question, it can't be about Fu Yunchu, right?
no!She can't tell him, otherwise it will really mess up history.

"I've said everything I need to say, and I don't know anything else, so don't ask any more."

An Muxue spoke hastily, quickened her pace, and entered the villa.

Leaving Gu Kun froze in place alone, blinking his eyes, not knowing what he said wrong.

He just wanted to ask his young master what the future would be like, did he get a wife?Is this also a question that should not be asked too much?

An Muxue hurried back to her room, recalling that she had told Gu Kun so many things, she suddenly regretted it.

She can't say any more. If history is really messed up and everything will change in the future, then she will become a real sinner.

Shaking his head quickly, he walked into the bathroom, freshened up and prepared to go to bed.

But when it was just dawn the next day, an anxious knock on the door woke her up from her dream.

"Miss An, is Miss An there?"

(End of this chapter)

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