Chapter 42
An Muxue smiled, "Pull the rope away, and I'll let you go."

The two kidnappers exchanged glances with each other, and the fat kidnapper stepped forward slowly.

These two kidnappers are two brothers. Although they are fat and thin, they have a good understanding, and they know what the other party wants to do with just one look.

An Muxue sat on the bed, the skinny kidnapper was held in her hands in a strange posture, and she stretched out her feet in front of the fat kidnapper.

The fat kidnapper inserted the dagger between her feet, and at the moment when the fishing line was pulled away, the fat kidnapper suddenly raised his head and stabbed the dagger towards her heart.

The skinny kidnapper also struggled suddenly, grabbed her wrist and twisted it around, the dagger was only five centimeters away from her eyebrow.

An Muxue's black and white eyes turned cold blood instantly, she grabbed the fat kidnapper's wrist with one hand, and twisted it hard with the other hand, pulling the skinny kidnapper in a circle, and fell heavily to the ground.

With a bang, the fat kidnappers were stunned.

An Muxue didn't give the two of them time to think about it, she jumped up, pushed the fat kidnapper onto the bed with her backhand, rode on him, and savagely punched him in the neck with a hand knife, causing her to faint on the spot.

Seeing this, the skinny kidnapper got up quickly, but An Muxue kicked him flying in the next second, hitting the wall hard and falling to the ground.

He wanted to struggle to get up, but he suddenly collapsed on the ground halfway through, his bones seemed to be broken, which made him dare not use force.

An Muxue looked at him coldly, "The harder you struggle, the faster you die. If you don't believe me, try it."

An Muxue said, picked up the dagger dropped by the fat kidnapper on the ground, came to the skinny kidnapper, and pressed the dagger to his cheek.

"Who is your young master? Say it and save your life."

The skinny kidnapper had a painful expression, without a trace of blood on his face, but his eyes were extremely firm, "We are doing things for the young master, and we are selling this loyalty. You can't ask for anything."

"Hmph." An Muxue snorted coldly, "What a loyal dog."

After finishing speaking, he didn't give him a chance to speak anymore, and waved his hand to hit him on the neck again.

Picking up the fishing line on the ground, tied the two of them together, gagged their mouths, and An Muxue came to the door of the room.

I couldn't figure out what kind of young master dared to attack her.

Could it be that after this period of time, she still doesn't know that she belongs to Fu Yunting?

How much courage do you have to go against Fu Yunting? .

With the door closed, An Muxue listened to the movement outside the door, and soon there were footsteps.

And judging from the sound, it's not just one or two people.

Several people were at the door, and there was a suspicious conversation.

"Is the young master's woman in this room? Why is no one guarding it?"

"Shouldn't Fat Dragon and Thin Tiger be here? Why don't you see anyone?"

"Useless things, if people run away, I'm worried that the young master will kill you."

Said to open the door.

An Muxue took a step back and took an attacking posture. The moment the door opened, she stepped forward and kicked the person in front of her in the chest.

With a bang, the man was kicked out, and the people who followed him also fell to the ground, and there were two people standing there beside him.

He didn't realize it for a while, and when he did, he hurriedly picked up the gun on his waist. An Muxue turned around and pulled out the pistol first and pointed it at his forehead. An Muxue's knife slashed her neck, and she passed out immediately.

The two kidnappers who fell on the ground got up, and An Muxue looked over with a cold look, "Don't move, where is it?"

The two kidnappers on the ground froze for a moment, and exchanged glances with each other.

He didn't answer the question, just got up and drew out his pistol and was about to shoot, but An Muxue took the first step, killing them both with two bang bangs.

The other kidnapper was so frightened that he was at a loss as to what to do. An Muxue pointed a gun at his forehead and continued to ask, "What is this place?"

"Yes... it's the Colon Hotel."

An Muxue frowned, Colonel Hotel, isn't this the Wen family's territory?

"Who brought me here?"

"Our young master."

The kidnapper made a full confession, An Muxue curled her lips.

Just as he was about to pull the trigger, the kidnapper begged, "Don't, don't kill me. It's my first day at work, and I don't know how dangerous this is. I can only obey. Don't kill me."

An Muxue's eyes were half downcast, the coldness on her face remained undiminished, it's okay not to kill him, but she must not just let it go.

He grabbed his hair with his hands, and slammed the back of his head against the wall, and he also passed out.

After dealing with the current situation, An Muxue got up and was about to leave, when she suddenly found a surveillance camera above the corridor.

It seems that what she did has been monitored, and she hastily retreated into the room out of unnecessary danger.

At this time, the downstairs was already full of luxury cars, and an ice-fire battle was going on in the living room.

Fu Yunting sat coldly on the boss's chair, in front of him was Wenjiang City kneeling on the ground, and Wen Shijie standing aside.

Wen Shijie's face was extremely ugly, he glanced at his elder brother with hatred, and closed his eyes in despair.

He knew that elder brother really caused trouble this time, even if he knelt down to beg Fu Yunting, Fu Yunting would not necessarily let him go.

The last bit of hope that he had originally held was finally dashed, but now he only hoped that An Muxue was okay, only she could talk about the current situation.

The atmosphere in the hall was abnormal, and Wenjiang City was breathing heavily. I really didn't expect Fu Yunting to rush over so soon, but he didn't taste the sweetness at all.

Seeing his unrepentant appearance, Fu Yunting lost patience.

"Where is the man?"

Wen Jiangcheng glanced at him, then turned his head aside in disdain, "Fu Yunting, you sometimes ask for help."

"Brother!" Wen Shijie was impatient, and really wanted to rush up and slap his elder brother twice.

Wenjiangcheng didn't repent at all, and gave Wen Shijie a cold look and said with disdain, "Don't call me big brother, I don't have a cowardly brother like you in Wenjiangcheng, and I know how to be dog legs by Fu's side all day long. What's the matter with traitors?" the difference?"

"You!" Wen Shijie was completely angry. He pointed at Wen Jiangcheng and before he could speak, Wen Jiangcheng continued, "What's wrong with me? Did I make a mistake? Look at the current situation, father has been controlled by him, and I am kneeling for him right now, not only did you not come forward to rescue him, but you also thought it was my fault, do you count as Wen's family?"

Wen Shijie was completely speechless by his big brother.

I can only look at Fu Yunting with complicated eyes, "Old Fu, my eldest brother suffered a brain injury when he was young, so don't be as knowledgeable as him."

Fu Yunting didn't speak, but Wen Jiangcheng took over the topic again.

"Your brain was injured, cowardly and cowardly thing. After following him for so long, what has he given you? Our Wen family is not as strong as their Fu family in any way. Why does he have to sit at the top of the list every year? I, Wen Jiang Cheng Cai should be the number one boss in Jiangcheng."

(End of this chapter)

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