As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 200 It's Better To Let It Free

Thinking of something, Wei Fengsheng clasped his hands and said, "Yang Dong found Xiaoli a few days ago, and his subordinates were still surprised, probably because of the silk thing."

"Well, that's a good thing, too."

In addition to hunting, Tianxi Village has a good silkworm industry.

But silkworms that transform from wild silkworms to white silkworms have to go through more than ten generations of screening.

Jiang Ran didn't pursue Yang Dong's arbitrarily inquiring about the news of the lord's mansion. After thinking about it, she planned to ask Steward Li to call Yang Dong over after returning to the mansion, and tell him about wild silkworm breeding.

Then, Yang Xiaochuan took Jiang Ran to look at the plowed fields.

Although the land that Jiang Ran wants to reclaim is only a hundred acres for the time being, it is not concentrated in one piece, and the farthest piece of land is already very close to Wulian Qingshan.

Not far from Haiquan Bay, a composting pond was specially built. Day laborers would throw fallen leaves and other things into the composting pond, then spread a layer of seal, and pour the retting fertilizer on the soil after a while.

Jiang Ran was lucky enough to take a look at the compost pond.

Pang smelly.

A woodland bordering the bamboo forest is planted with five holy cotton trees.

More than 20 days ago, Jiang Ran planted the holy cotton with her own hands.

The land where Shengwen cotton was planted was a woodland selected by Jiang Ran.

Ordinary cotton trees are short, about half a meter, and tall, about two or three meters long.

The holy pattern cotton tree is very long. It is said that it can grow to hundreds of meters high and ten meters in diameter.

An adult holy cotton tree can cover the entire tree layer, and it looks like a white island floating in the air from a distance.

And once it produces cotton, it can keep a county-level territory rich for three years.

The holy cotton tree also grows very fast, it can grow to more than ten meters in three years, but it takes a long time to breed holy cotton. Without the help of the demon spirit, the holy cotton will bloom only once in ten years. How precious is cotton.

Under the action of the Holy Cotton Spirit Insect, all five seeds have broken through the ground, and a ten-centimeter seedling has grown.

The veins of the leaves of the holy cotton tree are filled with colors and rippling with eight powerful spiritual elements.


A colorful and ugly spirit insect emerged from a certain cotton leaf with fierce eyes. Seeing that it was its owner, it dismissed the vicious thought of attacking, and instead stared at Jiang Ran while drooling.

Seeing that Jiang Ran didn't take out the demon spirit's food, the Holy Cotton Spirit Worm was a little disappointed, and then disappeared with a whoosh, hiding somewhere in the Holy Cotton Tree.

This demon spirit is often ugly and out of tune with Jiang Ran.

In fact, this spirit worm is just terrifying in reality.

And different from other clingy demon spirits, it acts independently, like a bloodthirsty strongman, but also like a greedy tyrant.

Zhang Xiaochuan couldn't help shaking when he saw the Holy Cotton Spirit Worm.

Perhaps, all spirit insects in the world are very cute, but this certainly does not include holy cotton spirit insects.

He will never forget how much damage this ugly spirit insect with red eyes and cracked teeth yelled at him when they first met.

With a shy look, a green snake lurked past the vegetation. Zhang Xiaochuan sucked his nose aggrievedly, quickly picked up a wooden stick from the ground, and stuck it straight into the green snake's forehead.

The snake was not dead yet, its body twisted and struggled, and it hit the ground with a crackling sound.

"It disturbed the lord. I don't know why these five saplings are attracting snakes and insects, so you need to be careful when approaching them."

He stabbed the snake to death very skillfully, obviously this was not the first time he met it.

Zhang Xiaochuan put the snake in a cloth bag and had another delicious meal when he took it home.

Fortunately, he was born as a hunter, so he could deal with these little snakes calmly.

The holy-weave spirit worms are little demon spirits that have produced eight kinds of spiritual elements when they are born. They are not just snakes and insects. When these trees are fully grown, they will attract more beasts.

The holy pattern cotton tree grows to about ten meters before it can produce cotton. The demon spirit can adjust the plant growth time. It may take four or five years for a small sapling to produce holy pattern cotton.

Of course, if it is a monster, it can be compressed into two or three years.

In addition to Shengwen cotton, Jiang Ran also grew ordinary cotton.

Let the Holy Cotton Spirit Worm absorb the pheromones of other types of cotton, and it can slightly promote the growth of other cottons.

Of course, Jiang Ran didn't dare to do this, because the demon spirit would mutate. What if it absorbed too much pheromone from ordinary cotton and mutated into an ordinary cotton spirit insect?
This process is very difficult to control.


For another two days, there was heavy rain pouring outside the window, and some insects hiding from the rain huddled in the corner of the window, wandering in confusion, quietly waiting for the storm to pass by.

Inside the house, a little white dragon crawled on the bed, and beside the little dragon sat a woman quietly. She closed her eyes lightly, and a mysterious gleam flowed from her body, connecting to the white little dragon.

The spirit energy between the spirit beast master and the spirit pet can circulate each other, and through this process, the bond between each other is continuously deepened.

The stronger Bai Mei's strength is, the more feedback he brings to Jiang Ran.

This feedback may be spiritual or spiritual, or even enhance the blood and physical fitness of the spirit beast master.

Jiang Ran didn't feel much of the increase in aura that Bai Mei brought to her, but she could clearly feel the blood in her body surging, and her own healing ability had improved.

The noise of the rain outside the window could not affect the connection of minds and thoughts of one person and one dragon in the slightest.

After a long time, Bai Mei's energy and spiritual power reached saturation, and Jiang Ran stopped this practice.

Jiang Ran sighed, and thought to himself, "Maybe I am very talented. As a monk, I have no problem in cultivation, but as a spirit beast master, there are too many problems..."

Relying on understanding "Spiritual Beast Master's Shouzha", Jiang Ran managed to enter the Earth-level Space Sea Realm, but no one pointed him out, and he might go down a lot of wrong paths just by reading the book.

And without the examples of other spirit beast masters as a reference, Jiang Ran didn't know if her "answer" was correct.

The thunderstorm outside did not know when it stopped, and there was a knock on the door.

Bai Mei tilted her head and roared softly, instead of entering the spiritual space, she shrunk her body, like a delicate white dragon bracelet entrapping Jiang Ran's wrist.

Jiang Ran lowered her eyes and glanced at Bai Mei who buried her head in guilt.

Although Ling Kong is comfortable to live in, it may be a bit boring because of the long stay, Bai Mei doesn't like staying in it very much.

Jiang Ran thought for a while, if she was herself, she wouldn't like to be shadowed in the dark all day long.

Bai Mei is a divine dragon, but if he still needs to hide in the territory he can control, it will be even worse if he goes outside.

If you don't have the ability to protect it and make it happy at the beginning, then you might as well let it go free.

Jiang Ran patted Bai Mei, and Bai Mei returned to its original form in a daze. A three-meter-long little white dragon was entrenched in the room. With an ugly face, Bai Mei rubbed Jiang Ran's hand stickily, "Ho Ho??"

How did the nest get bigger?

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