Chapter 210 Points
The Southern Crown Secret Realm has a great effect. After experimenting, Jiang Ran finally understood its usage.

The first level of Warcraft Tide can simulate the most realistic battlefield for fighting with Warcraft. As long as Jiang Ran has the ability, he can draw millions of Warcraft on the murals to simulate all kinds of Warcraft!

It's just a pity that the highest level of the Southern Crown Secret Realm can only draw monsters at the early stage of the Sea Consciousness Realm, and Jiang Ran is not a spiritual painter, so he can't draw monsters.

The second layer of fantasy can temper the will of the soldiers and enhance their spiritual power!
As the master of the Southern Crown Secret Realm, Jiang Ran can control the illusion, for example, he can connect the illusion of people in the same cell, allowing them to fight and fight in it.

However, being injured in the illusion will not reflect the reality. Jiang Ran can use the platform to display the hallucination scene anywhere in the South Crown Secret Realm. It can be said that the illusion layer is the best place to lay out the battle platform.

In the future, martial arts and the like can be held in Nanguan City.

The third floor of the Xinglou is actually a place for simulating martial arts. It has a function similar to video. Learn this martial skill.

The so-called Nanguan Seven Swords that Jiang Ran learned at Jianmen is the swordsmanship left by the predecessors in the Nanguan Secret Realm.

It's just a pity that the Xinglou can only record the ten martial arts of sword, knife, spear, halberd, bow, whip, axe, mace, dart, and stick, and the skill level cannot exceed the holy level.

The Qi Xing Building has already placed all kinds of mortal and prefecture-level martial arts. Those with military merits, money, and good performance... can enter the Qi Xing Building to learn.

And the fourth layer of purgatory is the place to temper the spiritual essence, which can enhance the monk's perception of the spiritual essence.

Over the past few days, the troops of Suling Town have been cultivating in the South Crown Secret Realm, and their combat effectiveness has improved qualitatively. There are now 31 monks in the Juling Realm of Suling Town.

You must know that four months ago, there were only 13 monks in the Juling Realm in Suling Town!
The strength of the territory will always be the strongest weapon in troubled times!

While thinking, Jiang Xiaowen suddenly pointed to a place and said, "Sister, look at this team, it seems to be in big trouble."

In order to train Jiang Xiaowen, Jiang Ran often took her to and from the training grounds. Even if she didn't have time, she would ask Tian Jing to take Jiang Xiaowen with her.

And in this South Crown Secret Realm, Jiang Ran needs to let the Linglong Pagoda control these magical beasts. If he really mutilates and kills his soldiers, the loss outweighs the gain.

One of Jiang Ran's old acquaintances, Qian Zhen, was the captain of a ten-member team, holding a red spear tightly in his hand, and was confronting a giant devil eagle in the third level of the Spirit Gathering Realm.

A black-bearded middle-aged man in the team was vigilant with two knives, but his tone couldn't hide his panic, "Captain, what should we do?"

In this team, not all of them are monks, half of them are ordinary soldiers, and the strongest in the team is Qian Zhen, who has just broken through the spirit-gathering state. He was caught off guard by a third-level monster of the spirit-gathering state, and he was still able to fly. The giant devil eagle in the air... This situation is very bad!

This military training is a bit special. It is actually a small assessment. You can get a certain amount of points by killing a monster. The monsters in the first to ninth levels of the pulse-opening state are rewarded with 1 to 9 points respectively, and the starting points for the monsters in the spirit-gathering state are 15 points. , every time you jump a small stage, the points will increase by 5 points.

In other words, if they hunted down this spirit-gathering-level three-level monster, their team would get 25 points!

Points can be exchanged for many resources!

But the premise is that they can beat it!
Qian Zhen's eyes were red, and he stared fixedly at the probing ghost eagle in front of him, and the veins in his hand holding the red gun bulged.

This assessment is an excellent opportunity!

Who would have thought that their lord would have obtained a county-level Jade Map secret realm after going out, and knowing this secret realm, the more he felt that Suling Town could rise at an extremely fast speed!

Because the lord is willing to share the secret realm with their low-level monks!
Five points can be spent in Purgatory Building for one hour, and this hour of spiritual essence can be worth half a month of hard training!

If another ten points are exchanged for a place to practice in the Spirit Gathering Formation, Qian Zhen can quickly stabilize the cultivation level of the first stage of the Spirit Gathering Formation!
Right now, the Linglong Pagoda is floating and spinning next to Jiang Ran, and the screen turns to the monster tide layer, and the eliminated soldiers are also nervously watching the image projected from the sky.

"Is this going to be gone?"

"It's a pity, it's still an hour before the end of the assessment..."

The assessment time is one day, and as long as you can persist for one day under the pursuit of the monster, you can get an extra [-] points, and if you are "killed" by the monster halfway, the points you get from hunting the monster will be halved.

A soldier beat his chest and stamped his feet, very annoyed, "I'm so sorry, I should have hidden at that time, and it will be over if I persist for more than an hour!"

"This time, the ones who can persist to the end are probably Commander Tian, ​​Guards, Deputy Yan and Lieutenant..."

"Hey, I really want to use the Spirit Gathering Formation once, but I don't know what kind of experience it is... Unfortunately, my points are still a little short. Hey, can any brother sell me five points?!"

Points can be bought and sold within the army, and it is not very useful for soldiers without cultivation to hold points. After all, using the spirit gathering array is useless.

However, the points can be exchanged for some spiritual items. If you have tens of thousands of points, you can exchange for a magic weapon, and you can sell it to monks to make a fortune, so even ordinary people attach great importance to this assessment!

Looking at the dark red sky in the secret realm, someone couldn't help being in a daze, "I don't know what surprises the lord has in hand."

"I always feel like I'm still dreaming. Our small town not only has magical things such as the secret realm, the teleportation array, and the spirit gathering array, but even the distinguished craftsmen and alchemists are willing to follow our adults!"

The alchemist is not obvious, but the advantage of having an alchemist is that the monks in the town can go to Muxi to directly buy the relatively low-level pills such as Huiqi Pill, and the price is much cheaper.

While discussing, everyone's eyes still stayed on the huge image, only to see that Qian Zhen's eyes were bloodshot, and he was confronting the huge ghost eagle.

Money is really clear headed.

He must lead his team and strive for more points, and this terrifying ghost eagle...he wants to slaughter it!
The giant devil eagle spit out a hot and explosive black fire towards the bottom, Qian Zhen rolled and dodged, but the shocking heat wave made his skin burn.

Qian Zhen is a monk with both fire and wood elements, but his talent is limited, so he has always been based on the fire element with stronger explosive power and attack power.

But at this moment, the raging fire couldn't take down the cunning ghost eagle at all.

"Captain! This giant devil eagle is flying in the air, we can't touch it at all!"

And this place is too open, it is simply the best place for ghost eagles to attack them. Although they are not as strong as this beast, they are superior in number. If they can find a way to restrain this giant ghost eagle...

Qian Zhen frowned and yelled at the team members while running fast: "I need a bait! Which of you would like it!"

(End of this chapter)

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