Chapter 222
Old Zhangtou simply refused, and Jiang Ran didn't feel disappointed. Instead, he turned around and asked old Zhangtou's so-called friends who knew Mingxiao Academy very well.

Jiang Ran was generous, and the old man guessed that he could get a business for his friend, so he immediately said enthusiastically: "It just so happens that we are going to my friend's place, so I will take you there."

Old Zhangtou was in a good mood, "I have to say that the guests have found the right person. It's already late today, and the guests are going shopping, I'm afraid they won't be able to find a vacant inn."

As long as Lao Zhangtou reminded them to beware of these mixed sects, Jiang Ran had a good impression of Lao Zhangtou.

If you are unfamiliar with the place, there is no need to save two yuan for travel expenses.

Jiang Ran and others followed Lao Zhangtou into the city, while listening to Lao Zhangtou talk about the layout of Mingxiao Outer City.

"Don't think it's just the outer city, but the area of ​​Mingxiao outer city is comparable to the land of a metropolitan city. The forest and plains we passed before are actually within the scope of Mingxiao outer city."

"The outer city of Mingxiao is roughly divided into the wild suburbs, the lower city, and the central city...haha, but we are basically active in the lower city, and the consumer units in the central city are basically pure crystals. We usually don't dare to look up when we pass by. "

Old Zhangtou seemed to be not familiar with the outer city of Mingxiao College, so he led a few people around to a wonton shop in a relatively remote location.

The street is a bit dilapidated and the lights are dim, but although the location is remote, it is full of fireworks. Looking around, many ordinary vendors in the crowd are drinking and buying and selling goods.


Qi Xiuyuan and Su Jidong looked around, seeming a little surprised, "Isn't Mingxiao Academy a place for cultivating geniuses? I didn't expect there to be a group of ordinary people with no cultivation here!"

Old Zhangtou smiled when he heard this, "Even if you have cultivated to the Sea Consciousness Realm and the Pill Sky Realm, mortals are still mortals, with seven emotions and six desires, so they naturally need clothes to warm their bodies and five grains to satisfy their hunger. Those above will naturally attract those below."

Qi Xiuyuan and Su Ji had never been to understand the lives of ordinary people in Mingxiao College, so after such an explanation, they suddenly understood, and they were no longer puzzled.

Jiang Nancheng, Qian Zhen, and Ma Yunzhen grew up in Suling Town and have never traveled far, so there is no doubt about it, and in their opinion, the lower town is already prosperous enough.

Old Zhang explained, and then he yelled towards the wonton shop, "Hey! The Hong family, where is Lao Hong? I brought you a business."

The middle-aged woman who bought chaos raised her head in surprise, but before she could answer, the ground seemed to shake slightly, and then she saw a tall and sturdy uncle running out of the wonton shop, "Hahaha, old Zhang, where is the business? "You're welcome right away, as expected, we are friends, not just acquaintances.

Old Honghu was wolf-backed, two meters tall, and had a fork-shaped scar on his face, which looked unfriendly.

Out of the corner of Jiang Ran's eyes, she glanced at the environment of the wonton shop. There were ten tables in the small wonton shop and four tables outside. The business seemed to be good.

Jiang Ran is quite satisfied with the friends that Lao Zhangtou has found.

Generally speaking, people who can open a shop in a stable manner will not engage in such foolish things as cheating.

Old Zhangtou was very familiar with their tone, he looked around and asked, "Xiaoyuan and the others are there?"

"Hahaha, isn't there a lot of outsiders these days? I sent all the brats out to find work. These guys are..."

"These gentlemen are here to study at Mingxiao Academy. Tonight, they want to find a reliable inn, and also want to find a guide to get acquainted with the outer city of Mingxiao."

The old Zhangtou introduced to Jiang Ran and others, "This is the friend I mentioned, named Hong Guangshi. Although he looks fierce, he is still quite nice. He has lived here for more than 20 years and knows the place well. ..."


After eating a bowl of wontons, Jiang Ran spent some money, and Hongguang City sent a younger brother to find an inn called Laifu for the seven of them.

The inns in the outer city are basically full, and a one-day stay is worth ten days in a trade city inn.

Although the location of Laifu Inn is a bit remote, it looks clean and hygienic. Jiang Ran and the others are quite satisfied.

They didn't hit a wall or find a detour. After a hard day, the few of them went to bed early to recharge their batteries.

The next morning, the people sent by the Hong family to lead the way were waiting at the Laifu Inn early on. They were worried that Jiang Ran and the others hadn't eaten breakfast too early, so they thoughtfully brought a few bowls of wontons, and the service attitude was perfect.

This time it was Hong Guangshi's son Hong Yuan who came here.

Hong Yuan was a young man in his early twenties, secretly and carefully sizing up the few people his father had specifically mentioned, they were all younger than he thought.

A woman disguised as a man, so beautiful that she blushed every time she looked at her.

One of the children she was close to appeared to be in her teens.

The two have elegant postures, and the others treat them with a very respectful attitude, and they should have the highest status.

His father sent him here because he wanted him to have a good relationship with these people.

But these people’s clothes are gorgeous, they seem to come from a small territory, and their cultivation bases don’t seem to be very outstanding, can they pass the examination of Mingxiao Academy...

Ma Yunzhen bowed to take the wonton from Hong Yuan, opened the food box, put the things on a table in the inn, and first prepared a pair of chopsticks for Jiang Ran and Jiang Nancheng.

Qi Xiuyuan had a cheerful personality, and immediately praised: "Thank you, your wontons are delicious."

"As long as you like it." Hong Yuan looked honest, his face was not as fierce as his old man, but rather obedient, "You guys want to sign up, then we need to hurry up, otherwise we have to wait in line Night to."

I have already seen how many people came to Mingxiao Academy last night. I don’t need to think about it to know that there are many people waiting in line. When Hong Yuan’s words came out, several people obviously accelerated their eating speed.

The registration point is in the central city under the outer city of Mingxiao.

Jiang Ran and the others were still late.

As Hong Yuan said, although it was still early at this time, the square was already full of people, chaotic and chaotic, and people had their own emotions, excited, apprehensive, excited...

Looking from a distance, there are five teams lined up, all of which are very far away, but one of them is like a long dragon, which can almost line up from the central city to the lower city.Jiang Ran and the others fell behind, they could only see crowds of people, but could not see the end point ahead.

"Oh my god, there are so many people?!" Tian Chi, who had been obsessed with being a good baby, couldn't help but yelled.

There was a purple light in Jiang Ran's eyes, which disappeared in a flash, and asked Hong Yuan, "Why are there five lines?"

Hong Yuan was very surprised that Jiang Ran didn't even know this, "Don't you know? That's because Mingxiao Academy has five branches, namely the seminary for cultivating mainstream monks, the spiritual academy for demon spirit masters, and the beast academy for spirit beast masters. , the alchemy academy for alchemists, and the tool academy for alchemists."

"Each college has different requirements for students, so it is divided into five teams."

"The seminary accepts the most students, and the one with the longest queue belongs to the seminary."

(End of this chapter)

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