As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 227 Childish Fairy

Chapter 227 Childish Fairy

She thought about the mutation of the demon spirit again, and her head was full of imagination. She couldn't help guessing that the mutation of the demon spirit might be infected with various "genes" of the plant during the process of infecting the plants, and then the unique power of the demon spirit made these The "gene" completed a qualitative change in the body, allowing the demon spirit to complete the mutation, and finally the demon spirit was supplemented with plants.

From this point of view, all the little demon spirits are born "botanists".

Jiang Nancheng didn't know the concept of "gene". Jiang Ran's few words did not remind Jiang Nancheng of hybridizing different wheats, but had another idea.

"Why can't the thin-rooted wheat be inserted into the thick-rooted wheat, so that the coarse-rooted wheat can grow fruit for the fine-rooted wheat?"

"Many plants have very strong vitality. Before, Brother Li and I removed weeds and tore up the stems and leaves of a grass, but left a little root system. After two days, the weeds were all gone. It's growing again!"

"I heard from Butler Li that there were two families in the town who carried their children wrongly. They were obviously neighbors, but they raised their children in a muddle-headed way."

"In this case, perhaps, a plum tree can be planted on a peach tree. Anyway, people can be so sloppy, and plants are so stupid, so they will definitely not be able to find it, and maybe a piece will grow..."

The more Jiang Nancheng thought about it, the more he felt it was possible. His sister once told Xiaowen and him about the ultimate physical training: "No one has tried it before, but I didn't say it couldn't be done."

So Jiang Nancheng took a pen and tried to use mature words to write down the seemingly ridiculous idea, "The root of the weakness of the fruit tree lies in the shallow root system, and the soft root system cannot support it to absorb the majestic "earth energy" underground. Replace the Ruolan tree with a strong rhizome, and use its roots to supply the energy of Ruolan..."

Qian Zhen couldn't help shouting: "A lot of demon spirits!"

The supervisor was very surprised, "Is it finished?"

As a clone, the spore has no thoughts, but it can survive tens of thousands of miles away from the mother, thereby helping the mother to infect more plants and absorb more energy, thereby helping the immature fairy to evolve to a higher level.

The ghosts are basically the size of a human's palm, while the childish fairy is between forty centimeters and sixty centimeters in length.

The immature fairy found that someone was watching her, tilted her head, and let out a cry of excitement and fun. She vigorously shook the red wings behind her, and with a small hurricane, she suddenly moved towards Jiang Ran and others. He rushed in the direction of the person, "Yo Gu~"

"Hey, don't be in a hurry to refuse, it's all here anyway, and little friend Jiang is still in the assessment, so there's still time to visit our Spiritual Academy first."

Looking at the test paper, more than half of it was left blank. The corner of the supervisor's eyes twitched slightly, and he looked at the last question, and found that the most difficult question was filled to the brim.

I heard that the appearance of the sporozoite is very similar to that of the young fairy's demon spirit insect, and the range and ability to affect plants are also quite similar to that of the demon spirit insect.

Jiang Ran discovered that the land in the Lingyuan was divided into many pieces, and a sign was inserted on each piece of cultivated land, with a name written on it to indicate the ownership of the land.

After writing this passage, Jiang Nancheng was extremely confident, so he put down his pen, answered the last question, got up from his seat, and honestly handed in the test paper.

For example, if the wheat spirit monster evolves into the wheat spirit fairy, it may make the common wheat (wheat without spiritual elements) that has been planted not long ago mature within ten days.

Jiang Ran stepped on this land, her feet were soft and scented with flowers, and she looked at the little demon spirits with different shapes in a daze.

And unlike the naked ghosts and ghosts, the juvenile fairy has evolved its own spore coat.

Scanning the first two lines, the characteristics of Ruolan fruit tree are very accurate, but the last suggestion made the youth supervisor surprised, "This..."

Although his method of cultivating demon spirits is radical, he is extremely patient with talents.

The young fairy is the evolution of the ghost, and its life span is 100 years longer than that of the ghost.

In the meantime, some people shuttled through the farmland, some were pedantic and took scrolls to write records, and some looked like farmers weeding and fertilizing the plants.

The demon spirits in the immature fairy period usually produce at most ten spores at the same time.

Looking around, these lands are basically planted with crops, or there are tall trees, the leaves hug each other like silk, or the grass and flowers are in full bloom, dense and orderly, graceful and beautiful.

Its spore coat mainly protects itself and is used to make the baby fairy's clone - the spore.

The prototype of the immature fairy that Jiang Ran and others saw seemed to be some kind of red flower, and the red afterbirth was in the shape of a flower skirt.

It may be that they are used to seeing humans for a long time. These demon spirits are very bold and friendly. They are not like the wild demon spirits who are vigilant and hidden, but are exposed in the air.


Compared with the monster, the juvenile fairy has become bigger and more slender.

The carriage ran over the blue stone road. The difference between the Lingyuan and the other four courtyards is that its location is basically far away from the hustle and bustle.

Jiang Ran could see that Duyuan Chen had no evil intentions, and he had said so, so he could only agree to watch first.

He decided that the little doll in front of him had some kind of special talent, otherwise he wouldn't be able to tell at a glance that he gave birth to a demon spirit from the seven bud blue bell flower, and he could also see that there was an abnormal amount of earth energy in the soil where he cultivated the demon spirit.

Jiang Ran smiled wryly, "Well, Chen Duyuan, I really can't join the Spiritual Academy, so you don't have to bother."

After getting off the carriage, the field of vision suddenly widened, thousands of miles away, dark colors were blooming, and the mountains towered into the dazzling spiritual clouds.In the green and secluded place of the steep peaks, the gurgling autumn water rushes down from the heights, like a beautiful silver silk, slowly flowing into the flat fields.

Chen Duyuan didn't care, and said rascally.

After temporarily separating from his younger brother Jiang Nancheng and the book boy Ma Yunzhen, Chen Duyuan took Jiang Ran and the two to the place where the students of the Spiritual Academy cultivated demon spirits.

Its influence can cover a whole city, and being able to become an immature fairy means that it already has spiritual essence in its body. The plants it can influence produce spiritual essence, and it has a stronger adjustment ability than ghosts and ghosts.

So Qian Zhen saw dozens of demon spirits all at once, and among them was an immature fairy.

The spore garment feels like the clothes worn by humans, but the main function of the spore garment is not to cover up the body—after all, demon spirits have no gender and cannot reproduce.

It's just that it hasn't gotten close yet, and its owner has strangled the throat of fate.

The owner of the mischievous demon smiled apologetically, rubbed its head lovingly, and then walked over, "Sorry, it's called Xiaohong, it's my demon spirit, and its prototype is Red Epiphyllum. Likes to play pranks."

After explaining, he respectfully called out to Chen Duyuan, teacher.

Chen Duyuan nodded, and looked at Hongtan demon spirit, "The luster of the skin and wings is very good, Xiaohong has just evolved into an immature fairy, you have to pay more attention, don't let it eat something it shouldn't eat."

(End of this chapter)

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