As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 233 Grain Shop

Chapter 233 Grain Shop
Hearing what Jiang Ran said, Hong Yuan nodded, and when she said goodbye to the woman, she was still wiping away tears.

Jiang Ran took a look and shook her head.

Jiang Ran followed Hong Yuan to look at other houses, but she was not very satisfied. Hong Yuan felt that he hadn't done a good job in this matter, so he said sorry, "My lord, I have many brothers. Give me a little time, and I will definitely find a house that satisfies you."

Jiang Ran smiled and said not to worry, "I'll leave it to you."

Hong Yuan actually did not expect that Jiang Ran would decide to buy a house in Mingxiao so quickly. In fact, compared to buying, renting is much more cost-effective—because Mingxiao is not a serious leader city, but a school city, and most of the people who come here are not. Residents of Mingxiao, so in order to protect the locals and prevent land loss, the helm of Mingxiao set the house price relatively high.

More than [-] spirit crystals go to buy a house, and several generations may not be able to save enough money.

However, in order to attract tourists, especially to ensure the operation of the lower levels of the city, the price of renting a house in Mingxiao is very good.

Like Hong Yuan's father, Lao Hong, who rented a restaurant in the lower city as a restaurant, and the monthly rent was only a little more than two gold dollars!
Of course, this is the lower city, and the lower city is specially developed for ordinary people to live in, and trading of spiritual objects is not allowed, so the relative rent is much, much cheaper than that of the central city.

To buy and sell spiritual objects, you have to go to the central city, and the rent is at least denominated in crystals.

"It's a ridiculous and exciting world." Jiang Ran's eyes were in a trance.

Hong Yuan laughed, "Coincidentally, Mr. Jiang, you asked the wrong person this question. I happen to have a brother who runs a grain shop. I know that. Normally, the purchase price is two thousand silver dollars per stone; if it is like In a bad year or when the harvest is not good, the purchase price can reach more than [-] silver dollars!"

Jiang Ran naturally wanted to save trouble, and with Hong Yuan as the lead, Jiang Ran found Hong Yuan's brother who opened a grain shop, Chen Wenfei.

Hong Yuan was overjoyed, "Since you want to sell grain, why not take it to my brother, my brother is kind, as long as your food is good, he will give you a good price!"

But if it takes a lot of energy and time to sell it in bulk, it is better to sell it directly to the grain shop.

"Hey, Hong Yuan, you invisible boy, why do you have time to visit me today!" Chen Wenfei happily patted Hong Yuan on the back when she saw Hong Yuan. Surprise flashed, "This is..."

Hong Yuan thought to himself that Jiang Ran was so concerned about food prices, he must not be a prince or grandson from some territory.

Chen Wenfei has a name like a scholar, but he may look more like a landlord.The scale of this person's food store is neither big nor small, and the grains and miscellaneous grains are neatly arranged, and the prices are generously written.

When the farming techniques are improved and poor lands are turned into good fields, the wheat spirit monsters will become stronger, and the harvest will increase somewhat.

And mortals yearn to become monks.

In the past two days, he has been wandering around, but he has earned more than 800 crystals from this master, which is almost equal to his income from running errands for half a year, so he is happy to introduce him to his brother, "Isn't this a good thing, brother thinking of you, This gentleman's surname is Jiang, he wants to sell a batch of wheat, and he is looking for a grain store, so I recommend you to come here."

After these few days, Hong Yuan knew that Jiang Ran looked cold and not easy to get close to. If she got too close, it would give people a sense of oppression for no reason, but she was very angry.

Jiang Ran nodded without concealing it.

But Jiang Ran understands that since the world is like this, Ming Xiao's actions are actually a kind of protection for ordinary people.

She won't tell him that she has the idea of ​​placing a teleportation array here. If it's just renting a house and the ownership does not belong to her, it will be dangerous.

Jiang Ran nodded, having an idea in her mind.

The whole city is shrouded in a hazy mist, there are many shops around the road, and the streets are still full of traffic.

Hong Yuan asked curiously, "Master Jiang, are you planning to sell grain?"

It seems that there is an invisible moat separating the worlds of mortals and monks - mortals use silver and gold dollars, but are helplessly surrounded by vulgar things; monks disdain gold and silver, chasing pure crystals and spiritual crystals, chasing power and long years .

In Mingxiao, this sense of separation between mortals and monks is far stronger than in Suling Town.

In November, the wheat in Suling Town will be harvested again. According to this momentum, the granary has been replenished, and there should be some left over.

Chen Wenfei was overjoyed when she heard it, and she smiled like a child with a fat face, "Master Jiang, you are so radiant, can I see how the quality of your wheat is?"

Jiang Ran wouldn't open a grain store by himself. The only wheat reserves in the territory can be seen now. How can a grain store be competitive if it only buys and sells wheat?

Facing Hong Yuan's doubts about why he must buy a house instead of renting one, Jiang Ran smiled and said nothing.

The matter of the house has not yet been settled, Jiang Ran followed Hong Yuan, but found out the price of Mingxiao's down town.

"Hong Yuan, how much is the price of wheat bought by the large and small grain shops around here?"

But hearing this question, Hong Yuan was also very bitter. His father was in charge of eating and drinking, and his family was actually from other places. There was no land in Mingxiao, and the monthly rations cost a lot of money. If the price is too high, it won't do them any good. "It's always been this price. Half of Mingxiao's grain is brought in from outside grain merchants. If the transportation is high, the price of grain will naturally be high."

In the first year when Mai Lingguai became a demon spirit, the power of the demon spirit in his body was weak and he was not familiar with it. Even so, the harvest of one mu of land in Suling Town was still [-] to [-] catties of wheat, which was more than the previous harvest. more than doubled.

With the space ring, it is easy to transport one or two tons of grain. If it is successfully sold to Mingxiao, it may bring some income to the people in the territory.

She found that the grain here is more expensive than in Suling Town. The most concerned thing at the moment is of course the price of wheat. The wheat in Suling Town is 12 silver dollars a catty, and the export price to the cities around Suling Town is about 14 silver dollars a catty. , but the wheat in the grain shop here has basically reached 22 silver dollars per catty!
"It's not a disaster year, why is Mingxiao's food so expensive?"

Jiang Nancheng stayed in Mingxiao, and she must take some time to visit Mingxiao every month. Even if she didn't come, she would send someone over to check on the situation.

Hearing this, Jiang Ran looked away, and took out a cloth bag from the empty ring, which contained thirty catties of wheat.

Chen Wenfei glanced enviously at the space ring on Jiang Ran's hand, and her attitude became more respectful.

"I'm sorry." Chen Wenfei said in a deep voice, and then stirred it with his hands to get out the wheat at the bottom. Looking at the full-grained wheat with a look of satisfaction on his face, he crushed a few more grains of wheat and put them in Tasted it in my mouth, "Not bad!"

"What price can I give?" Jiang Ran was straightforward.

(End of this chapter)

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