As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 242 Nancheng, Be Independent

Chapter 242 Nancheng, Be Independent
It has been several years since Yuquan Building has seen a holy weapon. Gu Feng seemed to imagine the grand scene three days later, "A holy weapon, many people will be crazy about this holy gun!"

"Yes, more specifically, please discuss it with me, Guanshi Gu." This is a good thing, Jiang Ran raised her head, and naturally readily agreed.

Seeing that she agreed, Gu Feng put down a stone in his heart.But looking at her reaction, she was much colder than his, which poured cold water on the high spirits in Guanshi Gu's heart and calmed down.

What is the origin of this person?
Gu Feng represented Yu Quan's face, and quickly calmed down after being excited.He promised Jiang Ran that this holy gun will be auctioned at their Yuquan auction house, and its starting price will never be lower than 1000 million spirit crystals. After that, the auction will charge a [-]% handling fee.

Jiang Ran: "Then let's make a contract." This is not a trivial matter, and it must be bound and guaranteed.

After signing the contract, Steward Gu handed Jiang Ran a golden nameplate with both hands, "After three days, show this gold medal, and an attendant will take you to the VIP room at the auction site. Please come to the venue."

"it is good."

The steward Gu gave her a very generous price for the suit of the Jinli Magic Spear, the magic crown and the other three guns. During this trip, Jiang Ran got a total of 260 million Spirit Crystals.

The Holy Lance needs to be auctioned to get the remittance. After the negotiation, Manager Gu and the female appraiser personally sent her out.

Looking at Jiang Ran's back, the female appraiser stroked her chest, unable to calm down, "Master Gu, what is the origin of this man, so mysterious, he took out a holy magic gun, and his expression didn't change for a moment! "

Several people rubbed their fingers and nodded expectantly.

The house on Yuanshui Street with convenient transportation that Jiang Ran had taken a fancy to at the beginning, the owner was willing to sell the house for 23 spirit crystals.

For Jiang Nancheng and Jiang Xiaowen, although Jiang Ran didn't have much time to spend with them, which might be less interesting than real blood dissolving in water, but at least he still treated them as relatives.

But now, that has been made up to.

Jiang Ran was still happy in her heart, and felt that it would be good to let him do it by himself, so she agreed to his proposal, and then gave Jiang Nancheng [-] spirit crystals.

After asking them to sign and press their fingerprints, Jiang Ran asked them about their plans as a lord and elder.

Only ten years old, what is it if not a child?Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows lightly, and was about to refute, but saw Jiang Nancheng's serious face. The words just now were obviously not a whim.

Just as Jiang Ran had collected enough money, Hong Yuan brought good news the next day!

She kept an eye in the dark and made a stamp on this contract—this is her habit, and the stamp is hard to detect with the naked eye, so she clicks the stamp wherever she goes.

"Sister, you're back, what do you want to eat, I'll ask Xiao Er to bring it up." Jiang Nancheng felt a little distressed seeing Jiang Ran coming back so late.

The branches outside the window are slanting, and the sight passes through the lush leaves. When I saw the familiar night light hanging in the sky, the cicadas also stopped.

Jiang Ran's eyes were filled with smile lines, "Huh? What's the answer?"

If possible, it would be best to engrave this kind of imprint on the skin of her chest, but this will leave her imprint for the rest of her life, and it will be grasped by her at any time. If she wants to get rid of it, she has to endure the pain of cutting flesh.

Jiang Nancheng blinked, held back his tears, and nodded vigorously, "Yes! Got it, sister." Sister, the best sister.

Like Jiang Xiaowen, he lacks love.

Sometimes, good luck follows.

Instead of touching Jiang Nancheng's head, he patted him on the shoulder. Jiang Ran's tone slowed down, which was rare and gentle, "...Nancheng, no matter what happens, we are brothers and sisters. If you have any difficulties, don't hold back .”

The female appraiser immediately lowered her head, "Yes!"

Sitting in rows, like dogs waiting for their owners to come home, the picture is a bit joyful,

Among the four, Zhen really borrowed less money, borrowing 5 spirit crystals.

Jiang Ran looked at Jiang Nancheng. The latter's expression was not surprised. It seemed that it had been discussed, so Jiang Ran would not stop him.

In fact, my sister is only five years older than myself. After inheriting Suling, it is very rare to have leisure. When I arrived in Mingxiao City, I thought I could relax and play, but in the end I was still busy everywhere.

After the few people left, Jiang Nancheng stayed in Jiang Ran's room. After hesitating for a moment, he said, "Sister, man, I am no longer a child. It's time to learn to be independent. I want to borrow money like Brother Tian and Brother Qian." Money as a starting point, of course, I also want to write loan books.”

Qi Xiuyuan has a generous and gentle personality. He has already made a few friends in Mingxiao, and he plans to take Su Ji to the outskirts of Mingxiao. There are monsters to hunt there, but most of them are relatively weak and relatively safe.

He grew taller and gradually transformed.

As for Tian Chi, let's talk about it after picking a spiritual pet.

Jiang Ran took out the loan book.

As for Qian Zhen, his strength is a little weaker and he is still more confused. Jiang Ran told him not to be anxious, practice with peace of mind, and wait patiently for the start of school.

An Xin was bulging in his pocket, and Jiang Ran breathed a sigh of relief, exhaustion swept over him.

The corner of Gu Feng's mouth twitched, then his face became serious, and he said: "Don't be so curious, do your own thing."

The journey was a bit far, and it was almost night when Jiang Ran returned to the inn. Qian Zhenqi Xiuyuan was sitting at the door of her room, watching her return eagerly.

You can't see her face under the mask...

He found a restaurant, fed his stomach, and then returned to his residence slowly in a carriage.

It's a pity that he is still young and can't help him with anything. Taking him out will only get in the way.

Qi Xiuyuan and Su Ji borrowed [-] and [-] spirit crystals respectively.

It was getting dark, and the room was unknowingly covered with a dark veil.

The woman's husband's surname is Zhang, and everyone around her calls her Mrs. Zhang.

Jiang Ran secretly smiled in her heart, so impatient, it seemed that she had already decided how much money she wanted to borrow.

Qi Xiuyuan got the money, and there was no place to put a box of spirit crystals, so he begged: "We don't have a space ring, and a large box of spirit crystals is too eye-catching, so we only keep [-] spirit crystals for use first, and store the rest in Nancheng first." Here, my lord."

"Let Xiaozhen figure it out." Jiang Ran said to Jiang Nancheng with a soft look, smiling, and then asked the others, "Have you all figured it out?"

It's a bit too sleazy, only a few tens of thousands of spirit crystals, Jiang Ran didn't do this.

Taking a closer look at Jiang Nancheng, Jiang Ran found that the shrinking from the first time he met had long since disappeared from his body.

Jiang Nancheng held the ring hanging around his neck, his eyes were wet, and he seemed a little choked up.

Hong Yuan knew that Jiang Ran liked that house. A few days ago, Jiang Ran helped him divide a hundred catties of cotton, and brought his brother a big business, so Hong Yuan also wanted to make things better, and didn't want Jiang Ran to disappointment.

These days, while inquiring about other houses outside, I did not forget to contact my brothers to help pay more attention to the mansion on Yuanshui Street.

No, heaven pays off, he really waited for him!

Want to talk about why Mrs. Zhang suddenly sold it for 23 spirit crystals?

 My younger brother is going out on his own.woo woo woo
(End of this chapter)

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