Of course Jiang Ran refused, but asked for a few thermostats, which are equivalent to a small warm pool platform, providing a warm environment for the spirit egg.

"Girl Jiang, do you want to take it back and hatch it?"

Zhou Xiao lazily leaned against the wall, playing with his two eggs while asking.

After paying the bill, Jiang Ran casually threw a spiritual egg to Bai Mei. Bai Mei was overjoyed, opened his bloody mouth, and swallowed the flying delicious food, "One a day, more than a dozen spiritual eggs are returned." You have to eat it for several days, and it won’t taste good if it stinks.”

Jiang Ran looked indifferent, "By the way, hatch a few spiritual eggs. As everyone said, if I can hatch a decent spiritual pet, then I will get back my 2 spiritual crystals today."

Zhou Xiao didn't say much.

A thermostat is not cheap, one hundred spirit crystals, Jiang Ran ordered ten at once, just like ordering mountains and rivers.

The lady in brocade who paid the bill seemed to have an impression of Zhou Xiao. While packing up Jiang Ran's goods, she giggled and said to Zhou Xiao, "You are here again, you have a good eye for pearls, and you got a top-quality product from us last year." Eggs, how about this time, if you want the little girl to help you hatch these two eggs, maybe the old scene will be staged."

"No need." Zhou Xiao said in a calm tone.

Before leaving Ziyun Palace, Zhou Xiao also invited Jiang Ran to the Yuquan Auction House in two days, "Girl Jiang, the city is full of wind and rain, and I heard that Yuquan Auction House will auction a holy-level spear. I don’t care about this stuff, but it’s a rare holy-level weapon, how about it? Shall we go and have a look together.”

Just kidding, the owner of this holy gun is Jiang Ran herself. Of course, she can't go to Yuquan Auction House with Zhou Xiao.

Zhou Xiao was very sorry, thinking that this beautiful woman was really difficult to deal with.

Jiang Ran took the gray egg back and looked at it for a long time, but she couldn't figure out what the egg was.

To no avail, Jiang Ran put it in the thermostat, then grabbed a handful of spirit crystals and threw them into the liquid in the thermostat.

But I didn't expect a suction force to come from it, and the hard spirit crystal suddenly melted into the liquid like snow welcoming spring.

"Huh?" Jiang Ran was slightly taken aback as she witnessed the whole process.

Could it be that the egg that caused the spiritual energy to change was not the big flower egg, but this gray egg?

Bai Mei shook her tail, squatted on the ground, and showed a salivating expression at the egg, "Wow?" Can I eat it?
Jiang Ran patted Bai Mei's head and said no.

Bai Mei was very wronged, did she buy all the spiritual eggs she agreed to eat for herself?

"I dare to believe what adults say." Bai Mei is still a pure child at heart, and Jiang Ran is also happy to play with it.

It is said that these spiritual eggs may not be able to give birth to powerful spiritual pets, but eating them is indeed a great tonic. After eating two eggs today, Bai Mei's breath is two points stronger than the naked eye.

Even though there were no young spirits among the spirit eggs for Bai Mei, Jiang Ran didn't just pick them up casually, but picked them out.

Right now, since he knows that the gray egg is not ordinary, Jiang Ran is also trying his best to cultivate it, but this spiritual egg is really greedy. A spirit crystal that can absorb aura for an ordinary monk for a day, this gray egg can be consumed in less than an hour At the end of the day, Jiang Ran seemed to see a second Bai Mei, who could eat and was greedy!

This has no intention of breaking the shell at all, and I don't know how long it will be kept in the thermostat.

If the interspatial ring can't provide the gas needed by the living beings, if you put these spirit eggs inside, it will suffocate to death in less than two days.

Qian Zhen practiced quietly at home, so, except for the fist-sized gray egg that was carried by Jiang Ran, the other spiritual eggs asked Qian Zhen to help take care of them.

It was dark and windy at night, and Jiang Ran received a voice transmission from Suling Town.

Tian Jing sent a message saying that the aliens had already dug a passage into Xinheng Town, but the logistics department of the army in Xinheng Town was heavily guarded, and the sound of digging the tunnel might startle them, so they dared not move easily.

In addition, relying on Yunxiu's cattail worm, Dr. Wang made a batch of herbs to stop bleeding.

However, due to time constraints, the raw materials of Pu Huang planted were insufficient, so there were not many wound medicines, and the hemostatic effect was not good.

In contrast, the Qianjicao in Xinheng Town far surpassed Suling in terms of reserves and utility, so the logistics department of Suling's army was very worried.

Yang Guiying said that the deadline for handing over the bamboo deer bows and arrows has not yet come, but Xinheng Town has sent envoys to urge them, with a tough attitude and an arrogant tone, there may be some unknown changes.

Ba Gelian, who had been hiding in the dark, also appeared, with a worried tone, "Master, I was lurking near Xinheng Town, and found that someone from Xinheng Town had secretly contacted Fenghuang Town. Within two days, Xinheng Town quietly The offensive against Fenghuang Town has been eased, and Fenghuang Town has also begun to withdraw from the confrontation between Xinheng and Zhenyuan towns."


Lin Sha said, "Fenghuang Town has withdrawn from the confrontation among the three towns, and now the situation is completely on the side of Xinheng Town. As expected, this battle will soon be settled."


The situation is complicated. No matter how you look at it, this situation is not good for Suling Town, especially the abnormal situation in Fenghuang Town, which makes Jiang Ran a little concerned.

However, Lin Sha also brought good news. Under the appeal of Wen Bai and Jia Han, more than a hundred mercenaries from the mercenary union were willing to advance and retreat with the soldiers of Suling Town.

The presence of Wen Bai and Jia Hanzhe, two monks in the spiritual realm, undoubtedly gave the entire Suling town a boost.

After the spiritual pet is selected, the auction can start. After getting the auction money for the holy gun, Jiang Ran must go back as soon as possible.

Two days later, Jiang Ran changed into the purple mask again and went to the Yuquan auction.

As soon as he entered the vicinity of Yuquan City, he was shocked by the sea of ​​people, and the voices were deafening.

Jiang Ran was a little surprised that Ming Xiao's recruiting days had come to an end, but the city's floating population remained unabated.

She didn't know if it was her own illusion, but she felt that there were more people today than the previous two days.

"After waiting for half a month, this Yuquan auction is finally open."

"I heard that there are many good things in this auction, and there are also many people who participated in the auction."

"The news from the Yuquan Auction said that this time there was a holy magic gun! My God, I remember that even in the entire Mingxiao City, only the peak master of Qiyuan refined a holy gun five years ago. Level magic weapon!"

"Alchemist Wei has been in seclusion for a long time, I heard that this time he brought a bottle of heaven-grade top-grade medicine! I just don't know what effect it has.


"Besides, I heard that there is also a beautiful woman who is a hybrid of a fox and a human. If I can buy it back..."

A person dressed as an alchemist said, "The auction will last for a whole day, but I'm not interested in other things, I just want to buy some top-quality herbs."

"Then this dear friend has to enter the venue early, the pill is the first auction of this auction!"

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