As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 261 Came here to block me?

Chapter 261 Came here to block me?

At the end of the auction, Jiang Ran accepted the enthusiastic baptism of Manager Xu from Yuquan Auction House, and then successfully received the auction money.

The front door of Yuquan Building was bustling with people. Gu Feng and Xu Guanshi suggested that she go out through the back door. Jiang Ran agreed and turned away from the attendant who led the way.

Just kidding, even if you think about it with your head, you know that the back door is a high incidence of blockages.

Cultivators in the space department are good, they can come and go without a trace.

Jiang Ran had known about the remote alleys near Yuquan Building in advance, and avoided the sight of others. Jiang Ran activated the power of the brand, and the next moment it spread to the alley closest to Yuquan.

The dark alley was silent, and she leaned out from the wall like a stalker.

However, Jiang Ran's pupils shrank slightly when a figure came from above his head.

In an instant, Chi Yuan was out of the sheath and was held in her hand. She saw her wrist twisting at a strange angle, and serpentine sword marks sneaked in like shadows, piercing sharply with a strong destructive power in the softness. Break the air and bite into the south wall.

The Seven Swords of the Southern Crown—the fourth sword, the sword of the invisible shadow: the Phantom of the Cup Snake.

The barrier on the opposite side was torn apart soundlessly, riddled with holes, dust fell, and the top of the wall was crumbling.

However, the people in front of them escaped the strange snake sword one by one without any injuries.

"Zheng~~~~" Jiang Ran was expressionless, her heart was not shaken, and her movements in her hands did not stop. Chi Yuanjian trembled, and the air began to stir violently, and the gorgeous blue water flow was like a whirlpool in the sea , Accompanied by the breath of ice, it seemed that he suddenly saw the unfathomable waves mixed with thousands of sharp blades, attacking with the momentum of soaring into the sky!
"It's me." A very textured tone came, with the quiet and distant wind and snow, adding a different kind of beauty to the darkness.

The sword stayed a centimeter away from the neck.

The visitor had a gray mask and was dressed in ordinary green clothes.

Jiang Ran's eyes were calm, she got up and put away her sword, "Are you here to block me?"

"Because you won't see me."

"I don't know it's you, why, sold your gun, unhappy?"

"No, it's already yours, and you have the freedom to dispose of it."


Jiang Ran smiled suddenly, and looked at his clean and unscathed neck, "Aren't you afraid that I'll cut you off?"

"You won't, and you can't kill me."

This is really unacceptable, isn't it because I have been in this world for more than ten years?

Jiang Ran really wants to cater to the current atmosphere and say that 30 years in Hedong and 30 years in Hexi, don't bully the young and poor.

Speechless for a while, he looked up at Qi Yu.

This man is really tall. Jiang Ran has grown two centimeters in the past few months, but he is still a head shorter than him.

Jiang Ran didn't like to look up at people, so she took a step back and leaned lazily against the wall, looking like a hooligan, but because of her good posture, she was not ugly, but a bit extravagant.

Glancing upwards, Jiang Ran asked, "You came to block me on purpose, not because of your precious gun, so what good is there to find?"

"South Crown Secret Realm, you saved me twice." Qi Yu said.

"Once, you paid it back with a ring." Jiang Ran stretched out her hand and compared the ink ring on her index finger.

"Another time, you also saved me. So, Liangqing." Jiang Ran put down his hands and shrugged.

She thought that she would meet this person in the future. After all, she used his jade card when she came to Mingxiao this time. As long as she was determined, she could always find Jiang Nancheng and the others.

If you fish along the water, you will also find her traces.

But she didn't expect to meet in such an awkward way.

The two masked people were facing each other, and after a while, Qi Yucai said, "I still owe you something."

Owe her something?
How could she not remember.

Thinking about it, Jiang Ran looked up and down at Qi Yu, who was tall and straight, and saw Qi Yu's unspeakable appearance, and suddenly realized, "Oh, a piece of clothing, a pair of pants, and..."

There was a smile on Jiang Ran's lips, "...a pair of obscene pants."

Should it be said that this person is a dead-headed person? She can't even remember what is there to pay back this kind of thing. After taking the ring back, Qi Yu threw away all the clothes that Qi Yu put on the interspatial ring.

Jiang Ran stretched out her hand, "Then you can pay it back."

Qi Yu made a move, and the next moment, a spirit crystal was placed in Jiang Ran's palm.

After working for a long time, just return a spirit crystal?Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows, and suddenly became interested in teasing him, and said, "I remember that what I borrowed was not this, but a piece of clothing, oh, the clothing is black. There is also a pair of pants, which are also black. Well, they are also There is one..."

It seemed that she had never seen someone like Jiang Ran before, Qi Yu interrupted her, and the voice from under the mask was a little muffled, "That's not enough."

Jiang Ran also put it away when she was ready, and with a squeeze of her long fingers, she took back the spirit crystal, "Okay, now we are clear."

He said again, "This is not a place to talk, don't block it, go out first."


Speaking of which, Qi Yu is the only monk who knows that he is a space department, so if you think about it in another way, it is not difficult for him to ambush here in advance.

This is Mingxiao City, not any other place. Behind every broken wall here is an innocent owner.

Before leaving, Jiang Ran took a look at the spirit crystal that Qi Yu had returned to her, then stuffed it into the riddled wall she had made, and used the sword as a pen to engrave on it, "repair fee" three words.

The remote alleys are about ten minutes away from the crowds.

On the way, Qi Yu asked Jiang Ran's name.

Jiang Ran said, "Well... just call me Ran."

It's one thing to be found out, but I still pretended to be coercive today.

"Ran?" Qi Yu tried to read it.

"Huh? Call me?" Jiang Ran turned around.


This alley may be a rare tranquility in the central city.

Qi Yu really hadn't walked through the alley so leisurely with others at midnight. The noise from afar seemed a little distorted here. The dim light came from behind, and the shadow on the ground was infinitely elongated.

Walking behind, Qi Yu felt that he was in a good mood. In the past, when he left Lingfeng, he was either on the road of life and death, or wandering on the road of life and death.

I want to cherish this rare good fortune.

Looking at the figure in front of him, Qi Yushen stretched out his hand like a belated innocence, facing the figure in front of him, he opened his hand and then clenched it, opened it and clenched it again.

After reacting, Qi Yu was ashamed by this inexplicable childish behavior, his outstretched fingers clenched into a fist, and he tapped twice on the shadow's head in a disguised manner.

Jiang Ran is not happy anymore, she was so happy to play with her shadow just now, she saw his cute behavior, so she was going to turn a blind eye, but now she still wants to hit her?

Eyelids lifted lazily, she said deliberately in the quiet night: "If you want to fight, you can say it directly, you don't need to beat around the bush."

Qi Yu was about to retract his hand for a moment.

He opened his mouth, and just as he was about to say something, Ran turned around and waved to him. Qi Yu didn't know why, so he stepped forward and stopped at a distance of one person.

He lowered his head and looked down, and couldn't help but think, Ran is really short, her body seems to be relatively petite, and she doesn't have an Adam's apple. If it hadn't been denied, he would really think she was a woman, "..."

Just as he was slightly lost in thought, the other party suddenly stretched out his hand, his fingertips were slightly cool, and brushed against his ear inadvertently.

The sense of restraint on his face was gone, and Qi Yu touched it, only to find that his mask had been taken off.

Jiang Ran leaned over to look, and of course saw a reddish face.

After watching Jiang Ran put the mask back on.

Sure enough, if an adult made such a naive prank, and was discovered by the person concerned, a normal person would blush with shame.

Not thick-skinned like her.

Although Qi Yu's face was cold, he was still a normal person.

Qi Yu touched her finger and put on the full mask again: "..."

 If Jiang Ran didn't sell guns, Qi Yu wouldn't go down the mountain, and if Qi Yu didn't go down the mountain, the two wouldn't meet.

  In the next chapter, the two of them will say goodbye again, and if they do the math, there will be... ah!So many chapters!

(End of this chapter)

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