How could it be possible not to escape or resist!Yan Xi shouted loudly, the flames were hot, and the red sword in his hand stabbed Tian Jing's neck!
Tian actually blocked Yan Xi's sword with his backhand, the heavy earth energy concentrated a little, and Yan Xi couldn't breathe under the weight of the heavy sword.

"It's so heavy!" Yan Xi gritted her teeth, her face flushed red.

Tian is already a monk at the peak of gathering spirits, and Yan Xi is only at the eighth level of gathering spirits, let alone surrounded by a group of monks?
How could she be Tian Jing's opponent? !
Yan Xi regretted so much, she shouldn't have listened to Yang Hao's nonsense.

Even though she had lost a lot of troops in Fenghuang Town by Yang Hao in the process of supporting Zhenyuan Town, Suling Town, which has shrunk for more than 20 years since its establishment, only changed to a little ghost lord, how could it have the courage to fight against it? The ability to break into her Phoenix Town!

She doesn't understand!

But now, no matter how hard she thinks about it, she can only beg for mercy in a trembling voice, "Let me go, let me go, yes, yes, I will give you wealth that can't be spent! Demons, demon spirits, and demon spirits will all be given to you!" !"

"Kill you, it's all mine, no...all of it will belong to Suling, to the county lord Jiang!"

Suling is not called a county, but the arrival of this day is just a countdown to three two one!
Yan Xi no longer had the will to fight, but Tian was slashed like hemp with a sharp knife.

Blood, such as injection.

Tian Jing raised his head high and shouted excitedly, "Dedicate the victory to the lord!"

"Dedicate the victory to the lord!"

The soldiers behind wiped the blood from their faces, their eyes glowed, and they all responded enthusiastically:

"Dedicate the victory to the lord!!!"


The night wind was blowing very carefully that night. In the dungeon of Suling Town, the prisoners from Fenghuang Town received a gift carefully prepared by Jiang Ran.

He Zi, who had taken the healing elixir, had already healed a lot, although she didn't understand why that person would give her such a good healing elixir as an enemy.

Crouching in the corner, He Zi stared blankly at the box in the center of the cell.

"Head..." One of He Zi's subordinates tremblingly crawled to her side, "What is in that box, should we open it..."

For some reason, He Zi suddenly remembered what the lord of Suling said during the day, and bit her extremely pale lips. She pretended to be calm, and her fingers tremblingly opened the box filled with the smell of blood——

Seeing clearly what was inside, He Zi collapsed to the ground immediately.

Her face became paler and even turned blue with fear.

She had been panicking all the time, but it hadn't been a day since she said those words... She didn't expect that the so-called price would come so quickly!

The captives behind trembled and stretched their necks to look, but when they met a pair of eyes condensed with fear, they were frightened out of their wits, "Yes, it is our lord!"

"How is it possible! Our lord is dead..."

"What about my family! What about my family!"

In the dungeon, the captives clenched their fists tightly on the bars as if they were going crazy, staring and questioning Qiu Baishui who was watching the show while smiling.

He Zi looked up at the same time with a pale face, and saw Qiu Baishui who was respectful like a dog in front of that person. At this moment, he was arrogant and arrogant, without the seriousness of an official at all. He shrugged, "Well... it's still safe now It's all right."

"Our lord is not like your lord, who bullys the weak and fears the hard, and will vent his anger on innocent people at will. Oh, yes, I really sympathize with you. I heard that your lord doesn't even have the courage to fight. Seeing our soldiers attacking, I quickly packed up my things and ran away~"

Sitting astride the chair, leaning on the backrest with both hands, Qiu Baishui buried his chin in the back of his hands, tilted his head and smiled, looking at the frustrated expressions of a group of prisoners.

"Wow~ Yan Xi's bitch can do anything. Hearing that an innocent soldier came to report the battle situation, she was so angry that she drew her sword and beheaded him! By the way, our people also investigated that soldier. , what's the name..."

Qiu Baishui tapped his temples, "Oh, I remembered, my name is He Beibei!"

As soon as this name came out, He Zi's body suddenly froze, and her eyes were about to split.


Hatred, sorrow and anger flooded my heart like a flood.

Her trembling limbs were unable to move, and the unbelievable sight of her companions pierced He Zi's body continuously, tightening her heart together.

For, why?We rushed to the front and fought to protect your status and rights, but you can easily abandon the people who love you, and even stab the blade at the loyal soldiers who surround you!
Seeing everyone's reactions, Qiu Baishui raised his head, quickly tapped his arm with his slender fingers, and said to He Zi, "It seems that poor He Beibei has a lot to do with you."

Qiu Baishui's eyes showed pity, and the words he said were like a nightmare that shrouded He Zi's heart, "Look, this is the lord you support, Fenghuang Town will be destroyed, everything is because of Yan Xi's dizzy head, greed for life and fear of death .Our adults are right, you should change to a master!"

He Zi's eyes were bloodshot, "Don't even try to persuade us to surrender! Where are you going? You destroyed Fenghuang Town, killed our compatriots, and are still lying here to confuse people!"

The smile on Qiu Baishui's face had long since disappeared, and he stood up slowly, condescendingly, and sneered at He Zi, "How are we better?"

"You Fenghuang Town took the initiative to invade our town. If Xinheng Town, you would have vented your anger and slaughtered your town long ago!"

Qiu Boshui stretched out his fingers, his eyes were red, and he roared in a hoarse voice: "You! You! And you! You! Your family members will be brutally abused! All your property will be taken away! Women will be turned into tools for venting anger! Children will be killed. Take them as slaves! Men will be brutally killed!"

"What did we do in Suling Town?!"

Qiu Baishui said bitterly, "You ask us where Suling Town is doing well?! That's right! Our Suling Town just took up arms when we were invaded by you! We defeated the weak enemy and pacified the poor Fenghuang Town People! Enduring the pain of losing your comrades, you have to heal the soldiers of Fenghuang Town who stabbed us with their blades!!!”

The prisoners were stunned, their ears buzzing.

"Why do you want to commit a crime?! Yes! We killed your companions, but when you killed our people, did you ever feel any guilt in your heart?!"

Qiu Baishui panted slightly, raised his head, and captured the bursting hatred and anger in his eyes.

The dimly lit dungeon was lonely and silent, and the atmosphere was tightly condensed. The prisoners stared blankly at the angry Qiu Baishui.

I wanted to refute, but my throat was choked and I couldn't say a word.

"It's never Suling Town that you want to blame, but Xinheng Town and your stupidity!"

Qiu Baishui looked at them, "Our people got the news that just an hour ago, Jiang Long died, and Xinheng Town has already captured Zhenyuan Town. There is only a thin line between Fenghuang Town and Zhenyuan Town. You know what this means. ?"

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