As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 272 The Enraged Yang Hao

Chapter 272 The Enraged Yang Hao
Endless darkness shrouded the earth, and the faint brilliance of stars was one of the few colors in this world.

"What?! The arsenal was lost? Herbs, rations, and weapons all disappeared for no reason?!"

Hearing this news, Yang Hao was furious, and saw that the shelf where the bones were placed trembled slightly, and several skulls fell off with a grunt.

The night wind passed by with cold air, and the murderous aura entered the blood through the icy air. The soldier who reported the situation looked at an empty skull, and suddenly shivered with fright, "Yes, yes! The dozen or so soldiers guarding the arsenal They were all knocked unconscious, we went to investigate, and found a hole in the arsenal, which led to the periphery..."

"Idiot! No one knows when someone dug a hole in your hometown!!"

It seemed that after the official confrontation with Suling Town, everything went wrong. Yang Hao's rough face turned a pig-red color due to anger, and the soldiers present were panic-stricken and did not dare to move at all.

"Hurry up and send someone to chase after him!!!" Yang Hao gritted his teeth, half of the military supplies in Xinheng Town were stored in the arsenal, if it is lost, it will be extremely unfavorable for the next battle!

The soldiers were paralyzed on the spot with a pale face, saying that they were going to chase, but as soon as they found out, they followed the tunnel and chased after him. However, he had already gone far away, how could they chase him back now!
"Good! That's great!"

Yang Hao hadn't had such a big bruise for a long time, he was so angry that he drew out his sword, and blood splattered all over the ground immediately!
"Report—" After a wave of unrest, another urgent message came from outside, "Master Xu Nong begs to see—"

Yang Hao shook off the blood stains on the sword, and looked towards the door full of evil spirit.

Shouldn't Xu Nong and Yang Yong be in Zhenyuan Town at this time? Why are you back?
Feeling bad in his heart, Yang Hao's face changed slightly, "Come in!"

I saw Xu Nong, disheveled and disheveled, fell in from the horse in a very embarrassing situation.

Xu Nong's face was covered with blood, and his voice was hoarse and bitter, "Your subordinates are incompetent. Master Yang Yong died in the battle against Fenghuang Town. The elite soldiers from Suling Town rushed to Zhenyuan Town. Now Zhenyuan Town is dead. fall……"

Of the thousand elite soldiers brought to Zhenyuan Town, not one or two survived, and Yang Yong's body could not be brought back.

Yang Hao took two steps back in disbelief, and then closed his eyes forcefully.

Xu Nong thought that life and death are unpredictable now, so it's better to give it a shot, so he lowered his head and pulled out the knife at his waist, gritted his teeth and took the knife to slash towards his left arm, wanting to cut off his arm to appease his anger, but the sword in Yang Hao's hand As soon as he picked it up, the knife in Xu Nong's hand fell to the ground with a thud, followed by a long sword with blood stains on his neck.

The shadow of death shrouded Xu Nong's body, and cold sweat rolled down his forehead continuously. In a few seconds, his clothes were completely soaked, but he finally accepted his fate and slowly closed his eyes.

Yang Hao looked down at Xu Nong who closed his eyes and let him deal with him, and the veins in his hand holding the sword bulged.

Yang Yong is his brother, the only brother! He fought with him for more than 30 years, but now, he died in a small Phoenix Town.

That's all right, but Zhenyuan Town, which he worked so hard to build, also disappeared overnight, and this outsider came back without breaking a hair? !

There was a red moon under the dome, and the slanted tree shadows on the ground were like swords piercing through the intestines, oozing sticky blood.

Yang Hao's eyes were full of killing intent.

After a long time, Yang Hao hadn't made a move yet, the drenched clothes were unbearable under the cold, Xu Nong could hardly bear it any longer, at this moment, Yang Hao actually took the knife back!

"For more than 20 years, you have provided advice and suggestions for my Xinheng Town. You have worked so hard and made great achievements. How can you be exchanged for one life?"

Xu Nong opened his eyes, stunned.

"I thought I had already raised the alarm, but I still underestimated the young girl of the Jiang family."

Xu Nong lowered his head and caught a glimpse of Yang Hao clenched his fists, obviously he was patient to the extreme.

Yang Hao is used to domineering, and it is rare to see him show weakness. He only heard him say, "The situation of the battle is confusing now, just in case, now, I only ask you one thing, don't let my Yang family die..."


Tian actually obeyed the orders of the lord, took advantage of the victory and pursued, and successfully took Zhenyuan Town into his pocket.

However, they also lost a lot, nearly a hundred soldiers died, and more than half were seriously injured, but fortunately, Jiahan and the others arrived in time with the Thousand Chance Grass.

Dr. Wang led his disciples to follow behind Tian Jing and the others, and pulled back the seriously injured soldiers from the battlefield. Combined with Qianjicao and Puhuang wound medicine and the coagulation powder refined by Muxi alchemist, the effect was amazing.

Puhuang promotes blood circulation and removes blood stasis to reduce swelling and suppuration, Coagulation Powder is better at stopping bleeding, and Qianjicao promotes muscle growth and accelerates wound closure.

It can be used flexibly according to different injuries, which greatly reduces the damage of Suling.

"The effect of this Qianjicao is really amazing." Dr. Wang saw that the condition of a disemboweled soldier had miraculously stabilized, and he couldn't calm down for a long time.

In the past, this person would have died a long time ago, how could he still have the strength to struggle at the gate of hell.

"Just talk about how Xinheng Town can conquer so many territories with a group of miscellaneous soldiers!" Dr. Wang sighed.

It is not too much to say that they are miscellaneous soldiers. Although there are many soldiers in Xinheng Town, most of them are just a group of ordinary people who have not been trained. They can't wait to be pulled in when they are 16 years old.

Several scars were added to Tian Jing's body, he was sitting casually on the mud floor in the camp, beside Wen Bai in armor and Jia Han covered in purple scales.

Tian Jing asked Dr. Wang, "How many soldiers can still participate in the battle?"

"Including the stormtroopers, there are no more than 400 people."

The assault army defended the attack of Xinheng Town, and would not have followed Suling Town to continue.

But there must be a brave man under a lot of money. The generous offers they gave to the soldiers were very attractive. Under half oppression and half lure, the surviving soldiers still chose to follow.

Even with the help of He Zi, other soldiers in Phoenix Town also chose to join the assault army.

These people have played a lot in defending Fenghuang Town and taking down Zhenyuan Town!
This battle has not gone wrong so far, every step has the figure of the lord, Tian actually has to admire.

Now that they are in Zhenyuan Town, the next step is to challenge Yang Hao directly.As for Fenghuang Town, now that Qiu Baishui is taking over, everything is going smoothly.

Dr. Wang withdrew from the command camp, Tian Jing turned his eyes seriously, and said to Jiahan Wenbai, "Even though we have killed a thousand elite soldiers of Xinheng, there are more than four hundred soldiers on our side who can continue to fight." People, the gap in strength still exists.”

Wen Bai is a mercenary, and he goes to the battlefield for the various secret books, medicinal instruments and magic tools hung on the mercenary guild, as well as the opportunity to enter the South Crown Secret Realm to practice. Rather than for Suling Town, it is more to make himself a stronger.

And Jiahan, who is a stranger... still has hatred for human beings, even if the lord says there will be no mistakes.

But to be honest, Tian was not at ease.

However, the lord needs to stay in Suling Town, and he can't get away. Tian Jing can only put his hope on the two of them, "Now, apart from the lord, Suling Town belongs to the two of you who are the strongest. As the saying goes To capture the thief first, capture the king first, as long as Yang Hao is killed, Xinheng Town will be defeated. Therefore, in the next battle, Tian puts his hopes on you."

Wen Bai has a good temper, and he is not handsome with a smile on his face, "I just don't know how I will kill Yang Hao together with brother Jiahan, how will the points be calculated then?"

Wenbai is the head of the mercenary union, and Jiahan is the deputy head.

Jiahan still doesn't like Wen Bai, the scales on his face move with the words, it's very cold, "It depends on the ability."

(End of this chapter)

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