As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 313 Strong Self-Suggestion

Chapter 313 Strong Self-Suggestion

Jiang Ran thought about what Chen Duyuan said before, thought for a while, and then said slowly, "Perhaps its essence has not changed. Although some moso bamboos stimulated by it have become spiritual bamboos, every The birth of root spirit bamboo is actually the result of continuous application of spirit essence to ordinary bamboo by moso bamboo spirit insects."

Jiang Ran is not an idiot, this kind of thing can be understood with a little thought.

It's like "enchanting" an ordinary weapon. Although this enchanted weapon has some extraordinary features, it can't be compared with a natural weapon.

Chen Duyuan showed approval in his eyes, and continued, "That's right, jumping from 'common' to 'rare' is a very difficult thing, and the monster spirits with epic rarity are even more rare. Choosing one out of 1 is not as simple as finding one out of [-] people! It's about finding one out of ten thousand rare spirit plants, and then finding a demon spirit in that kind For example, a spirit beast master finds Fengling beasts from tens of thousands of rare spirit pets, and then finds one of the most talented ones from the entire population of Fengling beasts."

The phoenix beast is considered to be the spirit beast closest to the blood of the phoenix, and Jiang Ran unconsciously thought of Feng Chi's spirit pet.

"As for the legendary demon spirit, let's not talk about it, the probability of seeing this thing is about the same as seeing a real dragon cub, let alone owning it." Chen Duyuan couldn't calmly take a sip of tea. Stop here abruptly, and then I will talk about the topic.

When Jiang Ran heard the last sentence, she was sweating profusely on her forehead. She felt guilty about the white, Cangmoon Tyrannosaurus, and True Dragon Cub, Mei, who was still sleeping in the spiritual space.

"It stands to reason that it is almost impossible for a demon spirit of ordinary rarity to become an epic demon spirit. That is to say, it is normal to fail when it absorbs the factors from the mulberry tree of Yunzemu. "

Chen Duyuan's emotions were very complicated, and he couldn't help feeding Sang Lingchong a living stone, but saw this little demon kitten poking his head, took the living stone from his hand vigilantly and obediently, and then flicked its meaty tail , and eagerly handed his delicious food to his master in a blink of an eye, "Jiu Mi~"

Chen Duyuan: ... What a borrowed flower to offer Buddha.

This little guy has only his master in his heart. Chen Duyuan was very surprised what kind of personality charm Jiang Ran has. Why does every one of her demon spirits rely on her so much? "Its aptitude is not outstanding, but it can be successfully transformed, perhaps due to its psychology."

"Psychology?" Jiang Ran stuffed the life stone into the mouth of the mulberry spirit insect, and then rubbed its stomach.

His shoulder-length white hair shook as he nodded, Chen Duyuan said, "The psychology of demon spirits is a subject that is easily overlooked by demon spiritists, mainly because the demon spirits are weak in intelligence and unable to understand the language. , It is difficult to communicate, and it is more mysterious to study. The will of the demon spirit may not be obvious when it is cultivated on weekdays, but the miracles born at the critical moment are often closely related to the character and will of the demon spirit."

"But even so, the demon spirit you have is a bit too outrageous. Two kinds of spirit elements were born in less than a year, and the rarity jumped from ordinary to epic! It's really unreasonable!"

Speaking of this, Chen Duyuan's tone couldn't help becoming agitated, but he quickly restrained himself and returned to normal, "I thought about it, and it suddenly flashed in my mind that I saw a word called 'self-suggestion' on a volume of documents. word."


"Well, when the demon spirit's desire reaches its peak, it will unconsciously and strongly stimulate itself, and the supreme will dominates the body, prompting the body to spare no effort to give instructions!!"

"In this world, there are many people with better aptitude than it. The Bingzhi Lingworm you brought earlier has a better talent than it, but the weapon of this demon spirit is not its aptitude, but its psychology. "

Chen Duyuan did not study the psychology of demon spirits deeply. In fact, he himself felt that what he said now was a bit ridiculous, but he couldn't explain it clearly from other aspects, so he could only attribute the reason to another aspect—— —The character, intelligence and psychology of the demon spirit.

Chen Duyuan continued to bite the bullet and continued, "Maybe it has always had a strong desire and suggestion ability. The first hint, it has the ice attribute. The second hint, it hints that it is a Yunze mother Sangling Insect, so he became Yunzemu mulberry spirit worm smoothly. The third time I hinted that I have water-type spiritual essence, so I got water-type spiritual essence."

Chen Duyuan felt that if the unfounded words he said today were spread, it might have a blow to his career, and his whole life would be bad.

Not only Chen Duyuan, but Jiang Ran also found it incredible. What's the difference between this and what you say, no, what you think?

Why is Sang Lingchong more powerful than her?
But what followed was worry, Jiang Ran frowned, "Will this hint have any impact on the mulberry spirit?"

"There will definitely be." Chen Duyuan said with certainty.

"Hints also have material prerequisites. The ice-based food you provide for it, the factors of the mulberry tree and water-based food may all be prerequisites. It can't go from zero to real one, it can only produce two, Two begets three. It just ignores the pain in the body and goes out of its way to create."

Jiang Ran frowned, looked at the innocent and lovely Sang Lingchong, and murmured softly, "It's like a warrior who has lost the sense of pain. Although he is fearless because he has no pain, and his fighting power has greatly increased, the purpose of human pain is to protect exist by itself."

"—a warrior who has no sense of pain is unable to perceive where his endurance point is - and once the critical point is exceeded, the warrior will die..."

Talking to a smart person is clear, Chen Duyuan bowed his head to drink tea, "Right."


Since the mulberry worm had already produced the spiritual power of the water system, Chen Duyuan did not charge Jiang Ran's consultation fee, and the words just now were equivalent to chatting with Jiang Ran.

But for Sang Lingchong, Jiang Ran spent [-] spirit crystals and bought a white Wen Yuhuan to wrap around Sang Lingchong's neck.

The main function of Wen Yuhuan is to warm and nourish the spirit body of the demon spirit. Since the mulberry worm cannot perceive where the critical point is, Jiang Ran decides to continuously temper the body of the mulberry worm so that no matter how the mulberry worm is made, it will not grow. will break that tipping point.

At the same time, Jiang Ran said that he would never speak casually in front of Sang Lingchong again.

The mulberry worm is a demon spirit who cares a lot about its master's opinion. Jiang Ran feels that his attitude is also crucial for the three changes of the mulberry worm.

In addition to Wen Yuhuan, Jiang Ran prepared some delicacies that other demon spirits prefer, and bought two commonly used books on food and psychology of demon spirits from Chen Duyuan. It cost nearly [-] spirit crystals in total. give up.

After bidding farewell to Chen Duyuan, Jiang Ran changed her clothes, and put on the gorgeous purple half-face mask under Ba Gelian's strange eyes.

Jiang Ran said, "Let's go, the matter is settled, it's time to meet them."

(End of this chapter)

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