What Jiang Ran seeks is Qianyun Beast, and Ba Gelian follows her.

When asked about the purpose of Feng Chi and Qi Yu coming to the Blood Ring Grand Canyon, the former said that he was looking for materials for refining a top-quality magic sword. He had already obtained a top-quality fire tear stone before, and he came to the Blood Ring Grand Canyon to find blood. stone.The blood stone has the characteristic that bathing in blood will not damage the blade, but bathing in blood can make the blade sharper and sharper. It is a very rare material. It is said that someone has dug this material in the Blood Ring Grand Canyon. Feng Chi specially asked Qi Yu to take him with him this time.

And Qi Yu didn't seem to have any special purpose, just to practice and practice.

After eating and drinking enough, someone will be appointed to watch the night. According to the principle of one strong and one weak, Qi Yu and Jiang Ran will guard the first half of the night, and Feng Chi and Ba Gelian will be in charge of the second half of the night.

"Qi Yu, the place you're looking for is too crowded for two people to sleep together." Feng Chi complained.

"You can choose to hang it on a tree." Qi Yu's sharp and happy eyes were covered by a thick shadow.

Feng Chi wouldn't listen to Qi Yu's hanging on a tree to sleep. The Blood Ring Grand Canyon is very windy. It's already December, and it's very cold outside. Although the cave is a bit narrow for two big men, it's warm and comfortable.


The darkness is deep, the air is filled with blood, accompanied by the dangerous peeping of beasts.

Jiang Ran sat on the branch of a huge tree with her sword in her arms, and she could see Qi Yu's thick and black head with her eyes down.

Feng Chi and Ba Gelian each had someone they trusted, they breathed deeply and slept soundly.

Maybe he was afraid of the danger emanating from Qi Yu's body. For an hour, not a single monster dared to approach.

I got up really early and had another day of driving. The night was really quiet and boring, and Jiang Ran was sleepy.

After a while, a deep voice came from the silence, "Actually, you can go to sleep too."

Qi Yu was very strong, indeed, he could do it alone, Jiang Ran raised his eyebrows lightly, but he didn't choose to be lazy, "It's boring to be alone." And the tree hole can't sleep anymore.

"..." Qi Yu didn't speak anymore.

At zero o'clock in the middle of the night, Feng Chi and Ba Gelian took over shifts with them on time. Jiang Ran walked towards the tree hole, took out a blanket from the empty ring, wrapped it around her body casually, and put the hat on the cloak on her head, shrinking. Sitting in the corner like this, he fell asleep.

Under the blurred light, only a particularly fair chin was seen, Qi Yu pursed his lips, took a look and quickly looked away.

He was relatively tall, and the narrow cave made his whole body a little bit tight. The other party chose to sit and sleep, probably because of his reasons.

Will have to find a bigger place next time.

When Jiang Ran woke up, he saw Ba Gelian fighting a scythe eagle.

The scythe eagle is a monster that flies extremely fast, and a pair of scythe claws can easily break through mountains and rocks.

The beast and the man should have just fought each other not long ago, Feng Chi and Qi Yu leaned on the giant tree and watched Ba Gelian's battle quietly, neither of them seemed to intervene.

Jiang Ran stepped out of the tree hole, glanced at it, but didn't care, but found a place not far or near to clean herself up.

When he came back, his blood was flying, and Ba Gelian's fighting style was still so brutal.

If it uses the power of shadows, this fierce eagle can't find Ba Gelian at all, but the cultivation level of this scythe eagle is three to four levels higher than that of Ba Gelian. Once he wants to get close, the extremely vigilant Sickle As soon as the Fire Eagle feels a bad smell, it will quickly move up the position, and the speed of Ba Gelian is far behind the opponent, so it is difficult to pose a fatal threat to it.

So Ba Ge didn't even hide, and showed up on his own initiative.


The sickle claws of the scythe eagle grabbed Ba Gelian's stomach, and the blood sprayed. If it were an ordinary person, let alone being cut into two, disembowelling would definitely be indispensable. However, Ba Gelian only suffered a superficial tear suffering.

His eyes were scarlet, and the blood spilled from his abdomen suddenly turned into a blood-colored iron chain, quickly and precisely locking the monster's sickle claw!

Tall flames stood up all over the scythe eagle's body, it lowered its head, and sprayed a fierce pillar of hot flames at Ba Gelian.

It was so hot that it could even penetrate rocks, Ba Gelian instantly hid in the shadow behind the scythe eagle, scarlet light flashed, and blood nails emerged.

There were so many blood spikes that the scythe eagle wanted to retreat, but the red chain made of Ba Gelian's blood imprisoned its body. Many blood spikes pierced its back mercilessly, and it let out a few sounds Howling, under the control of Ba Gelian, the blood flowing out of its wound became faster and faster, and finally, its blood was sucked dry, its body became stiff and silent.

And Ba Gelian's wings became more colorful, and the wound on his abdomen was slowly healing. Not to mention the injury just now, he was even more energetic, in better condition, and stronger than before the battle.

The three onlookers saw this scene in their eyes, Feng Chi propped his chin, as if thinking deeply, "It's not without reason that aliens are rejected."

Ba Gelian wiped the blood from his hands, and was about to say hello to his master, but when he heard this sentence, his body froze.

At this moment, his sensitive body was stiffer than a dead scythe eagle.

He didn't dare to look at their expressions, for fear of seeing looks of fear and disgust.

There seemed to be a smile in Jiang Ran's tone, "Yes, I was lucky enough to find a good blade. He will have a bright future and will be by my side."

Feng Chidao, "What are you proud of? It's just a little bat on the left and right, and it can't compare to my little master."

Speaking of opponents, Feng Chi only obeyed Qi Yu in his life.

He looked away, only to find that the other party glanced at Ran.

The corners of Feng Chi's mouth twitched slightly.

Bat Gelian obediently walked to Jiang Ran's side, and became a low-key little bat who didn't talk much.

Jiang Ran glanced at Ba Gelian, who had just been full recently, remembering the pitiful appearance of seeing him for the first time, as if he had changed a lot but nothing had changed.

Entering the Blood Ring Grand Canyon, Ba Gelian's entire state is upward. The big bird of the mysterious bone realm basically entered his stomach last night. Or the power of the bloodline, both of which have increased by one degree.

This was just a small episode in the morning. After everyone checked their own conditions, they went south deep into the Blood Ring Grand Canyon.

Most of the scenery in the canyon is that the trees are desolate, and the sky is full of blood and sand blown from nowhere.

But the Blood Ring Grand Canyon stretches for thousands of miles, and after a long distance, the scenery changes.

But the only thing that remains the same is the vague smell of blood in the air, which makes the nose a little dull.And the raging monsters, let every inch of their body muscles learn to be vigilant and fight.

Two days later, the four of them couldn't keep their glamorous appearance. Hiding behind a boulder, Feng Chi opened his eyes wide, "My mother, there is such an exaggerated forest of vermilion blood fruits!!!"

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