As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 323 Human figure

Jiang Ran thought for a moment, and instead of rushing to allocate, she raised her head and asked Qi Yu, "What will you do with these red blood fruits?"

Qi Yu said, "If it's a hundred-year-old Zhu Xueguo, especially a 500-year-old Zhu Xueguo, I'll eat it on the spot. As for the others, I'll find an alchemist I know to refine them into pills."

When I came to the Blood Ring Grand Canyon this time, I didn't bring any equipment to preserve the medicinal effect of the spiritual fruit. Although it was a pity to swallow it directly, in order to maximize the medicinal effect of the century-old red blood fruit, I had to take it as soon as possible.

Jiang Ran nodded.

Divide the three 500-year vermilion blood fruits into three parts, two of them were given to Qi Yu and Feng Chi, and the remaining one was kept by himself.

For the other 22 century-old vermilion blood fruits, Qi Yu and Feng Chi each had six, while Jiang Ran and Feng Chi each had five.

And the rest of the red blood fruits are divided equally according to the catty.

Qi Yu frowned slightly, his pupils were slightly dark, and it was a bit chilly when he stared at people, "In this way, you will suffer."

It seems that they are the same type of stand-in emissary, Jiang Ran seemed to smile at Qi Yu, "What's the disadvantage, I will take the share of two people. Right."

The latter sentence, right? It was said to Ba Gelian.

Ba Gelian nodded in agreement, not feeling at all disadvantaged.

"And..." Jiang Ran continued to say to Qi Yu, "I want to sell it for a good price, so that you can also bring my vermilion blood fruit to the alchemist you know to make pills. Of course, I will pay for the entrustment fee." of."

Jiang Ran handed the divided red blood fruits to Feng Chi and Qi Yu respectively, and when she met the latter, she lightly tapped one of the beautiful fruits with her black-gloved finger, and used a light and low The voice said, "Please mess with me?"

Jiang Ran knew that her looks and voice were great, but she never thought of using them to "crime", but Qi Yu was so serious that she couldn't help teasing him with "provoke".

However, the person who can be called a decent person by Jiang Ran is the real one, and the other party only responded with an um, not even a word of cuteness.

But the goal was achieved, and he only left seven hundred-year-old vermilion blood fruits for himself and Ba Gelian to eat with Qi Yu and the others, and put all the rest in Qi Yu's hands to refine the elixir.

Feng Chi gathered up his share of fruit in satisfaction, then watched in silence as Qi Yu put Ran's things into the ring with some discomfort.

Tut tut tut tut.

(Don’t look for a woman, and have a gun.) (Women are troublesome) (Don’t think too much.) (Just fancy temperament and ability) (Don’t say she is a woman, even if she is not human, she will only be a friend.)( Don't offend her.)
Feng Chi, who had a rich love history, silently watched his brother's stubborn mouth and lack of understanding.

"But it's a waste to eat the vermilion blood fruit like this," Feng Chi said.

Qi Yu, "There is a spiritual liquid pool in the Blood Ring Grand Canyon."

Feng Chijiu sat up on the sickbed in shock, "Damn it, where are the real ones? Take us there!"

Qi Yu glanced at Jiang Ran, and said in his puzzled eyes, "But going to the spiritual liquid pool will deviate from the direction of Yunxi Valley."

He called the place where the cloud-diversing beasts inhabited the Cloud Breath Valley.

Jiang Ran thought it was something, she went to Yunxi Valley to increase her strength, and went to the Spiritual Liquid Pool, but the matter of Zhu Xueguo was more urgent, so she said on the spot that she could go to the Spiritual Liquid Pool first.

The Blood Ring Grand Canyon is really big, and Qi Yu is not a humanoid navigator, so he passed through some strange areas along the way, but the general direction is correct.

According to Qi Yu, the Yunxi Valley is in the south of the Blood Ring Grand Canyon, but the Spiritual Liquid Pond is going to the west of the Blood Ring Grand Canyon.

After climbing mountains and wading for a day, Jiang Ran and the others bumped into a human team.

Going to Lingshan to experience, hunting animals and looking for spiritual grass is a common thing for monks, but the Blood Ring Grand Canyon is too dangerous, and generally you can’t see anyone. This is also the first time Jiang Ran and his party have entered the Blood Ring Grand Canyon. The first time I saw a human figure.

But their luck was not very good, and they were stuck by these people.

The number of this human team is not as many as theirs. There are five people in total. Their bodies are covered with blood, and they are equipped with a few space rings and armor and weapons that are not commonly used. They are either sacrificed partners or robbed others. equipment.

Among the five, it is worth noting a strong silver-armored man, who is cultivated at the eighth level of the mysterious bone, and a short, eye-catching old woman, who is cultivated at the sixth level of the mysterious bone.

In addition, there is a young woman with almond eyes and blue clothes, who looks like the granddaughter of the man in silver armor. Although her cultivation level is not high, she only has the first level of refining spirit, but she is protected by the other four people and is very much loved.

Among Jiang Ran's group, except for Ba Gelian, none of them could be seen to be strong. Qi Yu had completely restrained his breath, while Feng Chi and Jiang Ran had special magic weapons to cover them up.As for Ba Gelian, who could be seen to be cultivated, he shrank into Jiang Ran's shadow after seeing other humans present.

The bad thing is, because Qi Yu didn't wear a mask in the Blood Ring Grand Canyon, his face was seen, and the almond-eyed woman became shy, and chased after him and asked Qi Yu's name, "That, that... ...My name is Lu Xi'er, what's your name?"

Lu Xi'er is also a beauty, with almond-eyed oval face, fair skin, and tall figure, but Qi Yu just doesn't like women, and instead gets repelled and cold from being stuck around.

Lu Xi'er's eyes followed Qi Yu's sharp-edged side face upwards. His excellent and straight nose bridge was aggressive. His eyes stroked the fine eyelashes, and he looked into the dark and cold lake. His expression was cold and oppressive. Very strong, Lu Xi'er actually didn't dare to breathe during the whole process, but she was itchy to be teased.

Even though Qi Yu didn't do anything.

Seeing this scene, Jiang Ran felt a little funny.

In fact, Jiang Ran also has this kind of trouble. Of course, there are no fools with such courage in Suling, but after leaving Suling, people come over every day. It’s just that a certain literati that Jiang Ran knows has been said too badly. Dare to describe this kind of clichéd bridge too much, so she can only use helpless descriptions in her heart to express that it is actually quite hard work to look too good.

Originally, Jiang Ran and the others would avoid the crowd, but Jiang Ran's eyes always had to rest, and they couldn't avoid people who came up on purpose.

Seeing that Qi Yu ignored her, Lu Xi'er anxiously grabbed his robe with her fingers.

"Get out." Qi Yu avoided, and said a word to Lu Xi'er coldly.

The winter wind chills the air, and this word is really not sympathetic at all.

Lu Xi'er flinched for a moment, and then her face became ugly. After being brushed off, she still looked pitiful and aggrieved, but she couldn't help but gradually became a little cold when she looked at Qi Yu.

"Boy, be careful when you speak!" The silver armor man's temples were slightly gray, his eyes turned cold when he heard this, and the silver armor made the sound of metal colliding. He took two steps forward, stared at Qi Yu and said, "My granddaughter wants to To make friends with you, why do you have to be so domineering?"

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