As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 335 Besieged by Beasts

Chapter 335 Besieged by Beasts
"Okay." Qi Yu didn't ask any further questions, but agreed decisively.

The three of Jiang Ran stepped aside a little.

The spear can be stabbed offensively, poking, pointing, sweeping, and picking, and defensively, dialing, parrying, blocking, and dripping.

Qi Yu used the ordinary one block and one sweep.

Use the block to borrow strength, and use the sweep to break the cliff.

Jiang Ran saw that Qi Yu's eyes dimmed, and he stood up like a tiger, with the tip of the gun slightly slanted on the ground, using his wrist to block the tip of the gun from the ground, and flipped in the air with the strength in his hands.

He walked like a swimming dragon, a thunderous aura condensed on the tip of the spear, and the tip of the spear moved gently across the cliff from top to bottom.

"Zheng." There was a brief gunshot, and Qi Yu put his gun away and stood up. The whole process took only a breath, and the cliff hadn't reacted. After a short moment of peace, the high cliff split in two as if reacting.

Qi Yu's movements are extremely crisp, but he can feel the subtle skill implied when using the gun. The little movement he said before is really only a little bit. The whole cliff is a thousand meters thick, but it cracks when it says it is cracked. It's like opening a watermelon, so relaxed and so quiet.

Ba Gelian was shocked, his scarlet pupils shrank, "So strong!"

"This gun is so handsome." Looking at this scene, Jiang Ran's eyes narrowed slightly. She was honest when she should be honest. At this time, she had to admit that Qi Yu was better than her, at least better than now She is very powerful.

The ancients said: "Be brave after knowing the shame", "See the virtuous and think together.", "Heaven is healthy, and a gentleman strives for self-improvement."

Jiang Ran poured chicken soup into herself, she would not feel sad and sad, since she is not as good as others, it is useless to be jealous, why not be more open-minded, recognize the excellence of others, learn from each other's strengths, and put in a hundred times more effort than others.

The Mo Yuan gun disappeared in his hand, and Jiang Ran's praise was just heard by Qi Yu.

Who doesn't want to listen to compliments, and it comes from friends' approval. His face is light and cloudless, and his deep eyebrows and high nose bridge make him more calm and serious, but his heart is slightly moving, crisp and numb.

"Qi Yu." Jiang Ran suddenly shouted, Qi Yu was slightly taken aback.

Jiang Ran was surprised that Qi Yu didn't move, and the purple jade magic pupil opened, and said, "The Tianyao beast is about 1000 meters north-northwest, and it is running away."

"Oh." He seemed to be stuck in place, looking a little slow.

Feng Chi scratched his head.

In fact, he can also catch Tianyao Baoshou, hey, why didn't Sister Ran call him.

Catching the Tianyao beast was easier than Jiang Ran imagined.

Qi Yu tied its mouth and four paws, and then caught it back like a kitten.

"Gulu!" Tianyao Baoshou drooped its neck weakly.

"Meow meow~~" The little boy circled around Qi Yu and the Tianyao beast, meowing excitedly.

"It's still a Tianyao treasure beast at the peak of Xuangu." Feng Chi laughed, "Even the little milk cat knows that we made a lot of money today, but it's all thanks to you!"

The Celestial Glory Beast is not a very rare monster, but the Celestial Glory Beast above the Black Bone Crystal Realm is really rare. This one is only one step away from the Sea Consciousness Realm, which is really rare.

Qi Yu shook, and countless space rings and storage bags fell out of the Tianyao beast's fur.

What was on it was only a small part of the treasures. When Qi Yu captured the Tianyao treasure beast, Jiang Ran and the others had already cleared out all the things in the cave.

The slanted sunlight shines on the treasures, giving people a dazzling feeling! !

Feng Chi lowered his head to rummage through the treasures, but he couldn't survive this rummage, "I rely on me, Jiuqu Lingshen! Dragon tendon black wood! I rely on, Qi Yu, weren't you looking for the emperor's pattern thunder bamboo before? There are two pieces!"

Feng Chi waved two pieces of imperial-patterned lightning bamboo towards him, and saw that with his movements, the dark purple bamboo emitted a faint light and shot towards the sky.

Feng Chi was slightly startled, and quickly hugged the emperor-patterned Leizhu, "It's so dangerous, it almost caused thunder!"

"..." Picking up her own ring and bringing it to her hand, Jiang Ran was in a restless mood, but she was not as exaggerated as Feng Chi. She had seen through Feng Chi and liked to make a fuss.

This pile of treasures was two meters high, which couldn't fit in the magic weapon of space, so the Tianyao beast had to pile it outside.

Tianyao Baoshou saw a few human beings digging through the treasures that he had worked so hard to save for decades, and was so anxious that he was about to say something human, "Gulu Gulu!" Don't touch my things, these despicable humans! !

"Sisi..." "Gala..." Jiang Ran and the others wanted to rummage through the treasures carefully, but the sudden commotion around them made their hearts tremble.

"We seem to have attracted something bad." A silver moon-like bow appeared in Jiang Ran's hand, and she looked around vigilantly.

The wind blows the leaves and rustles, and the clear and bright environment is suddenly dark and shadowy. Pairs of evil and greedy eyes pass over, and the monsters who have always been fighting on their own or in the food chain have gathered here in an instant!

More than 100.

Jiang Ran glanced over, and finally fixed her eyes on one of the blood demon golden eagles.

The Gorefiend Golden Eagle has red gold feathers all over its body. It is very huge. Its crown is like a flame, and its wings are more than ten meters wide, leaving a huge shadow below.

"Treasure, treasure, that, yes, is mine! Human, kill!" A throat-scratching female voice came from the blood demon golden eagle.

Jiang Ran's pupils shrank.

The big bird actually spoke!
Jiang Ran knows that monsters in the sea-consciousness realm can change human form, and their throats can be produced like humans. She has seen monsters in the sea-consciousness realm, and even a snake girl who changes human form, but this is the first time she has seen a monster speak human language.

This means that the Gorefiend Golden Eagle may have come into contact with many humans.

Mom, they are all the sufferers of the stolen treasures... When the cave was opened, the breath of the treasures was exposed, and all these beasts came to the door Gulu!

The Tianyao beast in Qi Yu's hand trembled, rolling himself into a ball, trying to reduce his sense of existence as much as possible.

"The visitor is not kind." Feng Chi licked his lips. The monsters around him were no weaker than those in the spiritual liquid pool. There were probably three or four monsters that had reached the cultivation level of Sea Consciousness.

These treasures are all theirs, how can they give them up?
Fighting side by side for more than ten days, the four of them already have a certain tacit understanding.

Qi Yu threw the Tianyao treasure into Ba Gelian's arms, and exchanged glances with Feng Chi, but saw that the two were centering on the treasure, guarding Jiang Ran and Ba Gelian behind them.

The first one to fly over was the blood demon golden eagle. Its eyes were particularly sharp, like a golden knife, exuding a bit of majesty.

"Hey——" the cry of the blood demon golden eagle frightened the sky and suppressed the clouds. From its appearance to the end of the sentence, it hardly paused, like a Venus piercing the sky, with the power to tear the air, the terrifying claws He arrived at Qi Yufengchi's face in an instant!

(End of this chapter)

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