As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 360 My name is Jiang

"Yes and no." Jiang Ran straightened her slender waist, and she had an upright demeanor. She looked straight at Yunrong without avoiding her eyes, "I am the same as Sister Yunrong and you, both of the space department, you should know the space As rare as the cultivators are, it is difficult to cultivate, and the existence of Shenmu makes me feel admiration and comfort."

"How pitiful is a creature like a demon spirit."

"I didn't tell you, Sister Yunrong, the secret of the demon spirit at first, because I was afraid that you would kill this poor demon spirit."

"It is the best choice for the sacred tree to be guarded by Sister Yunrong. Ran has no intention of occupying the sacred tree."

"Of course, I do have selfish intentions. I hope to have more frequent contacts with you, and I also hope to give full play to my strengths. This demon spirit was born smoothly, and I am even more eager to make the Shenmu more prosperous and transform into our empty tree. The 'Sacred Tree of Indus'!"

What Jiang Ran said hit Yunrong Yunxiu's heart.

Cultivation is against the sky. They have served the Shenmu for hundreds of years, relying on the gifts of the Shenmu to develop the Qianyun Clan to such a scale, their dependence on the Shenmu has long been deeply rooted in their bones.

One is prosperous, one is damaged, and the other is damaged. How could they not want Shenmu to become stronger.

Jiang Ran drooped her thick long eyelashes, glanced at Yunrong slightly, and saw that it was fluffy and soft floating in mid-air. In fact, she didn't feel murderous because of her intentional concealment, and she didn't even She had time to get a little angry, so she boldly reached out to hook her pink and tender paws, and pushed her forehead to them.

The Qianyun beasts like to call her baby, and now Jiang Ran really looks like a baby.

Jiang Ran closed her eyes and rubbed Yunrong's paw with her forehead, her voice was low and her tone was very soft, "I know my concealment made you unhappy, but I have absolutely no evil intentions, I can swear, Miss Yunrong..."

Being grabbed with a paw and touching a smooth forehead, Yunrong cocked his tail without changing his expression.

Yunxiu was right, this little baby was really kind.

Also very cute.

"Ahem!" Yunxiu coughed a few times, "What do you mean, we have to find a way to make Shenmu give birth to this demon spirit worm smoothly?"

Jiang Ran let go of Yunrong's claws, raised her head and said, "Extreme prosperity must decline, whether or not it will be prosperous. I think this sacred tree is in a state of intertwined prosperity and decline. Instead of watching the sacred tree weaken in the cycle of reincarnation, it is better to help it break through together. .”

"Sister Yunrong, isn't this the original intention of your patron saint tree?"

Yunxiu nodded, "Rong'er, she's right. It's actually a good thing that the Shenmu is giving birth to demon spirits. Let's take care of the Shenmu together."

The matter of the Shenmu is too important, and of course Yunrong also knows that it is a good thing to be able to cultivate the demon spirit. As the patriarch, she always has to think about everything, and think more about it, "Yunxiu, we can protect the Shenmu from other creatures. Destruction, but do you know what the sacred tree needs, how to give birth to this demon spirit? We have lived on the sacred tree for so long, and in the end, even the existence of the demon spirit was told to us by the baby."

"..." Yunxiu fell silent.

Jiang Ran had finished what he had to say, and said no more.

Yunrong was silent for a long time, and finally stretched out his paw to touch his blue unicorn, and took out something from it, which was the teleportation array that Jiang Ran gave her, "Baby Ran, come and help us."


With the help of Yunrong, Jiang Ran left the Shenmu Realm and went to the location of the wounded people.

Saying goodbye to Yunrong, watching the white figure suddenly disappear, Jiang Ran was overwhelmed, thinking that honesty is the ultimate skill.

Jiang Ran had deliberately concealed the traces of the demon spirit before, but she did not win Yunrong's trust with her big fanfare, but after she confessed, everything was resolved.

"This trip to the Blood Ring Grand Canyon is really worth it." At least it saved her more than ten years of struggle.

"Has everything been resolved?" Qi Yu's injuries were treated, and he was put on a clean indigo brocade robe.

Qi Yusheng looked like a good-looking Jiyueqingfeng, but his usual clothes were thick and dull, and he balanced his overly eye-catching complexion with calmness and sternness.But at this young age, it would be better to be more angry. Now that Qi Yu was wearing this blue brocade dress, he looked even more dazzling, and Jiang Ran couldn't help but take another look.

Jiang Ran nodded, "Thank you for taking care of those wounded people. But why don't you change into a robe?"

"Ordinary robes are just as broken on me." Qi Yu frowned, "It's a waste of money."

"Hmm..." Jiang Ran was thoughtful, and had to say that the broken clothes were actually quite pretty.

The sun shifted to the west, around three o'clock in the afternoon, Ba Gelian briefly treated all the injured people's wounds.

Several pots of hot porridge rose from the snow field.

"It's such a cold day, let's drink some hot soup first to warm up your body."

Everyone was already hungry, so Jiang Ran took out a large number of bowls and chopsticks and distributed them to everyone to scoop up a large bowl of broth.

"Ho Ho!" After Bai Mei fell into a deep sleep, he hadn't eaten for a month. As soon as the food came out, he immediately threw a big bear at the big piece of barbecue.

"Meow~" Brother save some for me!
With her little wings fluttering, Wu Li followed behind Bai Mei to pick up food.

With the Hunyuan golden shield, this place is fairly safe, there are a lot of meat in several cauldrons, and the wounded people line up in an orderly manner.

"It's too warm..." Old woman He picked up her broth, and the warm feeling made this sea-conscious monk couldn't help crying.

The years of fleeing were really too hard to describe in a single word.

Thinking of her son and daughter-in-law who were killed by that beast on the way, she burst into tears and cried, "If...if..."

"Grandma He, cheer up for Xiaoyu." Chen Yunjing was originally an extremely gracious woman, but after going through a runaway, she has completely lost her original beauty. Thinking of the past Xie Yulou, she certainly has something to be human. No sense, but she was born optimistic, otherwise she would not have become one of the pillars of this group of wounded people. The music she played always rekindled their strength to fight against the obstacles ahead.

"I know." Old woman He wiped away her tears and cheered up.

"Wow, wow!!!" The air was filled with the smell of meat, and the little baby's face was so cold that it was blue and purple, and it didn't cry, but maybe it knew it was safe, so it couldn't help crying.

Seeing that the little baby was crying, Mrs. He showed a relaxed smile, "It's okay to cry, it's okay to cry!"

"Huhu..." Chen Yunjing warmed up the hot meat porridge, and then handed it to Old Woman He, "Xiaoyu is so obedient, it's really pity, he is so young... Fortunately, Xiaoyu is a hard-fated person, let us meet When it comes to the nobleman...Grandma He, there is no condition, just use meat porridge instead of milk..."

"Wait a minute." Seeing this, Jiang Ran stopped Chen Yunjing from delivering the porridge.

Chen Yunjing was taken aback, slightly panicked, "Benefactor..."

"Don't call me benefactor, my name is Jiang."

Qi Yu, who was following behind, paused.

blah blah blah blah.

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