As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 362 2 Yisheng Pure Body

Chapter 362

"I'll take one of your demon spirits respectively." Jiang Ran stretched out his long fingers, and took away two demon spirits with similar colors, which were the fire candle flower spirit insect and the fire scale tree spirit insect.

Different from the situation of Wen Bai and the others, this time Jiang Ran not only took them in, but also saved their lives.

Jiang Ran is very vulgar, she asks for something in return for doing good deeds.

Jiang Ran did not refuse this kind of voluntary donation, she just regarded it as a reward for saving her life.

In fact, not only these two people, but also the wounded people were "naked" in front of Jiang Ran.

Just like the secret technique given to the quasi-sage rank by the old lady He, whatever they have in their hands is displayed in front of Jiang Ran, and she chooses it.

And Jiang Ran only took one thing.

Sun Yaoxu and Gao Litang looked at each other in disbelief, they didn't expect Jiang Ran to leave them a demon spirit.

Jiang Ran saw their doubts and guessed something, "In my territory, I won't collect your demon spirits. In addition, your demon spirits are well cultivated."

Sun Yaoxu and Gao Litang reacted, their eyes widened in surprise, "..."

With a general understanding of the origin of Shangmin's name, Jiang Ran finally sat down with Qi Yu and the others to enjoy lunch.

Feng Chi Qiyu and the others had already eaten enough, Feng Chi raised his head from his rice bowl and said to Jiang Ran, "So you are the lord of a city, so I said that a woman has the aura of dominating the world. Tut tut."

Jiang Ran was also very hungry, took the broth from Ba Gelian, and glanced at Feng Chi lightly, "Narrow."

Bai Mei was so hungry at the time, she was the first one to pounce on the food, and now she had already had enough to eat, and then changed into the size of a small snake, and brought Shi Beast together, lazily nestling on Jiang Ran's lap, hearing Jiang Ran uttered two words, raised her head, and yelled at Feng Chi coldly, "Ho Ho!" Narrow!
Feng Chi was taken aback by the main pet, one person and one dragon. When he realized it, he patted his mouth in embarrassment, "Well, I am indeed narrow-minded. I am not serious. It has to do with people and has nothing to do with gender."

Qi Yu also glanced at Feng Chi, then asked Jiang Ran, "How do you settle these people? If you go on foot, the Blood Ring Grand Canyon is thousands of miles away from Mingxiao City, so it's still a straight line."

When Jiang Ran and the others came, it took less than a day to get from Mingxiao to the Blood Ring Grand Canyon by relying on Floating Floating Mushroom and Chi Ling, but it would definitely not work if there were nearly a hundred more people at once.

The teleportation array placed in the Shenmu Realm is actually connected to Suling. The teleportation array of Jiang Ransong and Yunrong was actually the teleportation array that was supposed to be installed in Yuanshui Jiang's Mansion, but thinking about quietly installing a teleportation array in Mingxiao, Being found out would cause a lot of trouble, so Jiang Ran quietly dismissed the idea of ​​setting up a teleportation array in Jiang's residence, thinking that if she had the strength, she might be able to connect with Mingxiao's upper echelons, and then proceed with approval.

If possible, Jiang Ran would like to take the wounded people back to Suling directly by teleportation.

It's just... Yun Rong doesn't allow too many outsiders to enter the Shenmu Realm.

Jiang Ran sighed inwardly, "I still need your help. Can you help us capture a few snow wolves alive? We have several spirit beast masters here, and we should be able to tame them for a while, and let the snow wolves carry us on the road."

Spirit beast masters can help other people sign temporary or long-term contracts with monsters, but the more powerful the monsters, the more difficult it is to tame them, and the shorter the duration of the contract.

The snow wolf is a low-level monster, and it is not difficult to tame it temporarily.

Snow wolves are very big, and an adult snow wolf can carry three to four adults. If you find a way to build a few simple carriages, you can ride in a carriage on the flat ground, and you can return to Mingxiao earlier.

Feng Chi is a craftsman, so he can't make even a few simple carriages.

Jiang Ran shared his thoughts with several people.

"It's not difficult." Feng Chi readily agreed to help build the carriage.

It was almost dusk, and it was unrealistic to drive at night, Jiang Ran said, "Wait a minute, I'll ask some people to build a carriage with you."

The simple broth and meat porridge was tasteless, and Jiang Ran stopped when he was [-]% full.

Qi Yu quietly waited for Jiang Ran to finish eating, and then took out the quasi-holy secret technique and other treasures that she had entrusted to him for safekeeping.

Jiang Ran was not polite, she lowered her eyes and flipped through the book of secret arts.

Human secrets are almost supernatural powers, corresponding to the power of the blood of Warcraft.This is a supernatural exercise method that doubles the physical fitness in a short period of time.

Two ceremonies holy body.

Liangyi refers to the earth and the sky, black and white, and there are two models of the Liangyi Shengqing body - the earth and the sky.

The state of the earth instrument is simply boiling the blood of the body, which makes the cultivator explode twice or even several times the fighting power of the normal state.However, there will be strong sequelae after the war, and the severity of the sequelae depends on how much blood is burned.

Tianyi is an armor with spiritual power, which can conjure three arms and six arms, and even simulate the forms of various monsters.

"As expected, it is a mystical supernatural power with the word 'holy' on it." Jiang Ran's face changed a little after reading it.

Old woman He really didn't brag, this is indeed a supernatural power of the quasi-holy rank, if it weren't for the lack of training methods in the Tianyi state, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a supernatural power of the holy rank.

"Shall we learn this supernatural power together?" Jiang Ran closed the books and looked up at Qi Yu and Feng Chi.

The two of them had obviously mastered this magical power before, and they were waiting for Jiang Ran to arrange it.

Mystery is in the word "secret". Generally speaking, it is natural to choose to hide it.But Jiang Ran and the others turned a blind eye.

Jiang Ran knew that although he called Yun Rong and assisted Qi Yu in beheading Xuan Mingguang, the credit for saving the wounded people belonged to the four of them, including Ba Gelian.

No one can do without it.

Moreover, Jiang Ran couldn't be more grateful for Qi Yu and Feng Chi's willingness to play around with him at the cost of their lives.

Feng Chi grinned so much that he stretched out his thumb, "We'll just wait for your words!"

A secret book cannot be torn into three parts. The matter of cultivation is of great importance. A typo may lead to an irreparable mistake, so it is not the right time and place to transcribe now. Keep it safe, and when we return to Mingxiao, we will go to your place to copy two copies and come back."

"Okay, then it's settled." Jiang Ran took out the treasures other than the secret book again, and divided them up. They looked at the two demon spirit insects with their heads propped up and their bodies crystal clear.

"This is the fire candle flower spirit worm and the fire scale tree spirit worm."

"I didn't expect them to escape and hide a few demon spirits." Feng Chi clicked his tongue, "The fire scale tree is interesting, but I'm an 'iron' maker, not a tree planter, so it's a waste for me to hold this demon spirit .”

"I don't need it either." Qi Yu was even less interested.

"Then I'll take it." The two of them said it was unnecessary, and Jiang Ran was not polite to them.

(End of this chapter)

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