Chapter 371

If Hong Sen doesn't get Jiang Ran's approval, then Tian Chi plans to sell it.

The value of a forest red black spider is not low, and it can provide him and Qing Ming with a lot of training resources after it is sold.

But being recognized by Sister Ran makes me even happier. After all, we have been together for two months and have some feelings for each other.

Only now did Tian Chi really make up his mind to make a contract with Hongsen.

Jiang Ran took another look at Qingming who was squatting on the ground, and found that it had already opened the fifth level of the pulse, and it was indeed a cub that cost a hundred thousand spirit crystals to buy.

I haven't seen each other for three months, and the cultivation of others has increased to varying degrees. Qi Xiuyuan has the highest cultivation level now. He has cultivated from the eighth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm to the peak of the ninth level of the Spirit Gathering Realm. He is only 20 years old now. Anyone who refines the spirit can be called a genius.

Su Ji, the sixth level of Gathering Spirits.

Qian Zhen is 22 years old, and he is in the fourth level of Juling!

Qian Zhen is too old, and his cultivation base is lower than others, but after becoming Ming Xiao's student, he jumped directly to three small realms in three months.

He may really be a late bloomer type, or his talent was limited in the past.

Jiang Nancheng is 11 years old, and has opened the seventh level of the pulse.

Her younger brother's cultivation talent is actually very good, and Jiang Ran has given him many cultivation resources, Jiang Ran will not be too surprised when he breaks through to the Spirit Gathering Realm.

It's just that in the spirit courtyard, the main focus is still on cultivating demon spirits.

Everyone has their own ambitions, and under the watchful eyes of everyone, she didn't say much.

Ma Yunzhen, who was born in a poor family, stepped into the path of cultivation after passing the aptitude crystal test. He has not practiced for a long time, and now he is in the third stage of opening the pulse.

As the lord, out of the importance of talents, she asked them one by one about their cultivation and living conditions, and whether they had any difficulties.

"It's all good." Tian Chi frowned suddenly, "It's the two people I met in Ziyun Palace that have been pestering me."

Someone met in Purple Spirit Hall?
Jiang Ran cast a puzzled look.

"It's the domineering woman I met at the gate of the Purple Cloud Palace, Wang Xiangxiang. And Zhou Xiao who took us to gamble with spirit eggs."

Tian Chi looked like he had eaten shit.

That savage Wang Xiangxiang troubles him all day long.

Zhou Xiao was quite easy-going, he was very protective of him, and even said he wanted to be his brother with a different surname, but Sima Zhao's heart was known to everyone, so could Tian Chi not know what Zhou Xiao was up to? ! !

all in all.

It's annoying! !

Seeing Tian Chi's reaction, Jiang Ran didn't think his life was in danger, so he didn't plan to intervene, but he also said, "If there is any trouble that can't be solved, just tell me."

Although she is usually not in Mingxiao, she can ask Qi Yu...

"Okay." Tian Chi was obedient.

Jiang Ran looked at Qi Xiuyuan, who said, "Mingxiao Academy has a lot of geniuses, and to be honest, the pressure is quite high. But I am very grateful to the Lord for funding our spirit crystal, so that we will not fall behind at the starting point. In addition, me and Su Ji bought a few magical artifacts, and sometimes he would go out with friends he knew to hunt for treasures and hunt monsters, and gained a lot."

Qi Xiuyuan and Su Ji looked at each other, and each took out a bag, "This is the interest for this year, and Su Ji and I will give it to the lord in advance."

Qi Xiuyuan borrowed [-] yuan before, and Su Ji borrowed [-] yuan, and they used up all the medicines and magic tools, but every time they go out, they can get something. Taking advantage of the money this time, first borrow this year's interest Pay it back.

With an interest of three thousandths a year, Jiang Ran actually got back half of the money he paid for the Warcraft this time.

Finally, Jiang Ran told several people the reason for calling them here, "I will take the new citizens back to Suling in two days. What are your plans? Do you go back with me, or stay in Mingxiao College?"

Hearing that they could go home, the teenagers cheered up, "I will go back with the lord!"

On the contrary, Jiang Nancheng's expression was a bit tangled, "That...sister..."

Seeing Jiang Ran, she said to Li Fusheng, "Butler Li, they came all the way, probably because they didn't eat, so you can take them to the restaurant to have something to eat first."


When there were only two people left, Jiang Nancheng expressed his thoughts, "Sister, I want to stay in Mingxiao Academy to plant Ruolan trees."

"Then stay in Mingxiao, why bother?" Jiang Nancheng is now a young eagle that just needs to spread its wings, and he has his own ideas, but Jiang Ran is relieved.

"If you miss Xiaowen, I will bring her to Mingxiao next time."

Jiang Xiaowen is already nine years old, and it is time to come to Mingxiao to study in another year. It is not a bad idea to let her come here in advance to familiarize herself with the environment.

Jiang Nancheng's eyes lit up when he heard this.

"The Ruolan tree is extremely delicate and difficult to grow. How is the grafting technique you thought about before?"

In fact, Jiang Ran knew that the technique Jiang Nancheng thought of was grafting, but she didn't tell Jiang Nancheng the "answer" directly.

Jiang Nancheng's thinking is active, otherwise he would not be able to think of grafting on his own. She doesn't want to destroy his talent, so she rarely interferes with his thoughts.

Jiang Nancheng drooped his head, very frustrated, "The Ruolan tree is very expensive, so I tied some branches of the Ruolan tree to the Banzhen tree first, and spared no effort to fertilize and water the Banzhen tree. Later, Banzhen trees are growing well, but the Ruolan branches withered in less than seven days. I also tried to connect the Ruolan branches to other trees, but the Ruolan branches withered faster..."

A smile appeared in Jiang Ran's eyes, and he continued to ask him some details of the operation.

Jiang Nancheng had Hao Yan in front of him, and he seemed a little embarrassed, but he still came one by one.

Jiang Ran listened carefully, thought for a moment, and then gave a suggestion, "Nancheng, don't you think trees are just like humans and animals? They also need nutrition to grow, have the same self-healing power as animals, and can be injured and die just like animals .”

"Will their broken branches be like the broken arms of human beings? If the cut surface is not sterilized and properly bandaged, the wound will become inflamed. Once the whole body is mobilized, the whole person will die because of it..."

Jiang Nancheng listened engrossed, following Jiang Ran's words in his thoughts, and then nodded after a while, "Sister, I understand!"

After discussing the Ruolan tree briefly, Jiang Nancheng summoned the Qilei bluebell flower spirit insect.

"Jiu Mi..." The blue bug was very fat, with a feeling of explosion that was overfilled.

As long as the demon spirit is in frequent contact with the same plant, it is fine even if it is not taking food. After Jiang Nancheng got this demon spirit, he consciously reduced the feeding of it, but preferred to buy some demon spirit equipment, in order to make the spirit insect Can gently release the energy in the body.

Looking at this demon spirit who was in better condition than a month ago, Jiang Ran felt even more that Jiang Nancheng had the talent to be a demon spirit master.

(End of this chapter)

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