Today's Qi Yu is not as casual as in the past in black and gray robes, but is wearing a finely crafted snow-white straight-fronted gown. The clothes drape very well, and the hem of the clothes swings lightly when walking without leaving any wrinkles. Moire patterns are tied around the waist Wide belt, and a piece of black jade that circulates spiritual power is hung on the thin waist.

The soft and thick black hair stood up, and a few pieces of hair fell on the forehead. Without a mask, his handsome face still had the same calm and stern look.

Jiang Ran looked at it a few more times before suddenly realizing that she was bored enough, and even looked at other people's clothes. Do you want to learn from Ellie to carry Pinru's wardrobe?

Not long after the few people finished greeting, a small coal ball popped out of Qi Yu's body and rushed directly into Jiang Ran's arms.

"Meow~~" Ji Xie excitedly arched his face against Jiang Ran's neck, the furry touch may only be understood by those who have raised giant panda cubs.

It took a month to break the egg, and now it has grown from the size of a palm to the size of an adult cat.

Maybe the food in Qi Yuna is very good. Its hair is black and beautiful, and the spiritual power in the three black turbines spinning around seems to be so rich that it can overflow water.

"How are the wounded people?" Feng Chi asked lazily, lying on the table with his chin resting on his hands.

"Let the doctor see it, and they are still alive."

"They're still alive... Ran, you have a bit of a sense of humor," Feng Chi complained.

There was some innocence in Jiang Ran's cold expression.

It is indeed alive.

After a while, Qi Yu handed her the secret book of Liangyi Qingsheng Physique.

Jiang Ran took it back and said, "The Tianyi body is really difficult to cultivate, and it needs a lot of blood from monsters." The blood is the blood of the heart.

Feng Chi: "It's the holy body of krypton gold. Those who don't have any assets really can't afford it, but it's really amazing to practice it."

Qi Yu brought nearly a hundred bottles of Zhu Xuedan, and Jiang Ran went to Feng Chi's foundry to take a look.

"I have something for you." Qi Yuxiu twirled his long fingers, and a square dark red box about ten inches in length, width and height appeared in his hand, "Zhu Xuedan."

Jiang Ran looked at Qi Yu in a blink of an eye, took the box over, and was a little surprised: "Didn't you say it took a month to get the elixir?"

Qi Yu, "This is for training first. You are not often in Mingxiao, so I will use it for you first. But half of your elixir has not been refined yet, and you will come back to get it in a month."

Jiang Ran opened the box, and there were dozens of jade bottles, most of which were low-grade prefecture-level pills, four or five bottles of top-grade prefecture-grade Zhu Xuedan, and four or five bottles of ordinary-grade pills.

"Hey, there's still a low-grade one?" Jiang Ran looked up at Qi Yu in surprise.

"Well, it was refined from a hundred-year-old vermilion blood fruit, and there is only one in this batch."

Jiang Ran touched the bottle containing the Tian-rank Zhu Xuedan with her fingertips, feeling a little pleasantly surprised.

It's not that he has never seen a heaven-rank pill, but in just seven days, a sky-rank red blood pill, several mortal-rank and earth-rank pills have been refined, which is too fast.

Feng Chi smiled and said, "Qi Yu went to look for an alchemist as soon as he got back, and he still got this heavenly elixir..."

Qi Yu grabbed a steamed bun, stuffed it into Feng Chi's mouth, and said politely, "Eat the steamed bun."

So many words.

Feng Chi continued to prop his chin while chewing the steamed buns rather speechlessly.

But before Feng Chi finished speaking, Jiang Ran could also understand that a heaven-rank pill is very precious, and it was because of Qi Yu's connections that he was able to find someone who could refine heaven-rank pills in such a short time. He expressed his thanks to Qi Yu and said, "How much did you spend on the consignment fee and auxiliary materials for these pills? I will carry them over to you."

Qi Yu didn't seem to expect that Jiang Ran would have to pay him, so he calculated silently, and then casually said a number, "Ten thousand spiritual crystals."

There must be more than [-] spirit crystals for a single heavenly elixir, Jiang Ran glanced at him several times.

The clear light from the white magic lamp above his head reflected on the man's clean and handsome face, making his complexion as cold and white as frost. His eyes reflected a fragmented and mottled brilliance, and the other things that appeared were extra dim .

The most comfortable thing about getting along with Qi Yu is that there is a gentle and polite heart under his seemingly cold mask. His way is silently giving to his friends.

Jiang Ran was not hypocritical, accepted his kindness, and then transferred him [-] yuan, "Thank you for meeting me this time, otherwise so many vermilion blood fruits might have rotted in my hands."

Qi Yu may have gone down the mountain this time to deliver the elixir to Jiang Ran.

After Feng Chi finished chewing the steamed buns, he invited Jiang Ran into the casting room of Yuchi shop.

"Are you refining weapons here?" Jiang Ran looked at the various stoves and equipment in the room.

"How can it be?" Feng Chi waved his hand, "This is just an emergency casting room, and my base camp is Zhu Yongfeng."

Feng Chi threw out a stack of scrolls and placed it in front of Jiang Ran, "Look, what kind of pendant do you want?"

This pendant is a pendant hidden between the eyebrows, and when worn to the center of the eyebrows, it will leave a shallow trace.

Feng Chi put a lot of thought into it, and designed a total of seven kinds.

——However, most of the pendants look like flames...

For Feng Chi's attention, Jiang Ran also carefully selected, and finally chose a style called Yandie Mirage Pendant.

From the drawings, the shape of this pendant resembles a burning flame, and there are some criss-crossing fine textures on the pendant, similar to leaf patterns, showing vitality and full of changes.

"You have a good eye." Feng Chi approved Jiang Ran's choice very much. This smoke stack mirage pendant was the first one he designed and also took the longest time.

"This pendant can be changed into different colors according to your wishes, um~~ you girls can match your clothes very well." Feng Chi had a look on my face.

"As expected of a genius craftsman." Jiang Ran flattered Feng Chi with a compliment, but he did admit that Feng Chihen was very powerful in his heart.

"It may take a little later to finish the training, um... At least two months, at most half a year." Feng Chidao.

"By the way." Feng Chi thought of something. Fly rubbed his hands and asked expectantly, "Do you still have the spirit gold powder you brought last time? The quality of your spirit gold powder is really good. It's easy to be extravagant and difficult to be simple. I don’t want to use any other spirit gold powder now. Also, the Fire Tears Stone can also be purchased for another hundred million points... I will buy it at the previous price.”

Qi Yu had heard that they had made a deal, and was also very curious about how Jiang Ran's spirit gold powder and fire tear stone could be so praised by Feng Chi.

He is also a formation master himself, and many training materials can also be used in formations, so he also turned his attention to Jiang Ran, "..."

"There is the spirit gold powder, but the fire tear stone is gone." Jiang Ran took a lot of spirit gold powder from Xiaoxuan before.

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