As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 375 Brown Figure

The pine wood on both sides of the road is mixed with the smell of morning dew, and the coldness hits the face. Several carriages pulled by snow wolves rolled on the rough gravel road, making rattling noises.

Jiang Ran opened the curtain and looked outside from the carriage, only to see a tall and straight glacier rising from half a sun away.

After leaving the territory for more than a month, it was finally time to go back.

It was right to keep the snow wolf. Although the snow wolf had to eat tens of gold dollars of meat every day, it saved a lot of trouble this time with more than 100 Xinmin people back to Suling.

"I'm finally going home. I don't know how Brother Wen Bai, Sister Yunxiu and the other brothers are doing." Qi Xiuyuan breathed out into his palm, and looked into the distance with a red nose.

Su Ji laughed and said, "It's been so long, Brother Wen Bai and Sister Yunxiu haven't married yet, haha~"


A group of people laughed and laughed, and soon arrived at Yunxiang Mountain.

This time, Jiang Ran went back along the route of Lingjin Mine-Dongtian Village-Suling.

Leading the snow wolf, they soon arrived at the Lingjin Mine.

The golden land was covered by a layer of snow at this time, and it was impossible to see the original. Hundreds of gold-eating ants hibernated in the cave. Only Xiaoxuan was diligently patrolling outside the cave. Feeling the movement outside, he raised his head.


A group of people entered the light-gold-shrouded land one by one, the cold wind blew, snowflakes fell to the ground, and a brown shadow hit the protective cover.

"Hiss..." Xiaoxuan jumped onto Jiang Ran's shoulders, a pair of long tentacles touched each other, and looked at the more than 100 strangers vigilantly, his eyes touched the old woman He, Xiao Ran with the flaming bird and other strong men On him, he was even more vigilant.

"Don't be afraid." Jiang Ran touched Xiaoxuan to signal it to relax, "They are all our own."

When he came to the Lingjing Mine, Jiang Ran was not in a hurry to leave, but checked the situation here as usual.

I only heard Xinmin exclaiming in a low voice from behind, "Just now I couldn't see it clearly because it was covered by white snow. Isn't this piece all Lingjin?"

"Why does the county lord keep a group of gold-eating ants!" Some people didn't understand.

Gold-eating ants not only eat spiritual gold, they will also eat other metals, and the more precious the metal, the stronger they will be.

Of course, gold mines with gold-eating ants will always be "eaten" a lot by them, so many people regard them as "pests".

But only a small number of people know that the metal fed back by gold-eating ants can improve the quality of the metal to a higher level.

Laymen who don't know Warcraft will naturally question Jiang Ran's behavior, but the eyes of several spirit beast masters are slightly twinkling.

As usual, Jiang Ran took back the spirit gold powder processed by Xiaoxuan.

It may be because of winter fatigue, but this time there is not as much spiritual gold powder as last time, only about five catties.

There was a movement in the exquisite cubic nest, Jiang Ran turned his head to look, and saw a young ant the size of a fingernail waving its tentacles and looking at Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran squinted her eyes, and suddenly realized that it was the extremely talented young ant.

"Hiss~~~" Xiaoxuan hissed twice at the young ant, and the young ant jumped up and down in front of Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran stretched out a hand, and the little ant was also smart, and gently jumped in front of Jiang Ran, relaxed his body, and let Jiang Ran do whatever he wanted.

Jiang Ran discovered that this young ant actually had the cultivation level of the sixth level of opening the pulse.

"It's only been two or three months..." The cultivation speed was actually a little faster than Tian Chi's Qingming.

It would be a pity not to use this heaven-defying cultivation talent for a fight.

Jiang Ran immediately decided to focus on nurturing this gold-eating ant, so she specially named this ant "Tiaotiao". She asked Xiaoxuan to teach this young ant more, so that it can learn more skills, and wait for it. When it reached the Spirit Gathering Realm, Jiang Ran wanted to take it away and let people focus on cultivating it.

What Jiang Ran said didn't shy away from other people. After Xiao Ran heard it, he suddenly saw Lie Xinxie.

He has a spiritual pet seat empty because he hasn't found a suitable spiritual pet yet.

Xiao Ran didn't care whether he would be too presumptuous, and immediately asked, "Master, do I have a chance to get this gold-eating young ant? I'm willing to buy Tiaotiao with Hua Lingjing."

Jiang Ran was slightly taken aback, "Yes, but I don't buy or sell."

Simple money is not as important as a promising spirit beast master.

If Tiaotiao can follow Xiao Ran, it is indeed a good choice.

But Jiang Ran obviously couldn't give Tiaotiao to Xiao Ran immediately.

"Then what should I do..." Xiao Ran wanted to say something, but was stopped by Jiang Ran's shaking of the head.

"Come back when you have a foothold in Suling and are able to raise Tiaotiao." Jiang Ran looked at several spirit beast masters who were also eager to Tiaotiao, "You too."

Xiao Ran heard Jiang Ran's subtext and had a goal in mind.

He must get this gold-eating ant named Tiaotiao.

After checking the situation of the Lingjin Mine, Jiang Ran left a space ring for Xiaoxuan, which contained three bottles of earth-level Zhu Xuedan, several pieces of other rare metals, five thousand spirit crystals, some pure crystals, and other Practice resources.

"Xiaoxuan, not only do you have to urge Tiaotiao and the other little ants to practice, but you also have to work hard to break through to the Sea of ​​Consciousness Realm as soon as possible."

There are sea-conscious monsters on Yunxian Mountain. Although there have been no people or beasts above the sea-consciousness to attack the Lingjin mine in the past six months, it's too long to say for sure.

"Hiss~~" Little Xuandou's big eyes lit up, and the tentacles flexibly wrapped around Jiang Ran's index finger, as if to say that he knew.

Instructing Hao Xiaoxuan to keep an eye on the mine, Jiang Ran took the newcomers to the teleportation array.

Old woman He was startled secretly, "There is such a priceless space array as the teleportation array in the county-level territory!"

Jiang Ran simply broke the old lady He's perception of the county level.

The teleportation array placed in the Lingjin Mine is just a small teleportation array, which can only bear a weight of 500 kilograms, and can transport about eight people at a time.

Jiang Ran first left more than 1000 spirit crystals, and then teleported there to meet them.

Seeing Jiang Ran's figure suddenly disappear in the wind and snow, a brown monster outside the golden cover suddenly opened its eyes wide.

I saw its petite body slam into the Hunyuan golden shield array fiercely.

Suddenly, a golden light flashed in the Hunyuan Golden Array, like the fluorescent lights of a group of demons dancing in a concert, flashing towards the brown figure!

"Hiss!!" Xiaoxuan slapped Tiaotiao back into the cave, stood up to meet the unknown enemy, and the tentacles triggered a powerful pillar of golden light.

"What's going on?!" The newcomers who temporarily stayed in the Lingjing Mine were shocked.

"Warcraft attack?!!"

"But isn't this Hunyuan golden formation that can only be broken by the strength of the Sea Consciousness Realm and above?"

"Damn it! Granny He, brother Xiao Ran and the others followed the county lord and left first?!"

Those who followed Jiang Ran in the first wave were Li Fusheng, Tian Chi, Qi Xiuyuan, Su Ji, Qian Zhen, Old Woman He, Xiao Ran, and Chen Yunjing.

Everyone hurriedly picked up their weapons to meet them, but saw the brown body carrying the blue wind rushing into the teleportation array.

A burst of white light passed by, and the brown figure disappeared in the teleportation array...

When I met a tentacle monster, I coded more than 600 words in an hour. When I thought of myself who coded hundreds of words in an hour, tears flowed down. I really have no talent.

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