As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 378 Change of Marriage

a month ago.

In the Royal Court of Tianchen County City, a vermilion guard of honor slowly entered the courtyard. Behind the team, many carried exquisite boxes. The leader was tall and dressed in a red costume. Zhou Zheng was handsome, his gestures were full of extravagance.

"It was actually Xiao Hu who came to discuss marriage in person? Are you really in love with our Yunnan County girl?"

"The beauty of the county girl is comparable to the legendary Phoenix Demon King!"

"Chao Lian Juncheng actually proposed to marry with a city, it is a good story to spread!"

Xiao Hu raised his eyebrows, looked at Si He and Si Yunnan above, with a smile on his face, and ordered the soldiers to open all the boxes they had brought.

As soon as the box was opened, there were jewels and treasures, and there were all kinds of precious spiritual herbs and magic weapons. Tianchen County City is a rich area, but these treasures still make everyone's eyes shine!
Xiao Hu himself was holding a small box in his hand, inside which was a jade seal that exuded white light, "For this marriage, I came to Lianjun City with sincerity, including Xuge City. The betrothal gift for the daughter of Yunnan County, I hope that King Tianchen will complete it."

Xiao Hu didn't put his attitude too high, and his eyes and words showed his respect for Si Yunnan.

A genius like Xiao Hu also has love for her, and a red cloud floats on Si Yunan's face, which is charming and charming.

Si He felt that it was a shame to face the people of Chaolian County City with the defeated city, but if he could marry a daughter and recover Xu Gecheng, it would be a bargain.

No one knows the beauty of his youngest daughter, maybe he can find a way to bring back the rest of Nian Yucheng, if this Xiao Hu can become the king of Chaolian County in the future, Si Yunan will give birth to him a son and a daughter, With his daughter's means, maybe his nephew can become the future king of Chaolian County.

Thinking of this, Si He's mood improved, and seeing Xiao Hu, the future son-in-law, felt more and more in line with his wishes.

Si He laughed happily, and said kindly to his daughter beside him, "Yunnan, what do you think?"

"His Royal Highness Xiao Hu is majestic, and my daughter has long admired her. The marriage of my daughter is entirely up to my father!"

"Okay, okay!" Si Helian said three good words, "Since Yunnan likes the second daughter of Chaolian, how about this king agreeing to this marriage?"

The marriage was completed, and the officials from top to bottom of Tianchen County continued to congratulate, but there was a discordant voice in the team, "What about Qianyu, the owner of the trade city? Her Royal Highness and Lord Qianyu are childhood sweethearts. How much wealth did Tianchen bring? Has the county king forgotten these things? He really wants to make peace with the county girl to Chaolian county city?"

The speaker was a young official who had just entered the royal court. His face was not angry, and his eyes were burning with anger as he looked at Xiao Hu.

No one in Tianchen County knew that the owner of Qianyu City Aimusi was the owner of Yunnan County, but Tianchen County was defeated and lost two cities in a row. This county girl had to marry if she didn't marry. Seeing where this boy came from, he is too courageous.

When the word of this brat got out, Xiao Hu turned his gaze over. Although there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, he was still gentle and gentle, but there was a coldness in his eyes. Many officials were sweating on their foreheads, and they all made amends, "This statement is wrong, The Lord of Qianyu City and His Royal Highness are just brothers and sisters, the daughter of the County and the Lord of Qianyu City are already married, if there is real love between men and women, they would have been married long ago, so why wait until now?"

"Yeah yeah!"

Ever since Xiao Hu arrived at Tianchen Royal Court, the smile on his lips didn't seem to fall. Others would think that he was a noble and gentle county.

With affectionate eyes, Xiao Hu asked Si Yunan, "Yunnan, what is the relationship between you and the Mayor of Trade City?"

Si Yunan didn't change his face, and slowly saluted Xiao Hu, "My little girl has nothing but brother and sister affection for the Lord of Qianyu City."

"Touch!!" Just as Si Yunan finished his sentence, there was a loud bang in the Wang court. Everyone was startled, and they hurriedly looked around, only to see a man burst into the door suddenly.

The man laughed and said, "Hahahahahaha, brother and sister, what a brother and sister relationship."

Although it was a laugh, everyone could feel that it was a mocking laugh.

The man was against the light, and everyone couldn't see his face clearly for a while, "You are so brave, who dares to break into the royal court!"

"What? I am the majestic Lord of Trade City, am I not qualified to come to the royal court to discuss matters?!"

The man stepped into the court, revealing a slightly haggard face to all eyes.

It was Qianyu!

When Si Yunnan and Si He saw Qianyu, they were shocked for a moment.

Qianyu took out a black and delicate snail, "Yunnan County girl is really ruthless, back then in my trade city, under the watchful eyes of everyone, she made love with me with a sound transmission snail, made a vow to see you today, it was actually a brother and sister. "

Qianyu took out the sound transmission conch in his hand, on which was engraved with the word "South".

Si Yunnan's face was livid, but he quickly returned to his usual expression. "What can a snail mean? The characters may have been inscribed by Brother Qianyu himself. Yunnan doesn't know anything about it."

"If you spend a lifetime, you will gain one person; if you are loyal, you will keep one heart. Although we will not live together, we will die together..." Qianyu said coldly, "The meaning of the sound transmission conch has spread throughout the city of trade, and countless people envy the beautiful love. They all searched for the second pair of sound transmission conch shells, but the mysterious businessman has never appeared in Tianchen County, so the entire Tianchen County only has this pair of sound transmission conch."

Qian Yu looked at Si Yunan, Si He, and Xiao Hu, "All the couples in the trade city know that the only pair of sound transmission conch is in the hands of Qian Yu and Si Yunan."

Qianyu said to the Yinchuan, "Right, girl from Yunnan County."

"That's right, daughter of Yunnan County." Qianyu's voice suddenly came from Si Yunan's body.

Si Yunan was startled, fearing that something bad would happen to Qianyu, she tricked Qianyu to a Befu and locked her up according to her father's arrangement. The time was urgent, and she even forgot to throw away the sound transmission conch.

"Papa papa!" There was a sound of clapping, and everyone looked at Xiao Hu who was smiling.

Xiao Hu said, "Prince of Tianchen County, daughter of Yunnan County, I, Xiao Hu, am not the one who wins people's favor. Since the daughter of the county and the Lord of Qianyu City have already made a private appointment for life, then the prince of this county will not participate in the marriage. As for the matter, just pretend that this county has never been here..."

With that said, Xiao Hu took back the jade map of Xuge City in his hand, and the guard of honor lifted up the treasure and was about to leave.

Si He's face was ashen, and he stood up abruptly, with a look of violence on his face, "Junzi Chaolian, wait a minute, this is all a misunderstanding. Come, I will arrest the person who insulted the reputation of the county girl and trespassed on the king's court... ..."

"The king and daughter of the county are ruthless, regardless of everything that Lord Qianyu's family has brought to Tianchen County, they actually want to arrest the adults and put them in prison. Fortunately, Lord Qianyu has already prepared for the king to turn his face, and brought us A hundred elite soldiers escaped from the royal court."

The wheat-colored woman was filled with righteous indignation, "Old man Sihana, I have long been displeased with the support and love of Lord Qianyu by the people of our trade city, and are wary of the amount of money our trade city makes. But [-]% of the money our trade city earns is taken Master Qianyu has been sent back to the king, why do you still doubt the loyalty of Lord Qianyu, and that bitch Si Yunan!"

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