As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 384 Telescope and Yongyan Flower

Chapter 384 Telescope and Yongyan Flower

Ge Li knows how to make colored glaze, and she had mentioned a few words to him before, and wanted him to make glass.

Too busy in the back, Jiang Ran forgot about the glass, and never asked about it again, but unexpectedly, Ge Li made the glass calmly.

"Yang Qing's house, is Ge Li outside?"

Yang Guiying was surprised that Jiang Ran treated this gift differently, and hurriedly said, "I'll send someone to invite Ge Li in."

When Ge Li entered the banquet, he was a little uneasy seeing so many big people all of a sudden, but the little official said before that the county lord was very happy, so that shouldn't be a bad thing.

Ge Li was dressed in civilian clothes, and she knelt down gracefully, "I have seen the county master."

"Get up." When Ge Li raised his head, a faint fragrance hit him, and at some point the county lord got down from the seat far away and came in front of him.

Breathing stagnant, Ge Li looked a little flustered.

Jiang Ran met his flustered gaze and seemed to smile, "I like your gift very much. I specially give you nine hundred and ninety-nine crystals and a piece of Suxiang cloth."

Hearing the reward, Ge Li almost stopped breathing.

Nine hundred crystals are nothing, the most precious is the Suxiang cloth, which is woven from the silk spun by silkworms with silver crystals. The few pieces of cloth in the hands of the county head.

Others cast envious and jealous eyes on him, it's almost beyond recognition!
The rewards were not from the Fangcang in the city, but from Jiang Ran's personal treasury. After a while, Li Fusheng handed the box containing the rewards to Ge Li.

Jiang Ran said, "Speaking of which, there is one thing I hope you can make out of glass."

Ge Li withdrew his longing eyes from the reward box, and quickly knelt down on one knee, "It is my duty as a leader to share the worries of the county lord!"

"The object I want you to make is called a telescope." As Jiang Ran spoke, two pieces of water appeared in her palm, which changed with her words, "As the name suggests, it can see far away. The principle of a telescope is Composed of two convex lenses or two concave lenses."

Jiang Ran simulated the shape of the lens with water, and Ge Li found that the face of the person in the distance suddenly magnified when viewed from the two combined water sheets!

Ge Li opened his eyes wide, "..."

Jiang Ran took back the two small balls of water in his heart, "I hope you can make it."

The reason why Jiang Ran is obsessed with binoculars is because navigation is inseparable from binoculars.

Although there are black-eyed mushrooms cultivated by Wei Jiajia, after all, the black-eyed mushrooms are time-consuming, and they are still one-time consumables, which are quite expensive.

"Yes, Ge Li will try his best to make the telescope!" The county lord told him the answer, and he, Ge Li, would not be so stupid, so he agreed with high spirits.

Ge Li withdrew, and the hall continued to display gifts, after which there were toasts and cups, and all the officials chatted to show their loyalty.

Until the time of Haishi, when the banquet was over, Jiang Ran was able to breathe, thinking that this coming-of-age ceremony was really overwhelming.

"Ding." After taking a bath and changing clothes and returning to the room, a familiar voice suddenly sounded in Jiang Ran's mind.

[Blessing: Thousands of Autumn Festival with one heart, give Jun Yongyan flowers, and create an eternal throne. 】

[Yongyan flower, a strange crystal flower that grows in the depths of Xuefeng, never withers, never fades.Efficacy: Its fragrance can slow down the aging speed of the flower owner, and the effect varies from person to person. 】

This is not a notification that the task is completed, but a blessing from the system.

It's so touching, the system didn't forget her, and cheated her corpse on her birthday.Jiang Ran looked a little strange, and then took the Yongyan flower.

The flower is icy-like in texture, icy blue in color and cool to the touch.Clusters of sharp petals bend inwards, making a budding gesture. The petals at the lower end form a snowflake-shaped array, and there are fragments of stardust lingering, forming a beautiful veil of mist.

The fragrance is very light and does not linger on the body.

"How many people can't ask for eternal youth, but this system is really flattering, and it actually sends such a good gift." Jiang Ran secretly said.

It's just that the 16-year-old's face is still a little immature, and Jiang Ran doesn't need this flower yet.

"Let's talk about it in two years." It will take effect only after a drop of blood recognizes the master, and this flower will not wither, Jiang Ran cherishes this flower and puts it in Mo Jie.

Then, taking advantage of his spare time, Jiang Ran took a look at the basic information of the territory.

【Basic Territory Information Panel】

Territory Name: Suling County Lord: Jiang Ran
Territory land area: 8940 square kilometers.

Territory marine area: 1369 square kilometers
Number of citizens: 9 +
Citizen Loyalty: 89 (100)

Number of demon spirits: 22 (Mai spirit monster, cocoa spirit monster, holy cotton spirit worm...)
Yutu Secret Realm: South Crown Secret Realm (County)
Overall level: county level (township, town, county, county, province, country, hegemony level)

(Evaluation: unlimited potential.)
The territory has changed a lot, because the Xiaoliang, Haoxing, and Mingyun mountains were included in Suling, and the land area reached more than 8000 square kilometers.

The leader's loyalty is also worth looking at, but it's too late to break through 89, and it's stuck at [-], which is quite annoying.


The coming-of-age ceremony has passed, and Jiang Ran is already 16 years old. In the eyes of Suling people, 16 years old is considered an adult.

One of the biggest disadvantages of being 16 years old is that Li Fusheng and some officials always like to persuade him to "marry" one or two men, and even list all the handsome men in the county.

Jiang Ran felt that finding a man was like asking for trouble, so she coldly rejected the "draft" from Li Fusheng and others.

Everyone seemed to be mourning their concubine, and they were worried all day long, "But the county head has grown up, so it's time to consider leaving an heir."

"Oh? The coming-of-age ceremony held by everyone yesterday was very popular with me. I think I can have another coming-of-age ceremony." Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows impatiently, and called Qiu Baishui to bring Su Ling Law.

I saw her holding a pen in her hand, looking at everyone with sullen eyes, "I want to rewrite the law, how about changing the age of adulthood from sixteen to eighteen, no, no, no, how about changing it to 30 or [-] years old? In this way, you don't need to persuade the county head to get married, after all, the county head is still underage."

Jiang Ran called herself the head of the county, which showed that she was impatient to the extreme. Qiu Baishui and the officials who persuaded her relatives stared wide-eyed, "I can't do it!"

After this incident, no one dared to persuade Jiang Ran to marry and have children, and her life finally calmed down.


The day when the Bingzhi Lingworm broke through its cocoon was approaching. Before that, Jiang Ran wrote a list, all of which were people from Dongtian Village. She sent Yang Guiying to Dongtian Village with this list, and called these people to Dongtian Village. Arrived at the main city of Suling.

Old woman He, Zhu Diqing, Xiao Ran, Sun Yaoxu and others are all listed here, I don't know what happened.

Jiang Ran, Lin Sha, and Yang Guiying were in the study, and they were about to meet these talents from Dongtian Village one by one.

Li Fusheng was entertaining outside, He Laoyu and others cupped their hands, "I have seen Steward Li, may I ask the lord to call us, what is the so-called?"

(End of this chapter)

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