As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 386 Personnel Dispatch

Yang Guiying said, "[-] spirit crystals can be exchanged for one point, but when exchanging, the government will charge an additional [-]% of the handling fee..."

"...People are not allowed to trade points in private. Those who trade more than two points must go to the Suyuan Mercenary Union and register with the official before they can trade. At the same time, they also need to pay a [-]% handling fee."

In other words, in fact, ten thousand spirit crystals can be exchanged for one point.

"Spiritual crystals can buy points, but the points cannot be exchanged for spiritual crystals, so please be aware."

What should be understood has already been understood, Yang Guiying and Lin Sha quietly watched He Laoyu and the others make a choice.

"Hahahaha" Wang Xuan laughed boldly and patted his chest, "Do you still have to hesitate? I am willing to join Suhong Academy!"

The old woman He and Li Xiangchen also had smiles on their lips, and they cupped their hands and said, "I would like to join Suhong Academy, Suling for me, and cultivate pillars of talent!"

Old woman He and Li Xiangchen were willing to work under Jiang Ran, so the others basically did not refuse.

Spirit painter Zhu Diqing was sent to the South Crown Secret Realm to paint monsters—there is still a lot of room for growth in the South Crown Secret Realm. Wait until the murals on the first floor are full of monsters, and when the monsters on the murals come alive, they can be staged When there are tens of thousands of monsters, one day they may be able to evolve towards the capital-level jade map secret realm.

For Zhu Diqing, Jiang Ran promised that he would reward him with at least ten points for every monster on the mural that he brought back to life.

The more complex and powerful the race, the more difficult it is to "live", so as long as Zhu Liangqing draws more and more powerful races of monsters, the more points he will get.

Moreover, the basic remuneration of ten spirit crystals will be given every month.

Sun Yaoxu, one of the spiritual planters, is good at reading many books and can distinguish many plants. Jiang Ran sent him to stay in Yunxiang Mountain to collect various spiritual seeds.

And told him that there might be a ginseng demon spirit in Xiaoliangshan, and if he could help her find it, there would be a reward at that time.

Gao Litang, a spiritual planter, is good at distinguishing various land types, fertilizing, and improving various lands, so she was hired by Jiang Ran to tend the land around Lingquan Bay.

Huang Yi was sent by Jiang Ran to Bai Lifei's refining room.

Xiao Ran and a spirit beast master named Chen Chen were sent to Suhong College, and the treatment was the same as that of He Laoyu and others.

Speaking of which, among these people, Xiao Ran is the most vacillating.

For one thing, there is nothing he particularly wants in the points exchange book, and it is said that such things as points can be earned in the Suyuan Mercenary Union, so why not become a mercenary and be more free.

Secondly, his current mental strength is at the seventh stage, and he has already signed two spiritual pets. Among them, the fierce Yuan Liexiong has died, and the flame bird is not a rare spiritual pet, and his talent is not good. This is the limit, of course Xiao Ran is not willing to stop here, and wants to go out and search for treasures that can improve spiritual power.

Thirdly, working in the academy, the salary is too low. He still misses the gold-eating ant named Tiaotiao, and wants to earn more spirit crystals, so he can buy Tiaotiao from Jiang Ran in the future.

The last and most important point is that he doesn't want to mislead his children.As a spirit beast master, he came here entirely on his own, and he didn't go through a systematic study. If he entered the academy, wouldn't it be a good way to harm people?
Regarding this, Jiang Ran, who bowed his head and said nothing, was finally willing to take a look at Xiao Ran, and said, "But no matter what, you are also a spirit beast master at the Earth-level Sky Sea Realm, and you have bred two Profound Bone Realm beasts at the age of 30." It may be misleading for you to teach them, but at least it can guarantee them a future of earth-level Kukai and Xuangu spiritual pets. Without you, they probably don’t even have a starting point, and they will be like that for the rest of their lives .”

Xiao Ran was taken aback when he heard the words, as if he didn't expect to hear such remarks from Jiang Ran.

Later, Jiang Ran asked Yang Guiying to take Xiao Ran to the second phantom layer of South Crown City.

After Xiao Ran came out of the phantom layer, he felt a little dizzy.

He could feel his spiritual power as if it had been baptized once, and Su Ling actually had a secret realm that could increase and exercise his spiritual power!
If this phantom layer can help his spiritual power reach the eighth stage, he can sign two more spiritual pets!
Looking at Xiao Ran with a pleasant expression on his face, Yang Guiying felt a sense of pride from the bottom of his heart, and said with a smile, "Master Spirit Beast Master, in fact, our territory not only has the phantom layer as a means of improving mental power, but also exercises mental power." If you enter Suhong College, you can read a book called "Spiritual Beast Master's Handbook Part [-]", which contains some methods of exercising mental strength..."

Hu Chi has already applied the method of exercising mental strength recorded in "Spirit Beast Master Handbook" to his teaching. It is said that soon, a group of youngsters with the talent of spirit beast masters will emerge in their territory.

Xiao Ran was very moved when he heard this!

Yang Guiying took him to see Su Hong's first batch of little spirit beast masters. Xiao Ran was surprised to find that the spirit insects of these seven spirit beast masters were all rare spirit pets!

Even, a 12-year-old boy named Jian Bai has reached the third level of the Meridian Opening Realm, and his spiritual pet has reached the fifth level of the Meridian Opening Realm!

What's even more outrageous is that according to Yang Guiying, this young man has only been a spirit beast master for less than half a year, and even the Yunxuan Heron has only broken its shell for three months!
"These spirit pets were brought back by our lord." Yang Guiying admired and proudly said, "The county lord is really kind to talents because he is thirsty for talents. These spirit beasts are all given to our students by the county lord for free. "

Xiao Ran's eyes gradually became wild.

What's the point of hesitating? If you misunderstand your disciples, you will mislead your disciples!Xiao Ran would be an idiot if he didn't eat the food brought to his mouth!

"Have all these people settled down?" Jiang Ran rubbed the center of her brows after persuading them to accept the job she arranged for them.

Yang Guiying said, "It's all arranged."

"Lin Sha, who is going to take care of Dongtian Village now?"

Lin Sha cupped his hands and said, "Go back to the county lord, Xu Nong is a talent, I sent him to manage Dongshan Village."

"Xu Nong? Oh, it's Xu Nong from Xinheng Town." Jiang Ran nodded, "Are the people in Qianyu still safe?"

"Stay safe, I sent them to cut down trees, leveled the land near Dongtian Village, and went to dig rocks with Jia Bing and the others." Lin Sha smiled a little, "The county lord is really wise, don't He said that he is worthy of being an elite soldier, and when he does his work, he is more efficient than others."

In this way, as soon as spring begins in Dongtian Village, you can get up immediately.

Lin Sha and the two left the study.

At this time, Yaobao suddenly appeared next to Jiang Ran with a white jade shell hat on his head.

"Ran Ran! Looks good, Gulu!" Yao Bao, who was wearing a Buddhist Tibetan fox face, was grinning.

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