January is coming to an end, and the thick snow on the bricks and tiles is glistening in the sun, showing faint signs of melting.

But when the snow melted, it was even colder. Before, there were children who came out to play in the street, but now they were all pulled back by their parents, for fear of catching cold.

Even Suhong College, which does not have a winter vacation, allows students to have a home to go home, and those who have no home or don't want to go home, just stay in the dormitory.

Different from modern times, the limited cloth and cotton in Suling were not enough to resist the cold.

Moreover, the winter here seems to be colder.

At the court meeting, Wu Yun said with a smile on his face, "It's all the lord's good governance. Up to now, there are less than a hundred people who froze to death in Suling Lord's town!"

Yes, there are also some weak people in Suling County who caught wind and cold in winter and died without timely rescue.

For Wu Yun and others, compared with previous years, the achievement of less than [-] people freezing to death this winter is already very beautiful.

But for these people's compliments, Jiang Ran pursed her lips slightly and remained silent.

There is nothing perfect in the world. For the people in the world, Jiang Ran is looking for cotton in Mingxiao City, providing jobs for the people, opening up the city for trade, and settling the refugees. He thinks that he is already working hard to improve their lives.

But the time is still too short, especially on the side of Fenghuang, Zhenyuan, and Xinheng, who have just ended the war and are in the midst of a waste of time, and Jiang Ran's control over the people is not as strong as the main city of Suling. I can't use my strength.

So many people died of freezing in the main city of Suling, let alone the people in the other three towns.

Jiang Ran's unhappiness was too obvious, and the smile on Wu Yun's face was too inappropriate, so he immediately restrained himself, but his palms were slightly sweaty, and his heart was worried.

Outside the window, the branches and leaves covered with wind and snow are whirling, and there is a surging silence.

In the warm and spacious room, Lin Sha lowered his head and thought for a moment, before breaking the silence, "As an official, we must worry about the world's worries first, and devote ourselves to it. Mr. Wu is really a role model for our officials in Suling. He is always worried about the people. The first time I found out that there were still people who were freezing to death outside."

Listening to Lin Sha's words, Qiu Baishui rolled his eyes gracefully, "Yes!"

Wu Yun cast grateful eyes on the two of them.

Jiang Ran realized that her expression was too gloomy just now, which scared the timid Wu Yun.

Step by step, Jiang Ran naturally knew, so he didn't fall into self-doubt and blame Wu Yun and other officials.

"Lin Qing's family is right, Wu Qing's family should be rewarded."

The willows are dark and the flowers are bright, Wu Yun wiped off his sweat, and happily accepted the one or two ginseng rewards from Jiang Ran.

Qiu Baishui said eloquently, "Winter is not over yet, and people on the streets may still freeze to death. Mr. Wu is worried about the people, why don't you approve some funds, ginseng soup is not necessary, but at least give the people some ginger soup to warm their bodies?"

"It's the batch, it's the batch, I'll approve it!"


Winter isn't all bad.

Not long after the court meeting, Li Yiniu brought good news that the Bingzhi Lingworm is about to evolve!

In a hurry, Jiang Ran took Gao Litang and Sun Yaoxu, two spiritual planters, behind him a group of guards headed by Wei Fengsheng surrounded Biquan Bay, fearing that youngsters would break in.

In the distance, the fog lotus and green hills are continuous, covered in white clothes.Compared with the past, Biquan Bay is much wider. The newly reclaimed fields are in order. The Lingquan water meanders between the fields, connects several small rivers and streams, and passes through Qingshan Village and Aojia Village.

Anyone who comes to Biquan Bay for the first time will be amazed by the Lingquan water, and Gao Litang and Sun Yaoxu are no exception.

There is a pond in front of you, in which these two extremely beautiful little phoenix spirit carp roam, they are wandering in it, contentedly.What's more amazing is that other rivers near Suling County have been frozen due to glaciers, but the water on the Lingquan side is still flowing, and there is a faint aura of smoke floating gently on the water surface.

'This is spiritual spring water with excellent water quality! 'The two spirit planters were secretly surprised.

Gao Litang wants to work here in the future, and pays more attention to the environment here. Seeing that there are many vacant fields, he keeps thinking.

A group of people soon arrived at the land of moraine and spiritual soil, and Li Yiniu had been waiting for a long time.

"I have met the county master, and I have met the two masters of Lingzhi."

Although Li Yiniu was just an ordinary person, Gao Litang and Sun Yaoxu did not dare to belittle him, and they all responded, "I have met Mr. Nong Si."

After the ceremony, Gao Litang felt the colder environment than the surroundings, and was secretly startled, wondering if this is a land of spiritual soil, or an ice-type spiritual field, I don’t know what level of spiritual field it is, whether it is born with it, or Man-made?

And why is the area of ​​this spiritual soil so small? Is there a way to make it wider?
Sun Yaowen looked directly at the ice ganoderma, and was a little surprised when he saw the perfect shape, color and even size of the ice ganoderma, "This must be a demon spirit that pursues perfection!"

Jiang Ran looked directly at the cocoon of the Bingzhi Lingworm.

I saw a strong icy blue light emanating through the white cocoon, and the white cocoon became very thin, which is indeed about to evolve.

The waiting time was very torturous. In the middle, there were servants who delivered meals twice. From morning to afternoon and dusk, there was a faint, sudden sound like cloth being torn.

"Here we come!" Sun Yaoxu suddenly whispered.

The words fell—

Bai Cocoon is no longer hiding, but with Jiang Ran present, Bingzhi Spiritworm also firmly believes that he does not need to be distracted to hide his position.

"Yomi..." Suddenly, the cocoon opened a big mouth, and tiny ice crystals with a chill came out.

This scene is so beautiful that bystanders dare not breathe hard for fear of disturbing the demon spirit inside, so they can only wait for the white mist to dissipate.

"Yo Mi..." A clear and crisp cry sounded like rippling in Gaolin Snow Mountain, starting from a crack, the white cocoon gradually dissipated like snow melting, a pair of ice crystal butterfly wings as thin as cicada's wings
The change of the Bingzhi spirit insect has long attracted the attention of four demon spirits, the mulberry spirit insect, the holy cotton spirit insect, the moso bamboo spirit insect and the corn spirit monster who are also in Lingquan Bay.

"Jiu Mi..." I saw a few little demon spirits poking their heads out, like children eavesdropping on an adult talking about business, carefully looking at the cocoons of the Bingzhi Lingworm.

Only the Holy Cotton Spirit Worm was drooling, but he didn't dare to act rashly...

This is Jiang Ran's second time watching the evolution process of the demon spirit, but unlike the evolution of Mailingworm, the evolution of Bingzhi Lingworm does not have the feeling of difficulty of struggling in the mud, it is almost an understatement, and it looks relaxed in one go.

"Yomi!" There was another cry, the white cocoon was brightly lit, and a pair of ice crystal wings bloomed like flower buds!

"Good, beautiful wings..." Several people looked at the pair of blue wings, and they were a little lost for a while.

There are two types of demon spirit wings, tree-like bird-like wings, and non-tree-like butterfly-like wings.

Just like the coco ghost, its wings are bird wings with black feathers, while the wings of the wheat ghost, madder ghost and corn ghost are butterfly-shaped wings.

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