Didn't Qing Fei always nest in his own small cold pool and hardly come out?Why did it suddenly appear outside Qingshan Village?

Wei Fengsheng spoke quickly, "The villagers of Qingshan Village saw a big snake suddenly coming out of Wulian Qingshan, and they were terrified. The frontier guards rushed over when they heard the movement, but the big snake was too powerful. I couldn't suppress it. Later, He Xianxian and Xiao Ran rushed over and together suppressed the green snake with green crown. I just happened to see that scene when I passed by. I thought that the county lord had some relationship with the big snake, so I stopped them from attacking. Kill the big snake and come here to report!"

He Xianxian, Xiao Ran and other new tutors all live in Tianxi Village. They haven't formally participated in the classroom yet, but under the coordination of Hu Chi, several people get together to plan the teaching plan and write the teaching plan.

"Are any villagers injured?" Jiang Ran asked as she stepped out.

Wei Fengsheng followed behind, "That's not true, the big snake didn't hurt anyone, it came here avoiding the crowd."

Qing Fei is indeed a big snake with a gentle personality. Hearing this, Jiang Ran felt relieved, pulled Chi Sha out of the stable, and rushed out first.

"Hey... Lord, wait for me..." Wei Fengsheng ran out with a bitter face.

Relying on the decent speed of the Huangsha camel, Jiang Ran arrived at the scene in a quarter of an hour.

The border guards sealed off the site to prevent any villagers from entering and causing trouble.

Jiang Ran saw the majestic and lengthy green pheasant at a glance, and a few scales fell off from his body, accompanied by mottled blood.

Old woman He and Xiao Ran tensed their nerves, one pressed the green rat's head, and the other imprisoned its thick tail.

The blue-yellow vertical pupil shrunk into a vertical line irritatingly, and twisted its body somewhat repellently, but it may be because Old Woman He and Xiao Ran just imprisoned it and did not do anything more extreme, so the extent of its struggle was not not very big.

The border guards breathed a sigh of relief when they saw Jiang Ran, and respectfully gave way.

"It's hard work for you two, but this big snake is my friend, let go of the green snake first." Jiang Ran beckoned and called a soldier away, and while sending Chisha's reins over, he took out a small snake from Mo Jie. Porcelain bottle, open the lid with one hand.

He Xianxian and Xiao Ran looked at each other puzzledly, and let go resentfully.

"Are you two injured? Let Dr. Wang take a look." Jiang Ran casually cared about the two of them.

Xiao Ran looked at the blood-stained scales of the green moth, and touched his nose in embarrassment, "No, this big snake friend is very gentle, but it's us who use more force."

"You don't know, I need to thank the two for their help."

During the conversation, Jiang Ran squatted down and checked the status of the green cockles.

"It's a healing herb." Jiang Ran put the medicine under Qing Zhi's lips and let it take a look.

"Hiss..." Qing Fei probed with the forked snake letter, and the curled up body stretched slightly, revealing the wound.

After Jiang Ran applied the medicine to it, suddenly, the green beetle curled its long tail, rolled up Jiang Ran, and rushed towards the direction of Wulian Qingshan.

"My lord!" Wei Fengsheng panted, and saw this scene as soon as he arrived at the destination.

"It's okay, you all come to Xiaohantan slowly." Jiang Ran shouted.

The small cold pool is filled with wet white mist. In the depths of the cold pool, the bucket-shaped stone platform stands alone, but it is different from the tranquil and distant past. The deer weeds on the stone platform are messy, as if they have been looted!
This time, Qingzhi allowed Jiang Ran to enter the stone platform. It gently put Jiang Ran on it, nodded her hand with its tail, and then motioned her to look at one of the marrow grasses.

Jiang Ran followed and looked, and there was a white cocoon attached to it.

"Huh? It's your deer grass spirit insect. Is it going to evolve?" Jiang Ran was taken aback. There are so many spirit insects that need to evolve recently, but at this juncture of evolution, why is there only the cold grass left? One or two?
Or one or two that are particularly short and malnourished.

"What happened?" Jiang Ran asked.

A murderous intent suddenly arose in the eyes of Qing Fei, and he turned his head to an open space on the left side of the Xiaohantan. There were a lot of blood stains on it, as well as some animal carcasses.

Jiang Ran looked over and immediately understood.

Probably these greedy monsters stole the cold grass marrow from the green gnat when it left the small cold pool.

A thief would not be so kind to pay attention to the evolution of your little demon spirit.

If it wasn't for the presence of a demon spirit, those monsters would have pulled out the last stalk of cold weed.

'Injury to the demon spirit will be backlashed' But this is mainly because the cultivators or monsters directly attack the spirit body of the demon spirit.

In order to make the demon spirits disappear, there are actually operability. For example, let the demon spirits with the attack power and the tendency of devouring the same kind eat the demon spirits. For example, attack the plants that are often infected by the demon spirits. To indirectly weaken the demon spirit.

And at the critical moment of the evolution of the deer pulp grass spirit insect, the monsters who broke into the cold pool destroyed the deer pulp grass and almost killed the little demon spirit.

"That's why you are anxious to find me..." Jiang Ran was helpless, "It's hard for you to come to Qingshan Village to find me."

"Hiss..." Qing Fei spat out the snake letter, and anxiously pushed Jiang Ran with her tail, urging her to save its little demon spirit quickly.

Qing Fei's body was so huge that he didn't dare to move the marrow deer grass at all, and didn't know how to move it.

"Don't worry, the deer grass is nourished by the cold marrow fluid, and luckily, the current environment is just right for the deer grass to survive, so the situation is not that bad."

Plants are delicate but at the same time extremely powerful beings.When they are weak, they may just look sickly due to a little watering, but when they are tenacious, even broken branches can grow back.

Jiang Ran looked around, found some branches of suitable thickness and length, squatted down, and carefully inserted the branches around the deer's-eye grass, using the branches as a support, the only two remaining plants of deer's-eye-grass were safely covered Righted up.

Qing Fei stared wide-eyed, watching Jiang Ran's incomprehensible behavior.

Jiang Ran touched two handfuls of soil on the stone platform, and said to Qingzhi, "Although there are indeed plants in this world that feed on hard rocks, deer grass is obviously not of this type, it needs to absorb it from the soil. The materials needed. The soil layer on your stone platform is too thin, I suggest you change to another place to plant deer grass in the future."

Qing Fei tilted her head:? ? ? ?
Obviously, it was difficult for Qing Fei to understand what Jiang Ran meant.

That's too much for a snake.

Qing Fei pushed Jiang Ran's back again, "Hiss..." Stop talking, just do it for me...

Jiang Ran sighed.

It just so happened that Wei Fengsheng, a kind and reliable adult male, came.

"My lord, the subordinates are late..."

"Oh, Wei Fengsheng, you came at a good time. You go back to Biquan Bay and call some farmers. Remember to ask them to bring hoes and dig up two pots of soil near the ice ganoderma."

Wei Fengsheng, who just rushed over and was still breathing, said, "...Yes!"

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