Chapter 395 Cyst?

In February, the snow and ice melted on the ground, but the iron birch trunk was still wearing a mottled snow suit, showing its unique presence in the black clothes.

The iron birch tree likes to be cool and lives at a high altitude. Jiang Ran asked the farmers to go down the mountain before the sun completely set, while he and Wei Fengsheng checked the situation in the iron birch forest together.

Wei Fengsheng held a cloud lamp in his hand, and through the bright light, he carefully pushed aside the dense leaves of the iron birch tree, "Master, the food that was placed yesterday has disappeared!"

Wei Fengsheng said pleasantly, "Lord, the speed of food disappearing is getting faster and faster."

"Indeed." Jiang Ran's eyes seemed to be empty, and a golden cat's eye with purple pupils appeared in the sky. The cat's eyes scanned sharply, and there was nothing to hide in front of her.

At this time, Wei Fengsheng touched his chin for analysis, "Master, we only put this food on at noon, and it is only two hours from now. Even if the demon spirit has the ability to move quickly on the iron birch tree, But will the little demon spirit who has tasted the sweetness really be willing to leave too far?"

A man who thinks seriously has an inexplicable charm, even Wei Fengsheng, who looks ordinary, is no exception. He raised his eyebrows and said with high spirits, "We have seduced this demon spirit for more than a month. The demon spirits come here every day to look for food, and the subordinates think it's time to close the net. County lord, do you want to send someone to guard or search the vicinity?"

"Good idea." Jiang Ran said.

Wei Fengsheng showed joy on his face, "Then this subordinate will..."

"But I've already felt the breath of that demon spirit... um... it's just that the breath is weaker than I thought." Jiang Ran faced a direction and took a few steps forward, frowning.

"'ve already found it!?" Wei Fengsheng was taken aback for a moment, then he put away the Frost Sword on his waist, and said seriously, "This subordinate is so stupid that he didn't even notice, county lord, where is the demon spirit? I'll get it for you!"

"No, it's getting late, so there's no need to make a big move." Jiang Ran refused, and then slowly stretched out his fingers. Wei Fengsheng's eyes followed the shapely and slender fingers of the fingers, and the fingertips flashed white. Mottled bugs suddenly appeared in the hands of the county lord.

Wei Fengsheng was stunned.

Then I was shocked.

What is the cultivation level of the county lord now?What kind of move was that just now, fetching worms from a thousand miles away?

And he can't help the county lord at all?

Wei Fengsheng was a little depressed.

"Is it a demon spirit?" Wei Fengsheng put away his turbulent thoughts, and congratulated with his hands, "Congratulations to the county master for harvesting another demon spirit. I think, in the surrounding county-level cities, we Suling is probably the county with the most demon spirits!"

Jiang Ran looked down at the black and white worm in her palm, and was speechless for a while.

Seeing that Jiang Ran didn't speak, Wei Fengsheng boldly glanced at her palm and was surprised, "Lord, this...seems a little different from the demon spirit worms I've's just...just..."

"It's just like ordinary insects, without the spirituality of demon spirit insects at all, and there is no obvious sign of iron birch on the outside?" Jiang Ran added.

Wei Fengsheng lowered his head, "Yes..." If someone said it was a demon spirit, he would definitely scoff at it.

Demon spirit worms are usually the size of a palm, but this black and white mottled worm is only half the size of a demon spirit worm.

Jiang Ran squeezed the worm in the palm of his hand. Although it looked similar to an ordinary worm, it didn't feel the same in the hand. It was similar to a demon spirit worm, soft and bouncy.

This black and white worm was very quiet and didn't bark at all.

No, maybe it can't bark.

Because it is not a living body.

"Spores..." Jiang Ran's eyes were blank for a while, and she murmured a word.

"Spores?" Wei Fengsheng didn't react for a while, he was stunned for a long time, then suddenly opened his eyes wide and lost his voice, "No, no, no, no, right!? Spores!!!??"

Wei Fengsheng's face turned red at a speed visible to the naked eye, "My lord, you said it was a spore, could it be the spore of an immature fairy?!"

"It should be." Jiang Ran called out an exquisite wooden box from Mo Jie, sprinkled a layer of Mushuang food inside, and gently put the spore into the box.

After sensing the smell of food, the spores instinctively began to eat.

"Immature fairies can produce up to ten spores. The spores can cultivate plants for the mother and absorb the power of demon spirits that the mother needs. The spores can live thousands of miles away from the mother." Jiang Ran held the wooden box in her hand and lowered her head. Looking at the spore, "With only the spore, I can't make a contract with this demon spirit."

"Wanli..." At first, he thought he could see a new demon spirit, but Wei Fengsheng felt a little regretful, "This iron birch forest is so big, it spans half of the misty lotus and green hills, and the demon spirit insects are very capable Hidden, the childish fairy must be more cautious."

"No problem." Jiang Ran didn't feel too disappointed, "I don't have to catch the demon spirit, as long as this immature fairy is in Wulian Qingshan, it's enough, and I also caught a spore."

Wei Fengsheng is very serious, "My lord, the news that there is a demon spirit in Wulian Qingshan will not be concealed for too long. At that time, people from the outer city will definitely send people to look for it. It's okay if everyone doesn't find it, but once It would be bad if it fell into the hands of some other territory."

The requirements for upgrading the Jade Map of the Territory are very strict, and multiple requirements need to be met, such as land area, population, demon spirits, strength of the lord, overall strength of the territory, ... the first three indicators are strictly required.

And to become a county-level territory, there must be an immature fairy in the territory.

At present, Zhuoli County and Zeyan County are old county-level territories, and there are seven or eight ghosts in the territories. They have longed for a territory like Tianchen County City for a long time.

It's just that ordinary iron birch wood has the hardness of iron, but what kind of power does the iron birch wood urged by the young fairy have?
Wei Fengsheng knelt down on one knee, slammed one hand on the ground, and said heavily, "Master, please pay attention to this matter, and find this immature fairy as soon as possible!"

Hearing Wei Fengsheng's words, Jiang Ran also put away her contempt.

Originally, she arrogantly designated the Wulian Qingshan as her own, and took it for granted that even if she hadn't signed a contract with Fairy Zhi, this demon spirit still belonged to her.

Jiang Ran pulled Wei Fengsheng up, "You are right, I will take this matter seriously."

"...From the next day, you will lead the guards to search Wulian Qingshan and find this demon spirit as soon as possible."


It was completely dark, and the two of them went down the mountain with the spores. Along the way, Jiang Ran also gave some advice to Wei Fengsheng, "Although the demon spirits have great hidden powers, everything is not without trace. Since it is Childish fairy, then you must first find the unusual iron birch tree..."

(End of this chapter)

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