As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 418 Salt Restriction

In the huge hall, there is a vague murderous look permeating the air.

For the superiors who control countless lives and have supreme rights, they can be aloof, act recklessly, and allow others to comment. Of course, they cannot bear to be threatened.

Wen Yunsheng is conceited. At this time, his face is extremely ugly, and he looks at Yunxiang with unkind eyes. His whole body is like a volcano ready to erupt, and it will erupt in the next moment.

In the face of anger, Yun Xiang is neither humble nor overbearing. He has been to the major cities as an envoy several times, and he has suffered countless difficulties. He has struggled on the verge of death several times. The county magistrate has an oppressive look in his eyes.

Just when Wen Yunsheng was furious and was about to issue some order, there was a sudden sound of a glass breaking.


The crisp sound suddenly broke the deadlock, and everyone turned their eyes, and it turned out that Gao Qi, a bearded man, accidentally broke a cup.

"Forgive me, the county king. I accidentally broke this high-quality cup." Gao Qi bent down, begging for mercy in a flattering tone.

From Jiang Ran's perspective, Gao Qi's expression could not be seen, but from Wen Yunsheng's gradually calming expression, one could guess that Gao Qi must have given him a wink to calm him down.

The person Jiang Ran asked Bai Mei to kill was a small person to Wen Yunsheng after all, and it seemed that it was not worth turning against the whole Su Ling for him.

"Handy, let the guests watch the joke." After weighing the pros and cons, Wen Yunsheng squeezed out a smile, and turned to Yun Xiang, "The messenger Yun said well. My king would like to thank Jiang County for helping to eradicate the spy!"

Jiang Ran tilted her head, "You're welcome."

From then on, the banquet came to an end and it was already late at night. Although Zeyan County asked Jiang Ran and the others to stay for a night, they sternly refused for fear of causing trouble.

Wen Yunsheng sent Jiang Ran to the gate of the city.

What Jiang Ran and the others didn't know was that before leaving, Wen Yunsheng looked at their backs with a sneer in his eyes.

After that, Wen Yunsheng laughed at Jiang Ran for being too young and naive.

Wen Yunsheng said to Gao Qi, "If Suling County naively threatened Zhuoli County with Zeyan, I'm afraid Yu Feng would not sit still. Back then, he united with the surrounding territories to put pressure on Zeyan County and asked us to reduce the price of Zeyan. It's the old man Yu Feng, I'll see how Suling will pay Zeyan County 60 gold at that time! Fenghuang Town, it will be in my hands without a single soldier."

The expression on Wen Yunsheng's face was distorted, and there was a strange salivation, "Hmph, Jiang Ran... Ran... Ran Ran Qi Fangcao, fluttering smile Duan Peng, it's really a beautiful name, if this Jiang Ran's little The beauty is willing to stay with me for one night, but I don't need this Phoenix Town..." On the contrary, it's not impossible to stick to her for a whole city...

Gao Qi immediately cupped his hands and said, "The wish of the county king will surely come true."


After Jiang Ran left Zeyan County, he went back to the base camp with five hundred soldiers against the darkness and the faint prying eyes.

Lin Sha and the others looked at the contract document with complicated expressions. They really didn't expect that Zeyan County would really agree.

But when the goal was achieved, not many people looked happy, and Wu Yun's face was even more gloomy, "I have to pay [-] gold to Zeyan County in June, but where does the money come from?"

The [-] gold dollars paid in advance had paid out all the gold and silver in the county, and it was only two months before June.

Qiu Baishui hugged his chest and shook his head, "Hey... at this time, why not pray that we can dig a gold mine in our Suling territory."

The news of Jiang Ran's return from Zeyan County also spread to the major cities. Two days later, Zeyan County sent people to transport [-] catties of Zeyan, and Suling paid Xiangqi [-] gold dollars.

The next day, Suling announced to the outside world that due to the limited salt reserves in Suling, he "had to" impose a policy of restricting salt. People who are not in Suling must obtain special documents from Suling before they can rely on the documents. Shangge business.

As for how to get this special document?That naturally depends on the previous attitude of rejecting other territories in Suling County. Jiang Ran not only asked other territories to open up trade with Suling, but also had specific requirements for specific territories, such as Shijin Town, Jiang Ran asked Hawkeye For Qingsong County, Qingsong County asked for Qingsong Shi, and for Zhuoli County, what Jiang Ran asked for was Xuanhan Iron.

As soon as this policy came out, there was an uproar in the outside world.

Including Wen Yunsheng, none of them thought, let alone that Suling County's attack was not just targeting Zhuoli County, but targeting all surrounding territories equally.

Wen Yunsheng was stunned, "She is really not afraid of offending everyone!"

"What does Suling County mean? Can I still buy cheap table salt?" This is the worry of a commoner in Beiyuan Town.

But these words not only express his fear, but also the aspirations of many people in other territories.

"It is said that because Zhuoli County was too rude to Suling and took the lead in crowding out Suling County, the owner of Suling County came up with this salt restriction policy."

"That person surnamed Yu has no conscience, he always engages in flirty manipulations, why does he implicate us!"

"Actually, it's not that serious. As long as our lord expresses his willingness to make friends with Suling County and get the documents, not only can we continue to go to Suling to buy salt, but people from Suling County will continue to sell salt to us. "

"...But the boss...who knows what the boss thinks..."

The people below were discussing a lot, and the head movements of the major territories were also very fast. They sent people to Zeyan County to import salt as soon as they got the news. Suling County was bought! ! !

"Damn it, how can Suling County have such ability? Buy all the salt in Zeyan County! It's clear that Wen Yunsheng and Suling County are on the same team to suppress us!"

At the same time, in Zhuoli County.

"It's unreasonable, this Suling County's action is too fast!" Yu Feng's face was gloomy, and the ground was messy, full of vases and various documents that he dropped because of anger.

After receiving the invitation letter from Suling County to Zeyan County from the spy, he also hurriedly sent someone to send the invitation letter, intending to send envoys to contact Zeyan County.

But Suling County had no choice but to take the lead and arrived at Zeyan County one step sooner. It was unexpected that Zeyan County and Suling County had signed a deal with Suling in just one night.

If the human body does not consume salt for ten days, it will become weak all over, and he can't buy the damn salt in Zhuoli County!
Yu Feng admitted that he underestimated Suling County!
Some officials of Zhuoli County felt that there was no need to target Suling County in this way. After all, the other party wanted them to buy Xuanhan Iron, not to grab it, but to buy it. Rather than rejecting it so much, it is better to negotiate a good price when exporting a little.

But obviously, Yu Feng didn't think so. He got a lot of news from Suling County, which made him very afraid of this territory.

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