As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 523 Floating Cloud Soil

After Jiang Ran heard this, she knew she had to go to Beiling.

It happened that Yun Subaru and Yaobao had already walked towards the north, but they just didn't know where they were now.

Jiang Ran translated what Mu Shahe said to Qi Yu and Feng Chi.

"It turns out that the giant hammer was made from part of the ancient tree. It's a pity. I really want to know what the lava fruit looks like. Hey, Jiang Ran, didn't you get that giant hammer? Take it? Come out and show me." Feng Chi rubbed his hands expectantly.

Without saying a word, Jiang Ran took out the red giant hammer from the void.

Feng Chi touched it with his hand and couldn't help but screamed, "This is a good thing! It's a good thing!"

Jiang Ran said, "This giant tree is still active."

Feng Chi and Qi Yu were confused: "What's the difference if it's active?"

Jiang Ran thought that even if there were no seeds, he might still be able to recreate the ancient tree through grafting.

However, this grafting technique still depends on how well Jiang Nancheng studies it. After all, the Ancient Ash Tree is not an ordinary spiritual tree, and the difficulty of grafting is also higher. One of the reasons is that the temperature of this giant tree is so high. Jiang Nancheng is now This little body simply can't bear it.

Mu Xiali and Mu Shahe were surprised and aching when they saw that the giant hammer was actually obtained by Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran told the two of them that they would go to Beiling to find out what was going on. The two felt that since Jiang Ran had obtained half of the Jade Picture Spirit, there was hope for the remaining half. In order to escape from the prisoner in the secret realm, Jiang Ran After being released from prison, the two said they were willing to lead the way for Jiang Ran.

But before leaving Nanling, Jiang Ran looked back at the ancient Zhanhua tree that was bleak in the yellow sand, "Although I can't immediately restore you to its heyday, I hope that what I do next can at least help. You must, it can be regarded as my reward for delivering the spirit of the jade picture to me."

Qi Yu and others were wondering what Jiang Ran wanted to do, when they saw Jiang Ran take out two big sacks that were banged up from the empty ring.

Feng Chi opened the sack curiously, only to see some white cloud-like things inside. He touched it with his hands, but it was not as soft as it looked. Instead, it felt rough to the touch, feeling like... …

"Is this soil?" Qi Yu asked casually as he went to help Jiang Ran.

Jiang Ran nodded, "This kind of soil is called floating cloud mud. Although it is dry on the surface, it contains rich water spiritual power. It can also continuously absorb water spiritual power, lock in moisture, and protect the roots of trees."

Feng Chi was exaggerated after hearing the explanation. "I'm really convinced, Jiang Ran, do you even have such a thing?"

Ordinary people go on adventures without bringing weapons, pills or food, but who would have thought that Jiang Ran would carry hundreds of kilograms of soil around with him?
Jiang Ran smiled.

There is no shortage of water in Suling County, so the floating cloud mud is of no use and has been placed in a corner of the space ring. However, she did not expect that the floating cloud mud obtained from Wang Junsheng would come in handy at this time.

Jiang Ran said to Qi Yu and Feng Chi, "Give me a hand and help me bury the floating cloud mud near the roots of the Zhanhua tree."

Carefully avoiding the roots of the ancient Zhanhua tree, it took a quarter of an hour to fill in the floating cloud mud.

The root system of the ancient Zhanhua tree is very large and intricate, and three hundred kilograms of floating cloud mud only touches about one percent of the roots.

The two desert people tilted their heads and watched Jiang Ran and others busy, their blank eyes making them look a little stupid.

And then, something happened that made people in the desert blind. Jiang Ran patted the soil on his hands, then took out a large wooden bucket and opened the lid. A gurgling stream of water flowed from it onto the dry and cracked soil.

"What are you doing? Why are you wasting such precious water!" Mushahe was so angry that he immediately rushed over to stop Jiang Ran from doing this, but was stopped by the frowning Qi Yu and Feng Chi. Qi Yu: "This water belongs to Jiang Ran, and what to do with it is her right."

Feng Chi: "No, you are so excited. Jiang Ran has her own reasons for doing this."

Mushahe didn't understand what Qi Yu and others said, so he just rushed forward blindly. Unfortunately, he couldn't break through the defense line of Qi Yu and Feng Chi, and watched helplessly as not a drop of water in the barrel was left.

Jiang Ran glanced back at the slumped Musha River and said in desert language, "The ancient Zhanhua tree also needs water. If you really regard it as an important existence, you shouldn't have stopped it just now."

Jiang Ran understood that the people in the desert were so excited because they were so eager to cherish water, but to be honest, she couldn't have much sympathy for them.

The person who caused this ending was actually the desert people themselves.

Mushahe calmed down after listening to Jiang Ran's words.

Plants are fragile but also tenacious. Although the ancient Zhanhua tree is now struggling to survive, its roots deep in the ground tell Jiang Ran that it is still persisting.

Although a few hundred kilograms of mud and a bucket of water are insignificant, they are a timely help for this ancient tree that has been dry for a long time.

It can still hold on.

Jiang Ran put her hand against the bark of the ancient Zhanhua tree, stroked its scars, and said to it, "I can't give you more soil and water now, but when I get out, everything will be fine." .”

"I promise you that your body will not have any scars in the future. I will send my soldiers to protect you. You can rest assured that they are a group of loyal people who are trustworthy."

"The source of all disasters begins in the land of Beiling. Whether it is as the desert people said, I will find out if it can restore the peace that Nanling had ten years ago."

Jiang Ran didn't know whether trees had spirituality. Talking to a tree was indeed a bit silly.

Jiang Ran shook her head and moved her hand away from the ancient tree. Suddenly, a small red flower fell from the ancient tree, fluttering and impartially, and just fell on the tip of Jiang Ran's nose.

Yellow sand, ancient trees, flowers and beauties can be combined into a top-notch ink painting.

Perhaps it was because the beautiful ancient trees were blooming and falling again that made everyone unable to react, but this scene made everyone stunned for a moment.

Jiang Ran gently took the small flower from the tip of her nose with her hands. Qi Yu came back to his senses and was the first to break the silence. He said sweet words without any disturbance, "It seems that this ancient tree is really spiritual and can please beauties." .”


In order to protect the ancient Zhanhua tree, Jiang Ran asked two Xuanjia soldiers to stay in Shicun temporarily.

Because Mu Xiali and others did not bring food back from the Whirlpool Gate this time, Shicun's food supply was also at its lowest.

It happened that Jiang Ran was worried that these more than 100 desert people would stay in Shicun and injure the Xuanjia soldiers and the ancient Zhanhua trees, so he decided to follow Jiang Ran and the others to the Whirlpool Gate except for the women, children and the elderly who were unable to restrain the chickens. Food and travel to the Land of the Oryx.

The final group expanded to 48 people, plus 23 sand wolves.

After trying to get a few sand sleds, the large team set off toward the north in a mighty manner.

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