As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 525 I am planting trees

The desert people wanted to be recognized by the secret realm and become the masters of this place, so they tried their best.

They regarded the ancient tree as the source of desertification in the Xiangling area, so they cut down this hard and fiery tree.

But after cutting down this ancient tree, the flames in Beiling burned even more intensely, and then quickly burned to the land of South Antelope. In less than ten years, South Antelope also turned into a desert with no grass growing.

Mushahe was puzzled by Jiang Ran and others' lack of action, so Jiang Ran told him their speculation.

After hearing this, Mu Shahe was dumbfounded. He grabbed Jiang Ran's sleeve and said, "But what about the lava fruit that seemed to destroy the world when it fell? At that time, Xiangling is in great heat, and Zhanhua The ancient trees are withered, the elderly and children are very weak, and there will be a large number of monsters invading Nanling..."

"All things in the world wax and wane, and they all have their own laws. Some plants bloom and bear fruit in spring and summer and are very vigorous, but in winter and autumn their leaves begin to fall and wither, looking desolate, but this is a normal phenomenon."

Jiang Ran slowly pulled back the sleeves that were tightly grasped by Mu Hesha and continued, "As for the illness of women, children and the elderly in Shicun, just as people get sick and flu mostly occurs in the cold winter and spring, the illness of the elderly and children in Shicun is probably due to Jin The day when the fruit of the ancient tree falls is when the Yanxin Earth Fire is at its strongest, and the whole Xiangling is in great heat. They are weak and cannot bear it and will fall ill..."

"... Let's talk about the invasion of monsters? Maybe that's just a normal migration. You just live in the land of Nanling, and you are not the master of that place. Why can't monsters cross the border?"

Jiang Ran's explanation was mixed with some words that were not in the Desert language, but the general meaning was understood by Mushahe.

This muscular man was in a state of despair. If Feng Chi hadn't been there to pull him up, he might have fallen off the cliff.

"We, we were so smart that we cut down the ancient trees guarding the ground fire..." Mushahe murmured, thinking of something, he suddenly turned his hopeful eyes to Jiang Ran: "What should we do? As long as we can make up for it, let us You can do whatever you want!”

Jiang Ran didn't say anything, she lowered her eyebrows and thought.

This matter needs to be solved. Firstly, she is now half the owner of the secret realm. Secondly, if this matter cannot be solved, they will not be able to get out of the secret realm.

At this moment, Feng Chi said excitedly, "Qi Yu and Jiang Ran, although they haven't gotten Huo Qiong yet, for me, this trip is really not in vain! Although Yan Xin Earth Fire is very dangerous, this piece of The local fire-type spiritual elements are rich and active, and every breath feels like they are practicing. It is really an excellent practice."

As he spoke, he jumped down to the stump of the ancient tree, still under Mushahe's exclamation.

The tree stump was very hot, and Feng Chi couldn't help but jump a few times, but after all, as an excellent pure fire cultivator, he quickly tolerated the temperature, "Sure enough, it's better to be on the Ancient Ash Tree!"

After saying that, he also called Chi Ling out.

Chi Ling's size is not small, and this ancient tree stump is more than enough to accommodate a bird and beast. Chi Ling seems to like this tree stump very much, chirping long and comfortably, and then lying on the stump like a hen hatching eggs.

Yan Xin Earth Fire slapped on the tree stump like a wave, making a splash-like sound, but it was duller.

Just when everyone thought Chi Ling wanted to sleep, a powerful fire suddenly emitted from its body. Feng Chi was slightly startled at first, and then he was happy.

I saw a bunch of Yanxin Earth Fire floating in the air with the gorgeous tail of Chi Ling. The small drop of Yanxin Earth Fire suddenly grew bigger and surrounded its entire body. In the vast firelight, something seemed to be happening to the huge forms of birds and beasts. Change.

Jiang Ran quietly opened the Purple Jade Demonic Eyes and observed the changes between Chi Ling, Jin Mie Ancient Tree Stump and Yan Xin Earth Fire.

At this time, Mo Sheng suddenly jumped onto the tree stump, pacing gracefully, circling around Chi Ling curiously, staring closely at the fire beast who also possessed this powerful flame power.

After about half an hour, Mushahe couldn't stand the temperature on the Black Stone Volcano, so Jiang Ran asked Yun Subaru to take him down. But here, the fire on Chi Ling finally dissipated.

In the misty smoke, a handsome, half-naked man with a pair of slanting phoenix eyes appeared on the tree stump.

It was Chi Ling. He opened his eyes and looked at his white hands curiously. Excitement flashed across his face, "Hey~"

However, maybe because he had just arrived at the Consciousness Sea Realm, he was not proficient in the art of transformation. Soon, he transformed back into a wind-feathered beast with magnificent wings.

"唳——" It made a long chirping sound, and its proud and happy sound echoed throughout the Black Stone Barren Mountain.

Mo Sheng plucked Chi Ling's feathers with his claws and said, "Ouch." Give me a bite of your fire.

Chi Ling was chirping happily at this time. He lowered his head and saw the little wolf. Seeing that the other person was a spiritual beast that was his master's friend, he was not angry at all. He generously waved a ball of flame to Mo Sheng with his wings - what was dramatic was that , under the fire of the Phoenix Feather Beast and the fire of the Yanxin Earth, Mo Sheng also made a small advancement.

At present, Mo Sheng is already at the second level of spirit refining.

Feng Chi hugged Chi Ling and happily separated its feathers. After being warm to one person and one beast for a while, Feng Chi raised his head and gratefully said to Jiang Ran, "Jiang Ran, you are really our lucky star. Following you, there are indeed many blessings." Eat meat.”

Jiang Ran and Qi Yu also followed them and jumped onto the ancient tree stump.

Hearing what Feng Chi said, he replied, "I don't dare to take this seriously. My strength is not as good as yours. If I don't bring you here, I won't be able to handle this secret realm by myself."

But let alone Jiang Ran being unable to handle this secret realm by herself, it would be difficult for any one of them to come here alone.

Jiang Ran looked at Yan Xin's fire, which was as quiet as a flowing spring.

Jiang Ran took out a green glass ball wrapped in pink flames.

This thing is the sacred tree species of the pink charm demon fox clan, the demon fire tree species.

This seed contained the power of a holy fairy. Hu Xiang said at that time that in order to plant the demonic fire, it was best to find a hot place.

At that time, Jiang Ran was still worried about where to find a place where the demon fire tree could grow, but she didn't expect that she would find it so quickly.

"The fire in Yanxin is too hot. I don't know if this seed can withstand it." Jiang Ran was worried, but still threw the seed into the golden lava.

"What are you..." Everyone looked at Jiang Ran throwing a ball down in confusion.

After standing for too long, Jiang Ran chose to sit cross-legged and looked at the movement below, "I am planting trees."

Jiang Ran said, "If the Ancient Jinming Tree can suppress the Yanxin Earth Fire, I think maybe other fire-type spiritual trees can too. But if the Ancient Jinming Tree is a god-level spiritual tree, then the seeds I cast are only at the Saint-level level. , in principle, it is impossible to suppress the Fierce Flame Earth Line, but who would let the roots of the Ancient Ember Tree help suppress it..."

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