As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 529 Capture, Fire Joan Demonic Whale

Bai Long let out a violent dragon roar, opened his eyelids, and revealed a pair of dark blue vertical pupils full of violence and violence in the sea water. He saw the sea water surging, and the powerful and intoxicating electric current seemed to engulf everything around him. Tear the roll into pieces!

"Well..." Jiang Ran was not on guard against Bai Mei. She was caught off guard and was swept in by the blow. Her body was squeezed and painful by the violent seawater. What was even more frightening was that her skin and muscles were squeezed by the seawater. The current tear was very serious!

The stinging sensation came, and Jiang Ran couldn't help but let out a muffled groan. The black flesh in her mouth was loosened and spit out. Jiang Ran choked on the sea water, but quickly reacted and held her breath. , I felt a fishy smell coming from my mouth. I struggled to open my eyes in the disturbed water flow, and saw a trace of blood dyeing the blue sea water red.

Jiang Ran didn't bother to check her injuries and quickly took out a new ball of black flesh and stuffed it into her mouth. She saw Bai Mei roaring and then her eyelids started to twitch again, shaking her head and trying to fall asleep again.

Jiang Ran was really convinced, and at the same time she also guessed that there might be something wrong with Bai Mei, otherwise she wouldn't be so lethargic.

After all, this little dragon had never been so angry when getting out of bed before.

Ignoring the pain of muscle tearing, Jiang Ranfei continued to approach Bai Mei and pulled Bai Mei's upper and lower eyelids apart with his hands.

Bai Mei shook her head angrily. She finally woke up a little. Her dilated pupils focused. After seeing clearly who was disturbing her sleep, the dark blue haze in her eyes faded away, replaced by a cute and friendly light blue. He rubbed his head over and acted coquettishly with Jiang Ran like before, "Master, you finally came to me. I'm so sleepy."

While talking, Xiaolong couldn't help but yawn.

In the flowing sea water, a clear and clear voice of a young man came, like jade stones striking each other, sweet to the ear.

Jiang Ran was slightly startled.

Bai Mei, can you speak now?

Jiang Ran took two steps back and took a closer look at the little dragon, only to see that the other party's spiritual energy was so powerful that it had actually entered the Sea of ​​Consciousness Realm!

Jiang Ran knew that the Cang Yue Tyrannosaurus was a true dragon, and it was easier to cultivate than any living thing. Some monsters with powerful bloodlines were even born with a certain level of cultivation.

In other words, the limit you reach is just the starting point for others.

But Jiang Ran was a little surprised that Bai Mei reached the Consciousness Sea realm in two years.

However, Jiang Ran thought to herself that if the Chaos Red Phoenix Scripture had not suppressed her cultivation to a certain extent, perhaps with the nourishment of various delicacies from the mountains and seas, spiritual fruits, and secret realms, she would have almost reached the Sea of ​​Consciousness realm, and she felt that it was useless. It is a common thing to break through to the sea of ​​consciousness state.

The Sea of ​​Consciousness Realm is already an unreachable existence for many mortals, but for cultivators, this road has only been less than half of the journey. The subsequent Alchemy Heaven Realm and Mortal Transformation Realm... are getting closer and closer. The more you practice, it may take you two years to go from the Mysterious Bone Realm to the Consciousness Sea Realm, but it may take five, ten or even a lifetime to go from the Consciousness Sea Realm to the Alchemy Heaven Realm.

Jiang Ran came back to her senses, only to see Bai Mei looking at her, and suddenly became panicked and angry. He opened his mouth and sprayed out fierce dragon breath. Xiaolong said in a boyish voice, "Master, master, why?" You're bleeding, who the bastard hurt you like this, I'm going to kill it!!"

Seeing Bai Mei's panic and immediately looking for a fight, Jiang Ran lazily opened her eyelids and looked at Bai Mei helplessly:...

Is Jiang Ran helpless and pampering her? In his eyes, Bai Mei seemed to realize and recall something. He immediately blamed himself and resented it, and the boy said with a milky voice, "Yes, I'm sorry, I, I will help the master lick it, and it won't hurt anymore..." …”

As he spoke, Bai Mei opened his big mouth and "ate" half of Jiang Ran's body in one bite - Bai Mei obviously forgot that his body shape was different from before.

Jiang Ran hated that she couldn't speak in the water, so she held Bai Mei's mouth with her hands, freed her head from its bloody mouth, and pulled Bai Mei into the spiritual space to go back.

At this moment, the Huo Qiong Demonic Whale behind him let out a long groan of pain. Bai Mei looked around and saw Qi Yu inserting a gun into Huo Qiong's back. He was not merciful at all, just like the gods and Buddhas who killed the demons. The tip of the spear pierced with thunder and continued to stab at the Huo Qiong Demonic Beast - "Roar - no!" Bai Mei shouted, his long tail swayed, and the tide surged, lifting Qi Yu several meters away.

Bai Mei stood in front of the Huo Qiong Demon Whale and looked at Qi Yu with wary eyes.

Qi Yu retreated along the current and looked at this scene with confusion. He didn't know why Jiang Ran's dragon blocked him.

Bai Mei said to Qi Yu, "Ho-no, it didn't hurt me, it even helped me, don't kill it."

There was blood flowing from the body of the Huo Qiong Demon Whale. The Huo Qiong Demon Whale groaned in pain, shrunk its huge body and hid behind Bai Mei in aggrieved manner.

Seeing it like this, Bai Mei, who got some benefits from this big fish, was not the kind of ungrateful beast, so he stood in front of it resolutely.

Qi Yu looked at Jiang Ran and Jiang Ran, indicating that she would be the one to decide this matter.

Jiang Ran glanced at Feng Chi, who was about two hundred meters away from them.

He obviously also saw the Fire Joan Demonic Whale. Although he couldn't see his eyes, he seemed to be able to feel his enthusiasm.

So Jiang Ran thought to herself that although the Huo Qiong Demonic Whale did not harm Bai Mei, it loaded the Henghai into the whirlpool. If they had not been well prepared, they would have lost several black armors in the process of entering the Xiangling Secret Realm. The soldier's life is gone.

In short, let's teach this little fish a lesson first. If it agrees to sign a contract with Feng Chi, everyone will be happy. If it doesn't want to, then we can only bully it and let it go.

With this "reason", Jiang Ran took out a vine bundle talisman - this is one of the talismans refined by Qi Yu. As its name suggests, it can release a large number of vines to bind the target.

The Huo Qiong Demonic Whale was frightened, and circles of vines surrounded its body.

It originally wanted to burn the vines with flames, but Bai Mei came up to the little fire whale and said, "Hoho, don't worry. Although the master sent people to beat you and tied you with vines, my master is a good man." , she has her own reasons for doing so."

"Hmm..." After hearing this, the little fire whale really stopped struggling.

Jiang Ran held the vine with one hand and went upstream with Qi Yu Baimei.

The Huo Qiong Demonic Whale also cooperated, and under the guidance of Jiang Ran, he swam up aggrievedly.

Passing by Feng Chi, his eyes widened. He came over to touch the Huo Qiong Demon Whale very excitedly, but was glared at by the big fish.

Feng Chi angrily touched his nose and swam up.

When everyone came out of the water, saw the endless sea level, and breathed in the fresh air, they relaxed their hearts. (End of chapter)

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