Under the gazes of several people, Jiang Ran slightly hooked her index finger inward, and a palm-sized gem floated over as if it was being pulled by the wind.

Jiang Ran held this gem in her hand. Her skin color was very white, and the palm of her hand had a clean and hazy feeling under the touch of orange-gold gem.

A just right warmth is conveyed in the palm of the hand. The texture of these gems is like jade, but they have the warmth of warm stones.

Maybe this gem can nourish people, especially those who are cold.

Jiang Ran felt the value of this gem, and her interest arose spontaneously. Her eyes finally moved from the gem to Zhou Bao's face, "What is the name of this gem?"

Zhou Bao looked a little embarrassed, "I don't understand the words of the people in the desert. I only know that the people in the desert are very passionate. I have piled these together to give to you, the county master, but I don't know what these gems should be called... …”

Jiang Ran did not embarrass Zhou Bao, but asked Mu Xiali, who was watching their conversation in a daze, in Desert dialect.

Mu Xiali's eyes lit up, and she took out a pendant hanging with a thick string from her proud chest.

The pendant was simply sharpened twice to make the shape of a leaf, but it was still beautiful enough.

Muxiali said, "We in Stone Village have no other good things to give to Chief Daran. These are sun stones we dug out from the deep soil. They are very beautiful. Women in the village use them to make ornaments."

Jiang Ran rubbed the sun stone with her hand and nodded slightly, thinking that the people in the desert were not that stupid, and they would use things to please others and seek a better life.

Natural gemstones are generally valuable, but it mainly depends on the rarity, beauty and quality of the gem itself.

There are many spiritual stones in this world that Jiang Ran doesn't understand, and she doesn't know much about the value of these gems. But from the perspective of her previous life, these sun stones have nothing to do with them in terms of color or purity. Picky place.

There is no shortage of treasures in the sea, and Jiang Ran is surrounded by monsters like Bai Mei and Yaobao who are good at finding treasure mines. Treasures within a few miles of Suyuan Sea can be found.

At present, the treasures that Yaobao and Bai Mei have found from the sea that can be used as jewelry include luminous pearls, mud unicorn pearls, various corals, clams, etc., and Jiang Ran has a bunch of them in his empty ring.

Jiang Ran had originally planned to open a gem and jewelry store, and the appearance of Sunstone only intensified her idea.

But whether it will work or not depends on the reaction of the market. This world is a little different from Jiang Ran's previous life. Most of the products on the market still appear based on the needs of monks, such as various medicinal pills, magic tools and spiritual stones.

Sunstone is not like some spiritual stones that can help improve monks' cultivation. Its rarity is unknown. Its characteristics are that it looks good and may be able to warm and nourish the human body.

Jiang Ran collected these sun stones, not taking anything from the desert people for nothing, but giving some Jin Yuan Lingjing to help them find a place to land as soon as possible in Suling.

But the biggest problem for the desert people now is not money... but the language barrier.

Jiang Ran summoned Lin Sha and asked him to settle Mu Xia Li and others, then asked Zhou Bao and others to retreat first, and called Li Fusheng.

"My lord, what are your orders?"

Jiang Ran allocated some funds to Li Fusheng, pointed to the basket of sunstones, and said, "Uncle Li, help me set up a shop in the county and select some skilled silversmiths and jewelers. I want to open a jewelery shop." Shop." Li Fusheng looked at the beautiful sun stone in surprise and thought for a moment, "County Master, can people from outside the county be recruited?"

Jiang Ran was a little confused, "A person from other counties?"

"County Lord, you don't know that since Xinheng Town became an open city, in the past two years, people can make some money by doing any business. The per capita salary of ordinary people in our county is higher than that of people outside." Several silver coins, plus the manpower in our county is relatively tight, so many stores recruit laborers from other counties to work."

Li Fusheng said, "County Master, if silversmiths from outside the territory come to your door, should I hire them?"

Suling County's economic development was faster than expected. Jiang Ran tapped her cheek with her finger in various ways, "If their craftsmanship is really superb, you can hire one or two. Just find out their identities, don't do it." We have to let spies from out of town sneak in."

"Yes, I will pay attention."

Hiring outsiders to do work is risky, and there have been incidents of outsiders causing trouble in the county before.

Because they are not citizens of Suling County, these people who come to Xinheng Town to cause trouble are often difficult to deal with, and may cause trouble in several territories.

However, Jiang Ran himself is relatively tough. He will immediately arrest those who cause trouble and imprison him. He will lay out the evidence and ask the prisoner to sign a confession. He will ask the other party's territorial government for instructions, but will not let him go easily unless the other party uses property to redeem him. people.

The starting price of the ransom is ten gold yuan. The specific amount depends on whether the crime committed by the person is big or small. Anyway, since opening a trade port, Suling County has made nearly 20,000 gold yuan from the ransom - this is a huge sum of money. .

Of course, the ransom is expensive, and not all sinners will be redeemed.

If there is no one to redeem the sinner, and if he commits an unpardonable crime such as murder, he will be executed directly. If he only commits petty theft, he will be forced to do tailoring, farming, carpentry and other work in the cell.

The hardworking ones were fed, while the lazy ones were beaten and starved until their sentence was over.

It must be said that such actions have reduced the number of people who come to Suling County to commit crimes.

Of course, this move caused dissatisfaction in other territories, and there were many threatening voices, but why should Jiang Ran be afraid? There are three people in the Consciousness Sea realm under her - He Lao woman, Bai Mei and Yaobao. Including those strangers, Xuan There are as many as thirteen Bone Realm monks. It is hard to imagine that such a powerful force can be gathered in a county-level territory.

If it weren't for the fact that these powerful men had just surrendered and the territory was still in ruins, it would be easy to lose people's hearts by starting a war all at once, and Jiang Ran would have the intention to stay a while longer.

Thinking of the criminals, Jiang Ran suddenly asked, "Steward Li, Qiu Qing's family was still worried that the cells in the county were too small to hold too many criminals, right?"

Regarding the political affairs in the county, Li Fusheng, who has been following Jiang Ran, still knows a thing or two, "It is indeed true. Mr. Qiu asked you for instructions on choosing a site to build a new prison, but there are not many places suitable for building a prison in the county, so It’s not being built yet.”

It is better for the prison to be built in a sparsely populated suburb. There is still a lot of vacant land in Suling County. However, in general, the land area of ​​Suling County is less than 30,000 square kilometers, and one-third of it is mountainous. .

Flat land is precious, and Jiang Ran plans to turn it into urban streets or farmland.

However, the workload of building a prison on a mountainous area like Haohang Mountain is very heavy, and there are wild beasts on the mountain, which is very dangerous. (End of chapter)

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