As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 549 My Domineering Lady

After ordering a table of appetizing dishes, Yunrong was full of praise, especially the plate of steamed tofu, which made the Yunrong purr like a cat.

"This tofu is delicious, juicy and tender, and there are many things I have never eaten before. No wonder Mao Zaizai has been clamoring to come to your place just two days after returning to the Shenmu Realm."

What's in your mouth is the fresh and tender tofu that is fragrant and melts in your mouth. Crab meat, shrimp and other ingredients are added to the tofu to make the dish taste even more delicious.

"It's really delicious. I've never heard of tofu or anything like that in Qingsong County before. I really can't imagine that there is such delicious food in this world." Yu Sanniang sighed sincerely.

She had traveled to other counties and territories with some chambers of commerce, but ultimately chose to stay in Suling. Perhaps food was part of the reason.

Hearing this, Jiang Ran chuckled.

Not to mention Qingsong County, she had not seen any trace of tofu in Mingxiao, where she already had quite a lot of food.

In fact, before the arrival of Chen Mao's family, there was no such thing as tofu in Suling.

It was Chen Mao who brought soybeans and soy products to Suling County.

Chen Mao was a man of great wisdom. As a foreigner, he settled in Nanzhu Village, Suling Town, and opened a small restaurant. He made tofu and stole the business of many restaurants.

It's hard to be a good person. Being poor makes people laugh, and being rich makes people greedy.

At first, he was unfamiliar with the place, and when he was worried about the thieves, there was no one to help him. Fortunately, Chen Mao was also a generous person. When others asked, he would simply charge a small tuition fee and teach the neighbors how to make tofu.

He is not afraid of teaching his apprentices to starve to death. Whether the tofu is delicious or not depends on each craftsmanship. Moreover, the Chen Mao family who brought the soybeans to Suling County is the largest soybean seller.

Moreover, Chen Mao was grateful to Jiang Ran because he knew that the other party had given his son many recipes that he had never heard of.

Although Jiang Ran had the intention of opening Yulongxuan and letting Chen Mo be the chef, she was not allowed to spread the recipes casually.

Looking at this bowl of steamed tofu, Jiang Ran thought to herself, Chen Mao's family gained a reputation first by teaching them how to make tofu - because he didn't teach others how to make tofu, Jiang Ran would think about it one day. The tofu dish is spread out.


After finishing dinner at Jiuhe Food, Jiang Ran thought that Li Fusheng must have returned from purchasing seafood from Nanzhu Village, so they planned to go back.

But when I went back, I didn’t go back along the way I came. I took a slight detour.

There was a smell of wheat in the air, and in front of me was a shop selling snacks. On the plaque were the three words "Jiaojinju", and the representative product inside was chocolate.

The reason Jiang Ran came here was because of this store, because this store was also her property, and she had to keep half of the profits from the store. As for her partner, she was Qiu Bashui's wife, Miao Fengli.

Jiang Ran had the vision of her previous life and had eaten countless delicacies.

As the lord of Suling, who was quite poor in all kinds of supplies, she had the heart to bring these things over.

After Miao Fenglian's chocolates caught Jiang Ran's eye, she partnered with Miao Fenglian to open a pastry shop in the town.

However, Gaojinju is still Miao Fengli's shop in name. She manages it herself, and Jiang Ran only takes half of the profits - because Jiang Ran will teach Miao Fengli how to make some Chinese and Western snacks.

Miao Fenglian took over the pastry recipe and wanted to train a group of excellent pastry chefs for Jiang Ran.

Miao Fenglian was not worried that after teaching apprentices, these apprentices would set up their own sect to steal her business.

First of all, her apprentices are specially selected and have signed an agreement. Without the county master's summons, within ten years, they cannot open another food shop, nor can they go to restaurants, restaurants and other catering shops. At work, if you want to continue to develop your skills, you can only stay and work in Jiaojinju.

Secondly, Miao Fengli herself was not very ambitious. She thought it was good to live such a leisurely life by just being able to keep her home and make snacks. She never thought that her home would blossom everywhere in Suling. Of course, if the county lord is in need, as a minister, he can only do his best.

At the moment, people are coming and going in Gaojinju. The store's business has always been good. According to the account books Miao Fengli handed over to Jiang Ran, the average daily sales volume can reach 73 gold yuan, and the monthly sales volume is more than 2,000 gold dollars. After deducting various store costs, the net The profit was also seven to eight hundred gold dollars.

The catering industry has always been very profitable, especially with Jiang Ran behind Gaojinju and being the first to eat crabs.

After encountering the first wave of onlookers on Fanhua Street, Jiang Ran and his party of five kept a relatively low profile.

Especially Yun Rong, who has white hair and blue eyes, and Jiang Ran, who is prone to causing commotion, both wear curtain hats.

Although it was relatively conspicuous, and some people even knew their identities, they were clearly not willing to be disturbed by their appearance. After all, someone would not take two steps before someone came forward to salute.

A wave of guests happened to have left just before Jiang Ran and the others. Now that the sun was setting, after entering the Gaojin Residence, the space was relatively spacious.

The first thing you see when you enter the Jiaojin Dessert Shop is the mahogany table counter. Sitting on the counter is a young man whose face looks a bit familiar to Jiang Ran.

This young man was holding a book in his hand and reading it with gusto. He didn't even look up when someone passed by, which made people curious about what book he was reading that could make him so entranced.

Jiang Ran was no exception. She glanced at the cover of the book and saw a few big words: My domineering queen.

? ?

The title of this book is vulgar and direct. Jiang Ran can almost guess the content by reading the title.

Culture is a reflection of economics and politics. Only when people are well fed can they have the leisure and elegance to think about other things.

Jiang Ran has no objection to such leisurely novels. Instead, she feels that Suling County has indeed prospered since she took office.

After all, three years ago, there was no novel like "My Domineering Lady" that appeared in the county.

Jiang Ran smiled silently and did not disturb the young man's reading, focusing on the shop.

The furnishings of Gaojinju are neat and elegant, with many wooden shelves for placing various pastries.

The wooden shelf has three sides, and the wooden shelf is placed on both sides and the door opposite the wall.

Maybe business is very good today. Many varieties of pastries on the wooden shelves have been sold out.

There were two waiters in the hall who were entertaining guests. When they saw Jiang Ran coming in, they quickly stepped forward to greet her.

When the waiter saw Jiang Ran wearing a hat and gauze, and there were guards with knives on her left and right, she suspected that it was the gentleman from the county. "Sir, what do you want to buy? You can choose any of the pastries on the cupboard."

Jiang Ran looked around and saw that Miao Fenglian was not there, so she asked, "Miao Fenglian isn't there?"

Looking for shopkeeper Miao?

The waiter was slightly startled, "Yes, shopkeeper Miao has traveled far away and is not in Gaojinju now."

This is really unlucky.

Just as Jiang Ran was thinking this, the boy who was reading suddenly reacted to the words "Shopkeeper Miao" and raised his head from the sea of ​​books, "Who are you and what are you doing to my mother?"


Raising her eyebrows slightly, Jiang Ran looked back. The young man reading the book had his eyebrows raised and his head tilted with curiosity on his face, as if he was trying hard to see her face clearly through the curtain.

No wonder this young man looked familiar. He turned out to be the son of Qiu Baishui and Miao Fengli.

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