As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 556 Wine Gourd

This wine gourd has a very ordinary shape and comes in several colors: cinnabar, apricot, green orange, turquoise, dark blue, linen brown, black, and white, a total of eight colors.

The reason why we make wine gourds in so many colors is because there are many types of bamboo mash monkey wine.

A stream that looks like water and wine flows from top to bottom, winding around the sound of gourds. The word "Nanke" is elegantly and stylishly engraved on the upper belly, and a vivid little monkey is painted on the lower belly.

The wine gourd is indeed beautifully made and has the feeling of "flowing wine".

As for the lid of the wine gourd, the craftsmen also made it very carefully, retaining the original vines of the willow gourd, but using a special method to process the vines, and then winding them into an upright and stylish "福" .

Anyway, Jiang Ran couldn't find any problems.

The 10,000 gourds were quickly unloaded. After quality inspection, except for a dozen wine gourds that were damaged during transportation, the others were all in good condition.

When all the wine gourds were received by Jiang Ran into the space ring, Hu Jingxuan suddenly said, "County Lord, in order to thank you for your kindness, the people of Chaoyang Town want to give you something."

Under Jiang Ran's confused gaze, Hu Jingxuan asked someone to carefully lift something out of the carriage.

"What's inside?" Seeing that Chaoyang Town was still covering the things to be presented to the county leader with red cloth, someone looked at it expectantly.

Hu Jingxuan carefully opened the red cloth, and inside was a huge gourd as tall as a man.

"There is such a big gourd?" Jiang Ran was slightly surprised by such a big gourd. Seeing that there were some carvings and paintings on it, she walked gently around the huge gourd and measured it. .

A woman wearing a mask and holding an ink sword is carved on the huge gourd.

The woman has an outstanding figure. Under the mask is a pair of thin black eyes that look down at the creatures below. There is a wolf at her feet. She is breathing clouds and mist around her, taking on a lengthy shape like a dragon. At the bottom of the clouds and mist is a wolf. A tail with scales, and behind the woman, there is a pair of blue eyes looking over in the void.

"Is it me who's on the gourd?" Jiang Ran asked with raised eyebrows.

"Yes." Hu Jingxuan lowered her eyebrows and said, "I and other mortals can't describe the heroic appearance of the county master, but it is the heart of the people of Chaoyang Town. There are shortcomings in the gourd painting, please forgive me."

She added, "The gourd craftsman who painted Mr. Bai Mei has never seen Mr. Bai Mei with his own eyes. He just listened to other people's descriptions in the county and painted randomly. Please forgive me."

Jiang Ran smiled slightly. This woman really knew how to talk. She was already very happy to receive such a delicate and huge gourd. But these two sentences by Hu Jingxuan are so complimentary that they make people feel elated.

"The gourd craftsmen in Chaoyang Town are very skilled in painting. What else am I dissatisfied with?" Jiang Ran expressed her satisfaction and said to Li Fusheng, "General Manager, move this big gourd to my study."

It can be seen that Jiang Ran is still narcissistic. I have never read this before, and I still have to put it in the study to read every day.

"Yes." Li Fusheng praised it with a smile on his face, "This sculpture and painting is really exquisite and worthy of being placed in your study."

The things presented by Chaoyang Town made the county lord like it, and Hu Jingxuan was very happy. Even the figure who finally left in the carriage looked very relaxed.

Tian Guang thought to himself that Hu Jingxuan seemed upright and disdainful of flattery, but she did the same thing when trying to flatter the county boss.

When he came back to his senses, he wiped his sweat and ran over and said, "County Master, the goods you ordered from various stores have been delivered to Liushang Pavilion. Table wood, bowls, cups, curtains, etc., I will take every kind of goods." Several samples have come, can you take a look?"

Of course, if you have money, you bring your own family to make it. Jiang Ran tries his best to use things from his own county for the tables and chairs in Qushui Tower, Yulongxuan, and Nanke Tavern. Of course, the style cannot be lost. If the things from each house cannot satisfy Jiang Ran If she doesn't need it, she won't be able to use it.

After looking at the samples Tian Guang brought and pointing out a few problems, Jiang Ran returned to the study.

At this time, Wu Yun, who was summoned, was already waiting.

Wu Yun was a little confused as to why Jiang Ran came to him. Jiang Ran raised her eyes and said, "There are currently many refugees in Suling County. Do you know about this?"

Wu Yun felt a knot in his heart, thinking that since the county master asked, there must be something wrong here, "Yes, I have heard something."

"You have no intention of taking any measures, or don't you see the problem?"

Jiang Ran asked such a direct and sharp question. Thinking that he was slightly lower than Lin Sha, Qiu Baishui and others in the political performance evaluation, Wu Yun understood something at this time, "I, I..."

Seeing Wu Yun's reaction, Jiang Ran was a little disappointed.

Indeed, Wu Yun sat in his position, which can be regarded as dedicated and dedicated, with a lot of hard work.

Every time Jiang Ran assigned a task, he completed it well and was very loyal.

But that's it.

If Jiang Ran is a king who is successful and only needs success, then she will like this kind of minister who has no thoughts and works hard without complaining.

But the problem is that Suling is in a period of aggressive development and things are changing rapidly. Jiang Ran needs a "head of the household" who is quick-thinking and able to make good decisions.

Wu Yun is very good, but if he doesn't wake up, he may not be able to keep up with the changes in Suling.

"When there are more refugees, there will be more troubles in the city. How many criminals does Xinheng Yamen arrest every day? You only regard it as the problem and work of the Criminal Department, but the source of the accident lies in the improper management of Li Mei, the head of Xinheng Pavilion, and you, the head of the household department Wu Yun is too slow!"

Although Jiang Ran was indifferent, this was the first time she had directly become angry with an official.

Wu Yun's face suddenly turned pale.

However, after a while, Jiang Ran softened her voice again. There was no problem with Wu Yun's style. This diligent and hard-working minister of the Ministry of Household Affairs was still very popular with her.

"You have to work hard to make a charter on this matter. Don't be timid in everything. What if you have the courage to accept these refugees who have fled to Suling? Suling is short of people. As for those who are not willing to submit to me. Su Ling stayed in our county for a long time and caused trouble again..."

Jiang Ran's eyes were slightly cold, "Catch Xiangling or kill him."

Wu Yun's body trembled.

After a while, Wu Yun was worried, "Most of those refugees came here illegally. If we act so recklessly, will the owners of other territories..."

Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows and said arrogantly, "What evidence do they have to prove that these people were smuggled from their territory."

Among these territories, only Suling has a relatively strict household registration system. Those refugees who have been registered as Suling will be claimed by forces from other places in the future. What can they do if Jiang Ran does not release them.

"Count how much food is left in the granary, how much open space is left, and how many refugees can be accommodated. Go ahead."

Jiang Ran waved her hand to Wu Yun.


The way the county lord lost his temper with him just now was really terrible, but the county lord was still willing to give him a chance, which made Wu Yun a little grateful.

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