As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 559 This woman is so strong

Chapter 559 This woman is so strong

"If possible, it would be best to open a store at the junction of the central city and the lower city." Jiang Ran said to Li Tianliang, "The rent in the central city is not low. The products sold by the Shuxu Chamber of Commerce are mainly seafood, but there are also products like red wine. There are also a lot of spiritual goods like scale fish, and Mingxiao City does not allow the trading of spiritual goods in the lower city, so we can only do the next best thing and rent a store in the tunnel at the junction of the central city and the lower city."

With the store, Shuxu Chamber of Commerce will operate faster, and Li Tianliang and the others do not have to be busy with purchasing and shipping goods throughout the day.

Although they have to pay a certain amount of taxes to Mingxiao City after renting a house and opening a store, Mingxiao City will also protect their small store.

In fact, Jiang Ran wanted to open a shop in Qushui Building for Shuxu Chamber of Commerce at first, but the styles of the two obviously didn't match, and Shuxu Chamber of Commerce's main customers were not in Zhongshu Heng Alley.

Moreover, Yulongxuan alone has not been completed yet, and there is no time to think about anything else at this time.

As a businessman who often travels around Mingxiao, he can't help but pay attention to the shops that are vacant for rent or sale. Li Tianliang actually has several favorite stores in his heart. He was overjoyed to receive a positive reply from the county owner and smiled. He nodded and said, "The county master is thoughtful, then I will go find a suitable store."

After chatting for a while, the official inspection was completed, and everyone took the teleportation array to Mingxiao City.

Jiang Ran has a building in Bian Ting, called the Moon Exploration Pavilion. It is not a gorgeous building, but it only covers ten pieces of land she owns here, about one hundred square meters.

Several windows were shining with light, and the room was bright. There was a small cubicle. In the cubicle were two officials wearing blue official uniforms, and several soldiers in armor stationed beside the door. , they were all sent to Mingxiao to guard the Moon Exploration Pavilion.

"No matter how many times I sit in the teleportation array, I still feel it is very magical every time. Such a long distance can be reached in the blink of an eye." Li Tianliang sighed.

Because the teleportation array has weight restrictions, the Shuxu Chamber of Commerce only sent five people to use the teleportation array, but in Mingxiao City, carriages and horses were arranged to support them.

Mengmiao Mask transformed into a black half-face mask. Jiang Ran put the mask on her face, and then walked out of the moon exploration pavilion with Chen Mao and others. When the top of her head was exposed to the sun, Jiang Ran immediately noticed that there were people coming from all directions. Sight.

"It's them again, a bunch of poor fish sellers, making the place in Duanding stink. They are quite punctual every day."

The discussion coming from the side was not concealed at all, and every word in the words was full of contempt and disdain. Jiang Ran glanced at it and saw that the leader was a young man in his twenties or early thirties, standing under the Yuquan Pavilion, wearing a full He was dressed in glorious brocade, wearing gold and silver, and a spiritual weapon. He looked like a human being, but he had a pair of squinting eyes and a very arrogant expression, which aroused disgust.

At this time, there were people who were complicit in the same trend, and some of them responded to this person's words:

"I don't know where I got the teleportation array from, and I got two pieces of land by currying favor with the people in Bi Duanting, which made all the forces in Mingxiao stunned. But when I asked about it, I found out that it was a county. Level place, extremely ridiculous.”

Every inch of land in Duanting is valuable, and just this small piece of land is worth millions of spiritual crystals.

Most of the people who come in and out of Biduanting are well-known people, but a group of "hillbillies" with a fishy smell have mixed into Biduanting. This group of self-proclaimed people feel that these people who come out of the Moon Exploration Pavilion are all carrying... Smelling fishy, ​​which lowered his worth.

They were very dissatisfied.

"It is said that their county owner is very beautiful. Hehe, you know, I am afraid that unfair means were used to acquire these pieces of land and the teleportation array..."

Li Tianliang and others have already heard the bad things these people say about them. Businessmen just have to be thick-skinned, and it doesn't matter if they are spoken twice about. Originally, I thought these people were farting, but today these people went more and more outrageous, and they even dared to talk about their county boss!

Suling people regard their ancestors and kings as the most powerful, and they speak ill of their county leader in front of their faces, just like someone digs up their ancestors' graves and molests them in front of them, and even spits on them.

No one with a bloody heart can stand this!

Li Tianliang and others' faces turned red and they were furious, "Sir, don't listen, these people are talking without restraint, you just think they like to spit shit!"

Li Tianliang's voice was neither high nor low. The man in the attire was a monk with sharp ears and eyes. Moreover, Jiang Ran and his party were still the focus of everyone's attention. Naturally, the man in the attire heard Li Tianliang's words. He didn't expect that these country bumpkins would talk back, and his eyebrows suddenly raised. He jumped, pulled out the White Wolf Sword from his waist with a "clop" sound, and walked over with a sinister look on his face, "Country bumpkin, say what you just said again!!"

Li Tianliang was just a small businessman, and he knew that there were many people outside Suling that he could not afford to offend. This man in fine clothes seemed to have a lot of skills, and his attitude really frightened Li Tianliang.

But if you input, you will not lose the formation. If you lose the formation, you will see bad consequences. The county lord is here, and he has not stopped himself from "speaking arrogantly" before, but this person pointed at his nose and asked, and he subconsciously wanted to retaliate.

However, Li Tianliang still took a look at the face of the county leader - unfortunately half of it was blocked by the mask, so he couldn't see his specific thoughts.

Jiang Ran felt Li Tianliang's gaze and glanced sideways slightly. His dark eyes were calm, his demeanor was calm, and he was at ease.

Li Tianliang suddenly felt that there was a stick behind him, and he couldn't bend even if he wanted to!

He raised his eyes and looked directly at the man in rich clothes, and said, "I have never seen such a request, but if you must listen, I don't mind repeating it again. Listen to me. I just said: 'Some people speak without restraint. Like to spit shit out of your mouth!'."

The man in the rich uniform never thought that Li Tianliang really had the courage. When the people around him saw the conflict between the two parties, they stopped and whispered, and pointed in this direction from time to time.

"Hey, isn't that the seventh son of Yuquan, Zhou Kan? Why are you quarreling with others again?"

"But those people are so stubborn that they dare to directly accuse Zhou Kan of spewing feces from his mouth..."

"Quietly, that Zhou Dandy heard it, and you and I will be in trouble."


The whispers reached Zhou Kan's ears, and he looked ugly. When he saw Li Tianliang, a country bumpkin, looking at him with an air of dignity, his mind became hot, and he waved the sword in his hand and waved at Li Tianliang!

Li Tianliang watched helplessly as the sword shadow flashed, but his body was unable to react and froze in place.


At this moment, a crisp sound sounded. Li Tianliang felt that Zhou Kan's sword had not fallen on him. When he came back to his senses, he saw Jiang Ran's index finger and middle finger together, gently pointing at the wolf-shaped magic sword. Zhou Kan's eyes widened in shock, feeling that the hand wielding the White Wolf Sword could no longer advance an inch further!

This woman is so strong!


(End of this chapter)

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