As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 563 Another member joins the team

The craftsmen and workers behind also saluted in a learned manner, but compared to Wang Qian's boldness, the others were more respectful, "Hello, boss/Hello, Lord County Lord!"

In order to complete the Qushui Building as soon as possible, almost two hundred workers were busy working in Hengdi every day.

About fifty of them are strong workers brought by Jiang Ran from Suling County, and the rest are highly skilled craftsmen invited by Jiang Ran from Mingxiao. Some of the workers are relatives related to Hong Yuan. Friends, in the end are the group of craftsmen who have been following Wang Qian.

At present, there are only three, four, five and five floors of Qushui Building left that have not yet been renovated. The workload is not that big and it is not that urgent. Therefore, some workers who are not so neat and skilled in work have been dismissed. But there are still fifty or sixty people.

Jiang Ran can still hear the construction sounds coming from the third and fourth floors.

Jiang Ran looked at the sky. The sun was shining high. It was noon. "I'm still busy at this time. I haven't had lunch yet."

Speaking of eating, the worker who had been busy all afternoon touched his belly.

Really hungry!

"What's your name?" Jiang Ran greeted a young and strong young man and asked.

"The villain Hong Er was introduced by brother Hong Yuan."

Jiang Ran nodded, took out more than a thousand spiritual crystals and handed them over, "Invite a few brothers to go and ask the people above to rest for a while, count the number of people, and go to the restaurant to buy some delicious food. If you still have the money, If there’s any leftover, you can divide it.”

If we didn't go to a top restaurant like Tianyun, one thousand spiritual crystals would be enough for more than fifty people to eat and drink in the central city.

"Yes, yes! Thank you sir, you are so generous!" The young man who received the money showed a surprised expression.

With this money, you can buy some Huoliao pork for your brothers to try.

This is spiritual flesh! He lived into his thirties and forties without eating a few times.

And the adults said that the remaining money can be divided among the brothers.

Of course, he would not dare to deprive everyone of their food. He would choose the best food among a thousand spiritual foods, and only dare to share the remaining dozens or hundreds of pure crystals with his brothers.

But there is always money to be made. Thinking of this, Hong Er thought that Brother Hong Yuan was so loyal that he introduced such a good job to his brothers.


Jiang Ran entered the Qushui Building. The interior decoration on the second floor of the Qushui Building was also very well decorated. The first thing to enter was the front lobby, which was very wide. The two pillars on the left and right were carved with two scales and claws dancing, and the two whiskers were flying, as if they were about to soar into the air. It looks like a white dragon. The pillar is about fifteen meters high.

On the ceiling, a bird's nest-shaped ceiling hangs a spherical crystal chandelier in the shape of "big beads and small beads falling on a jade plate" - this large chandelier was made by Bai Lifei using hundreds of modified Liuyun lamps. Although the crystal chandelier only has one lighting function, it is already a land-level magical instrument.

Painting, tiling... everything has been done on the second floor, and the bathroom has been cleaned very well, but there is nothing inside and it looks a bit empty.

"What do you think? Is there anything that needs to be changed?" Chen Mao asked.

Jiang Ran walked around the two floors, including toilets, stairs and other places. She knew that this was the best that Chen Mao and others could do, and from her perspective, there was nothing wrong with it. .

"I have brought tables, chairs, screens and other items. You have people place them here as soon as possible. If you think there is anything missing here, you can make a list and I will send someone to buy it." Jiang Ran said.

Chen Mao and Wang Qian were relieved. The former smiled relaxedly and said, "Okay, County Master, you can rest assured that everything will be done within these two days."

Hong Er bought the food, and Jiang Ran and the others simply ate some. Jiang Ran put out a round mahogany dining table, and the three of them ate and chatted on the table.

"Wang Qian, come and help me." At the dinner table, Jiang Ran took a sip of green wine and said to Wang Qian, "The treatment is good." Wang Qian was first recommended to Jiang Ran by Feng Chi. She is somewhat famous, and she participated in the design of Yuchi Linghuo Store. Jiang Ran had seen the house designed by Wang Qian as the main architect before. Her imagination was unconstrained and unique, and it was eye-catching but also attractive. Beautiful and elegant.

So I found Wang Qian.

Talents like Wang Qian were needed in Suling County, so Jiang Ran asked her to work under her without any hesitation.

Wang Qian was stunned for a moment, then narrowed his eyes and nodded with a smile, "Okay, County Master Jiang, if you want me, then I will definitely go."

"You agreed so readily? You should know what I mean, right?" Jiang Ran raised her eyebrows, a little surprised.

Jiang Ran wanted her to join Suling County and become her subordinate.

Wang Qian said seriously, "I know!"

It seems that Wang Qian agreed casually, but in fact it was carefully considered.

She has an extraordinary talent for design. In this world where cultivators are highly valued, as a mortal with no strength and no background, no matter how outstanding she is, she will be despised and suppressed at a young age.

It is common for her to be underpaid or even given less salary. In the end, it is because she has no backer.

"And our Lord Chen is working with you, so I will go too." Wang Qian smiled and glanced at Chen Mao, who lowered his head in embarrassment.

Jiang Ran glanced at Chen Mao and Wang Qian respectively and understood.

"County Lord, can I bring some of my brothers and sisters to join you?" Wang Qian said.

From her perspective, moving to Suling County was the right thing to do.

With the teleportation array here and joining Suling County, she can still find work in Mingxiao City, and it is definitely easier to buy a residence in Suling County than in Mingxiao.

With such a good thing, of course she would fight for it for her friends.

"Okay." Jiang Ran was thirsty for talents at this time, and there was no way she could refuse Wang Qian's proposal.


Hengdi was far away from Yuanshui Jiang Mansion in Lower City, and it would take almost half a day by carriage, so Jiang Ran did not return to Yuanshui Jiang Mansion.

After watching Qushui Tower, Jiang Ran used the sound transmission conch to contact Chen Mo, who was studying in Mingxiao City, and asked him to put down what he was doing and wait for her at Qushui Tower tomorrow.

As for herself, she went to some of the more famous markets and exchanges in Mingxiao to wander around.

Jiang Ran was looking for the seeds of the Yanyan Flower. Xiangling Secret Realm would rely on this spiritual flower to get rich in the future, but she went to several markets in a row and couldn't find it.

There was still Fengling Street left to go. Jiang Ran thought that since she hadn't found the seeds of Yanyan Flower in Fengling Street, she could only go to the Spiritual Hospital or send someone to inquire around.

When we finally arrived at Fengling Street, it was already dusk. The setting sun was setting, the dusk clouds were hanging, and the flames were burning up the sky. There was a red flame in the extreme west. When the red flames burned out, they turned from red to purple, and the purple gradually turned into the night sky. color.

At night, the number of pedestrians on Fengli Street did not decrease, but increased.

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