As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 568 Red Fox Fur

Chapter 568 Red Fox Fur

Old Liu was beginning to doubt himself, "I am a monk in the spirit-gathering realm after all, and a gold-type monk who is good at breaking armor. In the end, I used all my strength, and as a result, this mortal-level leather-cloth armor had a small tear!"

"...How about I get one too?"

After the laborious experiments of the old monk and Old Liu, Jiang Ran's stall was given a good advertisement.

After the old monk and Old Liu sold two pieces of ice armor and left with satisfaction, many buyers suddenly came in, all of whom wanted the ice armor.

However, Jiang Ran came to this stall with the sudden idea, and the ice armor actually sells well in the Tianchen County area. When the goods are available, he goes there first, so the ice armor in his hand is not available at all. A few.

This makes the people who cannot buy it very regretful. Perhaps because Jiang Ran looks young, they feel easy to bully. Some radical people even shouted dissatisfiedly, "Didn't you say that what you have in your hands is from the source? Why do you only do it?" I don’t care about these pieces of ice armor, you can find a way to get me one more.”

"What are you arguing about? If you say no, you won't." Jiang Ran glanced coldly at the man who was so excited that he wanted to set up shop.

There was a very low temperature in Jiang Ran's eyes. When her thick, beautiful and long eyebrows were furrowed, her face looked a bit sharp, which made people feel timid.

The man who wanted to cause trouble was also a bully. He was stabbed by Jiang Ran's appearance, and he retreated with his neck shrinking, not daring to make any mistakes, "Yes, I'm sorry..."


Although there are only a few people who are as radical as this, there are also many people who hope that Jiang Ran can use more ice armor.

Jiang Ran could only suppress the enthusiasm of these people by saying that he would sell it to them next time he had ice armor, and the news would be posted in Baicao Hall.

Perhaps it was the Sky Ring and the Ice Armor that made the onlookers feel that Jiang Ran's products were very good in terms of price and quality. Some of the other products on the stall thought they were suitable and bought some.

However, few people bought the blood-leather paper that Jiang Ran paid special attention to.

Firstly, this is because there are relatively few magic talisman masters. Secondly, even if the blood leather talisman can expand the power of the talisman, the guests who asked about the situation immediately backed down when they heard that the blood leather paper was unstable and the failure rate of engraving the talisman was high. wanted.

Although they were not sold, Jiang Ran gave some away to those who bought them.

Eventually, there were fewer and fewer things on the stall.

'If I wear this outfit made of fox fur, I will definitely be the most eye-catching one in the college competition. The woman in red felt the red fox fur and hesitated for a long time. Seeing that Jiang Ran was about to close the stall, she finally made up her mind and asked for the price. However, as soon as she opened her mouth, someone said first, "Boss, how many do you have here?" This piece of monster fur is very beautiful. It should be the fur of a monster with a high level of cultivation. The dissection technique is also very good. How can I sell this red fox fur?"

Jiang Ran glanced at it and said without thinking, "Five million spiritual crystals."

"It's so expensive!" As soon as the quotation came out, many people present were surprised.

The price of 500 million spiritual crystals is indeed not low. In fact, red fox fur of this quality is not only beautiful, but if given to a capable weapon refiner, it will definitely produce a heaven-level low-grade magical garment.

So there is definitely no shortage of people to take it.

The reason why everyone reacted so loudly was that the price of the things Jiang Ran sold before was too low, and the lucky buyers were a little bit unbearable when he suddenly got a deal. The woman in red was also slightly distracted. She knew it was not cheap, but five million spiritual crystals was still shocking. It was enough to take out her own pants.

"Consciousness Sea Realm, to be precise, it is the fur of a fire fox spirit fox in the Seventh Level Consciousness Sea Realm. You should have an idea of ​​whether it is expensive or not." Jiang Ran said without changing her expression, "Get out of the way of the onlookers, be careful..."

As he spoke, a ball of extremely high temperature fire suddenly lit up in the palm of Jiang Ran's hand. Even though Jiang Ran had warned him, some of the onlookers were a little slow in reacting. Their expressions changed greatly due to the heat, and they continued to push. Within a few steps, some pedestrians passing by for no reason were even knocked into other people's stalls——

Naturally, there was another burst of chaotic yelling and cursing, but the next moment, attention was drawn again, and the smoke dispersed silently.

Everyone saw that the stall owner with an outstanding figure very ungently threw the hot flame in the palm of his hand into the fire fox's fur, and there was a muffled explosion with a "bang", raising a slight dust.

The red-clothed woman's eyes were about to burst. She thought that the stall owner was so aggressive and that this ball of fire was so powerful. What if he just smashed it down and burned the fox fur?

But the gray smoke gradually dispersed, and the red fox fur was shining brightly. The woman in red scratched her eyes, but she saw that the fox fur was intact!

"That's right, I was stupid too." The woman in red was almost speechless to herself, "The fur of the Sea of ​​​​Consciousness Realm monster still has some defense... It's because the fox fur is so beautiful that it messed up my thinking."

"I'm very interested in this fox fur." ​​Suddenly, a deep voice came from behind the crowd, and an elegant man with a long beard came over, "I heard that there are people buying and selling high-end furs here, so I came here specially. have a look."

The woman in red immediately became anxious when she saw someone. Her head was confused and she immediately jumped and said, "I want this fox fur."

The elegant man looked at the woman in red and smiled, "It turns out to be He Zhiqi who is ranked number 21 on the Mingxiao Monastery's Heavenly Ranking. But this fox fur should be the one I took my fancy first."

He Zhiqi was not surprised that this person knew her identity. She snorted and said, "You just said you were interested, but you didn't directly say you wanted it."

"But do you have the spirit crystals to pay for these five million spirit crystals?" The elegant man said calmly, "Speaking of which, even if you are the twenty-first on the Mingxiao Monastery's Heavenly Ranking, it doesn't matter. You can't afford five million spirit crystals." Jing just can’t get it out.”

"Mo Yufeng, stop looking down on me. You are so arrogant towards me, and it's not because I humbly rank you down on the ranking list." He Zhiqi really disliked this man's behavior. She was so angry that she put her finger on With a swipe of his left finger, he took out four red source crystals and a red and one white box from the storage ring.

"Boss, these are four low-level source crystals, worth four million spiritual crystals. The red box contains spiritual crystals, and the white box contains pure crystals. The total should be five million spiritual crystals!"

Jiang Ran silently took the four source crystals and checked them, confirming that there were no problems.

The large number of spiritual crystals and pure crystals in the box made Jiang Ran feel very inconvenient at this time, not as convenient as paper money - speaking of it, Jiang Ran had never seen the existence of paper money in this world.

"Can't you give me five low-level source crystals? It's a bit troublesome to count."

"It's not that she doesn't want to give five low-level Source Crystals, it's just that she doesn't have a fifth Source Crystal at all."

Under He Zhiqi's somewhat shy and angry look, Mo Yufeng shook his head and saw that the red fox fur had been cut off, and turned to look at the other high-end furs on the stall...

(End of this chapter)

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