Chapter 575 Feng Bo

Unexpectedly, Qi Yu came over very quickly, and Jiang Ran waited for less than a quarter of an hour.

"Aren't you at Lingfeng?" Jiang Ran saw him coming in from outside the school.

"Yes." Qi Yu's voice came from under the black metal mask, with a man's sexy charm, "I came here from Yunyang District."

"Yunyang District?" Jiang Ran was a little surprised. Although she was not familiar with Ming Xiao, she also knew that Yunyang District was a long way away from here. But looking at Qi Yu's clothes, he was running away just now. Came here?

"Where do we go now?"

Just like Jiang Ran, she has several houses where she lives regularly, and she doesn't know which "home" Qi Yu is talking about.

"You come with me."

Qi Yu took Jiang Ran to Moyuan Palace where he always lived.

Of course, it is impossible to climb up the mountain on foot. Climbing up Yunze Lingfeng is not something that can be done with just two feet.

Mingxiao Academy is too large, so there is a post station in the courtyard. There are spirit beasts in the post station. Qi Yu has a galloping goose at the Anbiyuan Station.

Before Qi Yu entered the Consciousness Sea Realm, he rode up there on the Gale Wind Goose.

"It must cost a lot of money to raise this guy every year." Jiang Ran stepped forward and touched the black and blue feathers of the Gale Wind Goose. It was very large, with its wings spread out to about ten meters.

Jiang Ran herself also raises magical beasts, such as wild green horses, water elemental turtles, etc. It costs a lot of money just to eat them. If any of the magical beasts get sick, it will be even more troublesome.

Qi Yu just said it was okay.

The two of them rode wild geese and flew towards Lingfeng, with the breeze blowing in their ears. Jiang Ran sometimes looked down at the earth and found that there were many creatures living in the huge dense forest of Lingshan. The Lingfeng of Mingxiao Academy was indeed more spiritual than other places. It's much richer, and even the pheasants are fatter than those in other places.

The aura content in Suling County is very poor compared to here.

The beautiful place is full of outstanding people. It would be great if there were hidden spiritual veins under the ground of Suling.

Jiang Ran smiled, this idea was a bit like a dream.

Although there are indeed examples of deep spiritual veins being dug out of barren lands, the chances of digging out spiritual veins are too small.

Now, we are getting closer to our destination.

There are few houses visible on Yunze Peak, and except for a few spiritual farmers who are farming at the foot of the mountain and taking care of the demon spirits, there are almost no other people.


The speed of Gale Wind Goose was very fast, and after a while, it stopped at a magnificent building. The two people got off Dayan. At this time, someone in Moyuan Palace seemed to have heard the movement and hurriedly came out to greet him.

"Master, you are back." The man who came was nearly seven feet tall and thin. He was wearing a black robe embroidered with green patterns. He looked like he was only thirty or forty years old, but there was something very strange in his brown eyes. A strong sense of turbidity and vicissitudes of life.

Jiang Ran's intuition and perception were very strong. Although the man had no fluctuations in cultivation like ordinary people, as he got closer, an unspeakable sense of threat came over him.

Jiang Ran lowered her head and saw that the red sword mark on the inside of her right wrist was slightly hot.

Chi Yuanjian actually felt a strong sense of excitement and war.

Jiang Ran held the red mark with her left hand, thinking that the man named Qi Yu's family master was definitely not low in cultivation. Jiang Ran could feel that this man might be stronger than Qi Yu, and he was also a master of swordsmanship.

"A'ran, this is Uncle Feng, who brought me up since I was a child. Uncle Feng, this is Jiang Ran, my savior and my friend." "Uncle Feng, excuse me." Jiang Ran bowed her hand to Uncle Feng. , neither humble nor arrogant, and said, "I can't talk about my savior. If you were not here, Qi Yu, and I was alone, maybe I would have been buried in the secret realm of Nanguan."

"You are Miss Jiang who saved our family head!" Uncle Feng's eyes widened slightly.

Qi Yu would not tell his family when he was in danger outside, but Feng Chi knew about it that time in Nanguan City. Through Feng Chi's mouth, everyone who needed to know knew about it.

It was at that time that Feng Bo learned that a person named "Ran" had saved the young head of their family, but later he didn't know how this "Ran" became "Ran" and was a woman.

It's better to be a woman.

Uncle Feng squinted his eyes and looked at Jiang Ran quietly twice.

This doll is so beautiful, so beautiful! Even better looking than their little master.

Uncle Feng was very enthusiastic and quickly invited Jiang Ran in, "Master, I will catch some Fengshan chickens later..."

Before he finished speaking, Uncle Feng suddenly patted his head in annoyance, "...I forgot, Mother Yu has something to go back to today, and there is no one in the kitchen!"

Because Qi Yu hadn't been in Lingfeng for the past two days, something happened at Chef Yu's house, so he went back.

Uncle Feng complained in his heart that the young master was ignorant and brought the girl home, why didn't he tell her in advance.

Uncle Feng was a little too enthusiastic, which made Jiang Ran feel uncomfortable.

Qi Yu's forehead throbbed with veins and his head hurt a little, "Uncle Feng, please go back first. The thunder cloud grass at the foot of the mountain is about to be harvested. Can you not keep an eye on it?"

Feng Bo thought to himself that this boy wanted to get away from him.

The corners of his eyes and brows twitched, and Uncle Feng smiled.

"Yes, the spiritual field is indeed very busy these days." Uncle Feng muttered, "But this year's harvest seems not as good as last year. Maybe there is something wrong with the demon spirit's body. No, I have to go to the spiritual courtyard to catch it. Two demon spiritual masters came to take a look."

Uncle Feng smiled apologetically at Jiang Ran, "Miss Jiang, I'm sorry for the poor reception. I have to go to Lingtian first."

Jiang Ran: "You can go ahead and do your work, I won't bother you."

Before Feng Bo left, he forced Gale Fengyan into the greenhouse where the monsters lived.

It became much quieter after Uncle Feng left. Qi Yu greeted Jiang Ran and walked towards Mo Yuan Hall.

Moyuan Hall has both a romantic and solemn temperament. The high-ceilinged foyer, grand door, round arch windows and corner stone masonry all show elegance and elegance.

"Usually there are only me, Uncle Feng and Chef Yu in Mo Yuan Hall." Qi Yu seemed to know that Jiang Ran was a little strange about why the huge Mo Yuan Hall was so empty that no one could be seen.

Qi Yu did not take Jiang Ran to the living room, but went straight to his training room.

The training room is very big. In fact, it is composed of several rooms. Some rooms are equipped with training array devices with special functions, and some rooms are hung with various weapons and magic weapons. Qi Yu only uses guns, but knowing himself and his enemy will lead to a hundred battles. Yum, he will also dabble in other weapons.

Jiang Ran knew at a glance that these training rooms might be the places where Qi Yu stayed the longest. There was a bathing area, slightly messy books that had been flipped for a long time, various formations that she couldn't understand, a bed in the room, and the air was filled with the pleasant smell of Qi Yu's body...

Qi met Jiang Ran and was looking at the training room. He saw that the room was a bit messy, especially in the corner of the bathing room. There was a basket with clothes that he had not taken out to wash. A flash of red suddenly hit his face.

Please give me a monthly pass. If you have a rich Mimi in your hand, please give me a reward and give me an extra meal. (●C●)

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