As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 579 Governance Plan

Chapter 579 Governance Plan

When Jiang Ran came back, there was no sound. All the slaves in the Jiang Mansion had fallen into a deep sleep. Only the Yu Lin Guards on duty patrolled the huge Jiang Mansion.

Jiang Ran was still unable to sleep for a while. The moon was as cold as water, flowing on the white walls and green tiles, stopping on the carved window sill. Jiang Ran looked at the stars, thinking that the stars in the plain were indeed not as big as the ones on the top of Lingfeng.

Walking to the study room, he flicked his fingertips, and a stream of spiritual energy poured into the Liuyun lamp on the ceiling. The white lamp was generated by induction, flickered twice, and emitted bright light.

The patrolling Yulin Guard was also very vigilant. He immediately went to investigate outside the study room and saw Jiang Ran's figure from a distance. He knelt down quietly on one knee and saluted. After Jiang Ran waved away, he slowly walked away again. Retired.

After not returning to Suling for a few days, there were indeed a lot more notes on the desk.

Jiang Ran flipped through it casually and saw the management method of Xiangling Secret Realm that Gao Zhan and Liu Wenyan had appealed.

With interest aroused, Jiang Ran sat down in front of the desk. Although she felt in her heart that Gao Zhan, with his cultivation, was more suitable for the Xiangling Secret Realm, she also wanted to see their opinions.

There are almost 100,000 people in Suling County now. Among the 100,000 people, there are always one or two smart people who can pass the county selection and are among the top three in the literary test. The opinions they put forward are at least understandable.

To be honest, either of these two is qualified to be the deputy village chief of Shicun.

Moreover, the two have some similarities in their management of Xiangling Secret Realm, but Liu Wenyan's is more utilitarian.

For example, both of them proposed to open the Xiangling secret realm. Liu Wenyan said: "Anyone who is not a native of the desert or a soldier who is ordered to be stationed in Xiangling, those who enter the secret realm must hold Suling's household registration and hand over a certain amount of money before they can enter. It takes seven days. As a result, anyone who stays in the secret realm for more than seven days must return from the secret realm and pay a fine.”

Moreover, she also proposed development for Yan Xin Earth Fire, "We should make good use of Yan Xin Earth Fire's active fire element to make profit and attract fire element monks to practice."

She may have referred to Jiang Ran's management method of Nanguan Secret Realm.

If you want to enter the secret realm of Nanguan, you must first hand over the ten spirit crystals before you can stay in the secret realm for seven days. There is no charge for the first level of monsters. Warriors or monks can fight with the transformed monsters at will, but they have to go to the second and third levels. The first and even fourth floors are extra.

Indeed, in the past two years, Suling County has relied on the Nanguan Secret Realm to mobilize the talents in the county and made a lot of money.

People like He Lao woman and Zhou Bao are still not short of money. Whenever they have free time, they will spend time in the secret realm of Nanguan to improve their strength.

There are also quite a few people who use their points to exchange for the opportunity to enter the floor, so they are willing to join the mercenary union to do tasks and be dispatched by Jiang Ran.

In the past year, Jiang Ran relied on the Nanguan Secret Realm and the points system to pay off the remuneration of the spiritual painter Zhu Indigo and the staff who managed the secret realm. Excluding the portion allocated to the territory, Jiang Ran still had one left in his hands. Thousands of spiritual crystals.

Perhaps as the number of monks in the territory increases, the income from Nanguan Secret Realm will be greater.

"I've thought about it a lot. I should have visited the Xiangling Secret Realm personally to investigate."

After all, Jiang Ran had never mentioned planting rock flowers and breeding sand wolves to others, and Sun Yaoxu, Gao Litang and others who knew about it were still in Xiangling Secret Realm.

Jiang Ran pointed her finger at the table and compared the strategy books of Gao Zhan and Liu Wenyan. In the end, she chose Gao Zhan's.

"The Xiangling Secret Realm and the Nanguan Secret Realm are different..." Although the Xiangling Secret Realm has a harsh environment, certain plants and animals can grow there, and there are also desert people.

But there is no such thing as the Southern Crown Secret Realm.

The two have similar management strategies for Xiangling Secret Realm, but the biggest difference is that Liu Wenyan regards Xiangling Secret Realm as a business district like a "playground", but Gao Zhan regards Xiangling Secret Realm as a "sleeping place". "Ling place" was regarded as a piece of county land in Suling County. There is also the issue of entering and exiting Xiangling Secret Realm. Liu Wenyan said that there is a fee to enter the secret realm, but Gao Zhan said that as long as he is a citizen of Suling, he can enter Xiangling Realm at will with his household registration certificate.

Indeed, not charging customs fees may cause the territory to lose some income, but this will greatly promote the exchanges between Xiangling and other places in Suling...

What moved Jiang Ran was Gao Zhan's last sentence: "If Zhan holds his position, he will travel between deserted villages and deserted fields, personally giving money and food without deducting a penny. I will be strict with those who serve with me." Put more control over it. If Zhan and those who follow the officials are fond of leisure but hate hard work, seek profit but forget justice, avoid resentment and avoid resentment, I am willing to be punished and abandon my cultivation..."


At dawn, Li Fusheng got up.

Although the county leader is not here, daily court meetings will still take place. Officials will gather to discuss important events in the county and present folding papers. Manager Li and his attendants will collect these sealed folding papers and place them in the county. In the master's study.

Today, Li Fusheng found the county master's residence as usual. He was overjoyed when he saw that the door to the county master's bedroom was closed, and the maid Peng Lan, who was responsible for taking care of Jiang Ran's daily life, was already waiting outside the door with toiletries.

"The county master is back." Li Fusheng's face was filled with joy, and he lowered his voice and asked Peng Lan, "Is breakfast ready in the kitchen? Why hasn't it been served yet?"

Penglan nodded slightly, "It's done. The county master said that he would go to the dining room to eat."

The breakfast was relatively light, consisting of a bowl of white corn porridge with shrimp and meat, two plates of red crystal wheat dumplings, and a bowl of thick and warm powdered milk.

After Jiang Ran had breakfast, she went to sit in the auditorium. When she saw a familiar figure under the curtain of the main seat, the officials breathed a sigh of relief.

Yang Guiying took a step forward and said, "The top twenty in the Suhong student selection competition have been selected. This is the list of students. Please take a look at the county chief."

The trial ended just yesterday, and Jiang Ran originally wanted to see it on the last day.

She looked at the list and found that the people she was following were all on the list.

"Ask Suhong Academy to give these children a two-month holiday, and then they will train with me. At this time, ask these students to come to my residence to find me."

He actually trained with the county leader in person!

Yang Guiying's eyes widened.

The county lord's cultivation level is a mystery, but occasionally when he sees the county lord take action, he knows that the adult's cultivation level is not bad. These children are really lucky to be able to follow the county lord.

Yang Guiying was not a monk, so his reaction was not that big, while Lin Sha and others had already felt sour.

There was nothing major going on at the meeting. Jiang Ran finally announced that Gao Zhan would take office as deputy village chief of Shicun.

Gao Zhan smiled and knelt down on one knee, "Thanks to the Lord's love, Zhan will definitely live up to the Lord's trust."

Liu Wenyan was slightly startled, her face unable to conceal her disappointment.

Wu Yun and Chen Mao's eyes lit up, and their eyes were fixed on Liu Wenyan.

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