As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 595 Exaggerated turnover

Chapter 595 Exaggerated turnover

The average land rent here in the central city is about 45 spiritual crystals per square meter, and Hengxiang is undoubtedly the hub of the central city, otherwise Zhou Yixiao, Mr. Wang and others would not have rushed to find Jiang Ran.

The land rent at Baicaotang near Hengxiang is 50 spiritual crystals per square meter, so when Jiang Ran gave Zhou Yixiao spiritual crystals per square meter, she was surprised by the price.

Qushui Building is in such a good location, and the building is so gorgeous and unique. It can be said that as long as Qushui Building does not mess around and ruin its reputation, there should be no shortage of people to rent the shops here.

If it were to be replaced by Yuquan Tower, outsiders would have to be charged 100 spiritual crystals per square meter per month.

Jiang Ran said, "For the friends who trust me in Qushui Tower, I will always do something convenient. After all, if you come later, you won't be able to get the price."

Zhou Yixiao did not refuse such a good offer. She felt that she owed Jiang Ran and Feng Chi a big favor. She pinched her skirt secretly and thanked her sheepishly, "Thank you, thank you, Lord Jiang."

The two signed a lease contract. Zhou Yixiao was also a wealthy owner. He actually signed a two-year contract for a 2,700-square-meter shop. The two-year lease cost more than three million spiritual crystals.

However, the rent is paid every three months, and the fourth floor has not yet opened, so Zhou Yixiao only paid the rent of 10,000 spirit crystals now.

Qi Yu and Feng Chi's Yuchi Linghuo store are similar.


The moon was as cold as water at night, flowing over the glazed tiles. The Mingxiao sky was quieter at night, but Nanke Tavern was still lively.

There are more drunk people. Once a person is drunk, certain emotions in his heart will be amplified, and some disorderly drunkards are inevitable.

Fortunately, Jiang Ran had expected it. When he asked Qi Yu for help, he considered safety issues and transferred many monks with good martial arts from the Qi family.

After viewing the real estate, Qi Yu and others were about to return home, and Jiang Ran handed Feng Chi the Niqi pearl jewelry he had ordered.

Feng Chi opened the brocade box, and saw the crystal-clear, dignified, round and colorful Niqi pearls. This beauty made him, a man, amazed, "Natural carvings, this money is worth spending!"

The three low-level source crystals he paid at the beginning were a deposit, and the deposit was based on 20% of the value of the Niqi jewelry. Feng Chi was very satisfied with the jewelry, so he simply paid the remaining balance, also using low-level source crystals. Bill, please.

Feng Chi even felt that this box of pearl jewelry was not enough, and wanted Jiang Ran to sell him some.

He smiled bitterly and said, "These are not enough points. When I take these pearls home, my aunts, aunts, sisters and sisters will fight to their death, and in the end it won't be me who will suffer the most."

But Jiang Ran had no choice, shrugged and said, "You can come back when I open the pearl shop in Qushui Building, otherwise you will buy all the good goods I have at once, and I will have nothing to use as a storefront in the future. ”

Feng Chi sighed, "If you have business, you won't do it... You should start up your place as soon as possible - if you have good things, you must notify your brother as soon as possible, and he will increase your business for you."

There are many women in the Feng family, so they are indeed potential big customers. Jiang Ran patted Feng Chi on the shoulder and handed him some bottles and cans, which amounted to more than a dozen bottles in total.

Feng Chi took the white porcelain bottle doubtfully, opened it and looked at it, and smelled a very light fishy sweetness. The smell was not unpleasant, but it was definitely not unpleasant. "You gave it to Qi Yu just now, right?" , but what’s in the bottle?”

"The rouge gouache newly developed by me in Suling comes from the same source as Niqi Pearl. It is still a semi-finished product. Although the taste is not very good, the effect of wiping the face is definitely better than most whitening powders on the market, and it also has skin nourishing properties. Efficacy. Niqi pearls are no longer available, but Niqi gouache can bring points to my sister.”

Most of the foundations on the market are made of rice flour, and this is definitely the only one that uses the powder from shells as a foundation. Feng Chi's eyes lit up, "Aran is so loyal. I knew you wouldn't just think about that guy Qi Yu."

"..." Does it look like this to outsiders? What Feng Chi said made Jiang Ran ashamed.

Qi Yu and others left Qushui Tower. Jiang Ran touched the twelve round red source crystals and suddenly felt that her family was much richer.

Jiang Ran doesn't like to keep money in her hands, but likes to spend or invest it.

Used to increase one's strength and cultivate one's two contracted spirit beasts, as well as those cute little demon spirits.

The stars in the sky were shining brightly. Jiang Ran thought of Qi Yu's strange reaction today, being more silent than before, and sent a message to him worriedly.

But Qi Yu in the sound transmission stone was very indifferent, no different from before. Jiang Ran was a little confused, but since it was not a big deal, he stopped paying attention.

Slept one night in Qushui Building.

Opening the window, as usual, Jiang Ran breathed in the aura of heaven and earth under the white sky.

When the golden light completely broke through the clouds and fell on the faces of pedestrians, Jiang Ran suspended her morning practice.

An attendant brought warm water. After Jiang Ran washed herself and had breakfast, Liu Wenyan came to report the previous day's profits.

At the moment, Liu Wenyan's face was flushed with excitement. Dozens of boxes of spiritual crystals were brought into the room, filling the room to the brim, almost leaving people with nowhere to go.

Numerous spiritual crystals shone with eye-catching spiritual light. Liu Wenyan held a book and stammered, "County, County Lord, I have never seen so many spiritual crystals. Yesterday we, the guests of Yulongxuan and Nanke Tavern, It’s full, it’s only the first day.”

Liu Wenyan stayed up all night last night, not only to count how many spiritual crystals she had received, but also because she was too excited to sleep.

"As the manager of Qushui Building, you must be calm and steady in everything you do. There are people from the Qi family in Qushui Building, so there is no dignity in speaking stammering." Jiang Ran said a few words to her and waved to her. He motioned for her to bring over the accounting book.

"Yes!" Liu Wenyan, who was criticized, immediately corrected her attitude, suppressed the excited and almost exaggerated expression on her face, and presented the two booklets with both hands.

Naturally, the accounts of Yulongxuan and Nanke Tavern are kept separately.

Yesterday, Nanke Tavern's bill collection was much higher than that of Yulongxuan. Nanke Tavern's sales were 9.46 million, while Yulongxuan's sales were 8.13 million spiritual crystals.

This sales volume is really shocking, and it’s no wonder Liu Wenyan is so excited that she can’t help herself.

However, sales do not represent profits.

The cost of spiritual wine, ingredients, labor, etc. is also very high.

For example, in Nanke Tavern, it is like exchanging the rice wine marmoset for a length of Haiyu bamboo barrel of spiritual wine (the spiritual wine in a bamboo barrel weighs about ten kilograms). Even the lowest-end spiritual wine requires a lot of effort. In exchange for items worth a thousand spiritual crystals.

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