As a lord, I was forced to farm

Chapter 617 Everyone’s Attention

Chapter 617 Everyone’s Attention

"Damn it, you bastard, you hit me." The sturdy man got up from the ground angrily, and pulled out the broad knife with a distorted face.

"I'm sorry, you blocked the way of my spirit beast." If they collided directly, Mo Sheng and her would be at a low moral level, but if the big man didn't stand firm and collided with Mo Sheng, that would be a different matter.

Besides, this person was the one who caused trouble first.

Jiang Ran walked up to the big man, glanced slightly, and saw a few familiar faces in the big man's team. They seemed to be the participating disciples who wanted her to protect them.

But she refused because she didn't have enough silver.

Judging from the frustrated looks of several people, it must be that they failed to pass the organ competition in the end.

So there are traces of this tough guy's attitude.

It's ridiculous.

How could the burly man not know that Jiang Ran deliberately ordered the spiritual beast to hit him, and he wished he could kill both the man and the beast with a knife.

However, Mingxiao's law enforcement guards are watching eagerly from the side. As the leader, if he causes trouble here, he may be directly excluded from the competition!

The adult world needs to weigh the pros and cons, and this matter was settled in the end.

"Sir, dear little heroes, are you injured? I have brought meals from Qushui Tower, and they are still warm. Do you want to eat now?"

It's a pity that he can't participate. He is already over 18 years old. Besides, he is still a cute monster without an owner. It will scare people to death if he randomly participates in the competition.


"I remember those faces. If I see them on the field, I will definitely beat them up."

But it was so beautiful in my heart.

The feather guards and attendants outside the stadium have been waiting for a long time. Even Yun Subaru, who was huddled in Qushui Tower eating delicious food, came out to watch the game today.

Su Hong's students didn't dare to be called little heroes. In fact, it was only thanks to the county master that he passed the competition so smoothly.


Lian Xiang carefully handed over a few soaked cotton cloths to Jiang Ran and others to wipe their faces and bodies.

At this time, the attendants came up with water, food and medicine boxes.

Because there was a long distance between the outer city and the central city, she arrived a day after the power competition began.

At the moment, Lian Xiang's eyes were bright. She had just seen Jiang Ran's invincible and heroic posture from the sky. As an innocent and kind leader, it was hard not to feel happy to have such a powerful lord.

Afterwards, Meng Xiaozhao felt a little guilty and moved the county boss to vent his anger on him.

Li Fusheng was not here, and Lian Xiang was the chief of the servants here. After Jiang Ran brought Su Hong and the young men to Mingxiao City, she came to Qushui Tower from Yuanshui Jiang Mansion overnight.

Jiang Ran said to the teenagers, "It seems that our Su Hong is too conspicuous in the organization competition and has aroused some people's resentment. On days when there are no competitions, you should stay in Qushui Building and don't wander around."

Yun Subaru's handsome face and refined temperament attracted everyone's attention. When he saw Jiang Ran, he showed a bright smile, as innocent as a boy, "The game just now was so exciting~~"

"I'm a little hungry." Jiang Ran wiped her hands with cotton cloth, and then pointed to the tired and excited Su Hong teenagers behind her, "But let's heal their injuries first."

In fact, Mo Sheng's green flame could heal them, but Jiang Ran didn't do that.

Green fire is the unique blood power of Candle Prison Wolf. Now she is very eye-catching, but the situation is still within her control, but if she goes too far, she doesn't know what will happen. "Where's my brother? How are Brother Jian, Sister Qingqing, and Brother Tu Shi?" Hu Yi looked around, but didn't see Hu Lian and others, and felt a little anxious.

"Little Brother Hu, don't worry. We just saw the figures of Brother Hu Lian, Brother Li Qinqing and others on the sky screen. They must have passed the organ competition." Lian Xiang raised his eyebrows and smiled gently. Suddenly Looking at the whirlpool door of the mechanism, he said in surprise, "Hey, look, is that Brother Hu Lian..."

Although Jiang Ran knew that the strength of these young men was at the top among all the rookie disciples, there were so many variables in the tournament that it was not easy for Hu Lian to advance smoothly.

Soon, Li Qinqing and others also came from the government city

"You are so awesome, you actually passed the level by yourself." The teenagers gathered around Hu Lian and others, admiring them sincerely.

"Does this count as all of us advancing?" Someone reacted, and then felt a little incredible.

"Everyone who passes the organization competition will get five points. Twenty-one people will get 105 points if they pass. Including the group competition, our Suhong Academy has now accumulated a total of 126 points."

The teenagers also want Suhong Academy to reach the top fifty.

"I really want to watch the finals."

"We can do it." The speaker couldn't help but focus on Hu Lian, Li Qinqing, and Jian Bai.

Apart from the County Lord, if anyone else can stand in the finals, it will undoubtedly be among these people.

"If it doesn't work this year, we will definitely be on the final stage next year."

The biggest advantage of Su Hong's youngsters is that they are still very young, with an average age of fifteen, and basically have two or three chances to step onto the rookie stage.


Compared with the relaxed atmosphere of Suhong Academy, most of the forces are constantly worried.

Like some unknown small forces, there are a total of fifty disciples participating in the rookie competition, but it is considered good if ten disciples pass the group competition, and after the organization competition, it is already good if two or three disciples pass the competition. It's a huge happy event, but it's just normal if no disciples are promoted.

After coming out of the government city, Jiang Ran and others did not leave immediately, but waited for about an hour.

An hour later, the promoted list came out.

There are only 988 disciples who have passed through the city.

There were 20,000 disciples participating in the rookie competition at the beginning, 10,000 were eliminated in the group battle, and more than 9,000 disciples were directly eliminated in this organization competition!

This elimination rate is alarmingly high.

If this number is averaged among each force, only four or five disciples from each college or sect can advance to the next round!

However, powerful schools such as Mingxiao College and Mindao College have outstanding talents, and the number of students who will be promoted will definitely be much more than the average.

And in this case, what is the concept of all students from Suhong College passing?

Some people focused their attention on the high-spirited young men of Su Hong, with a hint of hostility.

"Even Gongqing Academy, one of the five major academies, has only twenty-three disciples who advanced in this rookie competition."

"If there were more of them, would there be more people who would advance to this tournament than the five major colleges?"

"Don't worry too much, they seem to have just participated in the Rookie Competition, and there is no one in the weapon refining competition and the alchemy competition."

During the discussion, the schedule rules for the third round were also announced.

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